Games To Improve Memory

We tend to think that memory, the ability to learn, pay attention or concentrate, are skills that we have, in which some people have more facility than others. However, these skills can be improved thanks to Equazen, a food supplement of 100% natural origin, based on Omega-3 and Omega-6, which has been shown to be effective in improving attention, memory, impulsivity, and emotional stability. and the regulation of behavior. His exclusive formula has been scientifically supported to promote intellectual development maintain optimal brain function and prevent cognitive decline.

Likewise, it is worth noting that there are many dynamic games that allow you to develop and stimulate memory. In this PsychologyFor article, we present different games to improve memory simple and fun, so that you can start working on it in a dynamic way.

1. Remember the words

Memory is a cognitive skill that can be worked on through exercises and logic games. Specifically, this exercise serves to improve short term memory<

You must read the words that appear in the box for a minute and then recall the ones you remember. After 10 minutes, and without looking at the words again, repeat the ones you remember, and do the same when 20 minutes have passed.

Games to improve memory - 1. Remember the words

2. Find the figure that has no partner

Another fun game to improve memory is matching pairs of an illustration. In this case, all the drawings that appear in the illustration have a partner, however, one of them does not have one. What is the drawing that does not have a partner? Tell us in comments!

Games to improve memory - 2. Find the figure that has no partner

3. Chained words

A game to improve verbal memory, information retrieval and processing speed is chained words. This game must be played in a group. There must be at least 3 people. The first person must say a word and the next person must look for a word that begins with the same syllable as the last one ended cited word.

For example:

  • Beetle
  • Jot
  • Heels
  • Scarecrow

To add a bit of complexity, words that have already been stated cannot be repeated. To play!

4. Compose a story

This game to improve memory should be played in a group, with a minimum of 3 people and the more they participate, the better. In addition to being an ideal game to exercise your memory, it is very fun.

The person who starts must begin the story by saying any phrase. The second person will have to repeat the same phrase that the previous participant has quoted and add another phrase to continue with the story, and so on.

For example:

  • Participant 1: A little pig was sitting on the couch at home.
  • Participant 2: A little pig was sitting on the couch at home when the wolf called him to have tea.
  • Participant 3: A little pig was sitting on the couch at home when the wolf called him to have tea. However, it was all a trap, because the wolf did not come to have tea
  • Participant 4: A little pig was sitting on the couch at home when the wolf called him to have tea. However, it was all a trap, because the wolf did not come to have tea, he came to meet the little pig’s sister.

Jumpstart your memory by letting your imagination fly!

5. Choose a theme

One of the games to stimulate memory is “choose a topic”, in which at least 3 or 4 participants must participate. In this game to improve memory, the group chooses a topic of their choice, such as “food.”

Once chosen, the people in the group must take turns each to say words that start with the letters of the alphabet related to the topic in question, starting with A or Z, if you want to add complexity.

For example, if the topic chosen by the group is food:

  • Participant 1: avocado (A)
  • Participant 2: eggplant (B)
  • Participant 3: cauliflower (C)

6. Find the value of the letters

In this exercise to improve working memory there are several balls that contain a letter. The objective is to find the numerical value of each letter that appears. If we know that the letter R is worth 2, What is the value of the remaining letters? This game helps improve short-term memory. You can leave your answer in comments.

Games to improve memory - 6. Find the value of the letters

7. Take the Raven Test

Although it is used as a psychometric test to measure the level of intelligence, the Raven test is a great exercise to promote our logic, as well as improve working memory, among other cognitive functions.

This test presents 5 series with geometric compositions, but with one of the figures missing, which must be selected among the different options presented. In short, you must indicate what will the last figure of the series be like?<

Games to improve memory - 7. Take the Raven Test

8. Find the way

Another game that is good for strengthening memory is mazes. Find the way out of a complex labyrinth also stimulates our logical capacity.

Games to improve memory - 8. Find the way

9. The time

In this game to improve working memory, four clocks are presented, of which only one of them shows the exact time. Two of the clocks are slow, one 5 minutes and the other 15, while the third is 10 minutes ahead. Which of them tells the exact time?

  • Clock 1: 9:20
  • Clock 2: 9:15
  • Clock 3: 9:30
  • Clock 4: 9:5

You can respond in the comments.

Advices to improve the memory

If you want to increase your memory, below you will find tips to promote its development:

  • Take Equazen: It is a food supplement with a 100% natural formula, which provides the appropriate proportions of EPA, DHA and GLA, for cognitive development (attention, memory, learning) and to improve ADHD and ASD problems. Equazen is the food that your brain needs to enjoy good health, effortlessly and in all types of formats: capsules, chewables or liquid.
  • Take care of your sleep cycles: Sleep quality affects short-term memory functioning. Therefore, to work and develop memory it is important that you sleep between 7 and 8 hours.
  • Eat a healthy diet: The foods we eat are very important for developing cognitive functions such as memory and concentration. If you want to improve memory, you should include nuts, green vegetables, fruit and oily fish in your diet. Avoid saturated fats, fried foods and red meat.
  • Read books that interest you: Reading will help you improve memory and concentration. Setting aside a moment of your day to read will also help you be more relaxed, which will increase your cognitive abilities.
  • do sports: Another routine that you can integrate into your lifestyle to exercise your memory is to play a sport. Physical exercise helps oxygenate the brain and keeps brain activity linked to memorization active.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Games to improve memory we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.


  • Israel L (1987). Memory training method
  • Tárrega, L., Boada, M., Morera, A., Guitart, M., Domènech, S & Llorente, A. (2004). cReview notebooks: Practical cognitive stimulation exercises for Alzheimer’s patients in the mild phase. Barcelona: Glosa.
  • Yvern, A. (1998) What do we play?

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