What Is The Katz Index, How Is It Evaluated And What Does It Measure?

The onset of illness can affect the ability to carry out daily activities independently, which is valued by society. However, factors such as aging, health problems, and physical difficulties can create obstacles to autonomy. This leads to medical consultations about the possibility of living without dependence on devices or medications. Research in this field seeks solutions. Objectively evaluating health indicators is crucial to providing resources that allow a peaceful life. For this reason, a device has been developed that helps health professionals create specific action plans.

In this PsychologyFor article we will explain What is the Katz index, how is it evaluated and what does it measure?<

What is the Katz index

The Katz index is a clinical instrument which is used for measure the degree of dependency of a person in activities of their daily life. In more concrete terms, it allows us to evaluate the need for additional help for a specific situation.

However, it is necessary to clarify that the Katz index does not have a social perspective that takes into account the places that a person travels, so its use is not designed to evaluate the possibility of having social relationships autonomously. In contrast to this, the purpose of this instrument is to contemplate the physical capabilities of a person for the basic activities that he can perform alone.

In relation to this, in the following article we explain what the Barthel scale is and what it is for.

What is the Katz index for?

The Katz index is implemented in several research settings, although geriatrics and healthcare are the most common. For this reason, its use is applied to elderly people or those who suffer from organic diseases that compromise the functioning of their body extremities.

Below we detail what the Katz index is for:

  • Functional independence evaluation: The application of this instrument provides a general overview of a person’s physical health status. In this way, it is possible to evaluate their capacity for action and resolution.
  • Health status monitoring: Over time, the Katz index can be used to corroborate improvements or deteriorations in the affected person.
  • Care interventions: Through the results of the tests, health professionals can agree on interventions that have the purpose of caring for the person.
  • Search for care needs: Taking as reference the indicators indicated by the Katz index, there are possibilities of implementing resources that meet the needs of each human being.

Katz index classification

This clinical tool has six items that correspond to each of the areas that are evaluated. In this section, we will explain the classification of the Katz index:

  • Feeding: the ability to feed dependently or independently is evaluated.
  • Bathroom: represents the possibility of bathing with or without help.
  • Mobility: involves movements from one place to another, taking as reference the need to use a cane, wheelchair or any support.
  • Toilet use: It is taken into account whether the person can relieve themselves in the toilet with or without the help of a third party.
  • Urinary and fecal continence: Another point that is taken into account lies in sphincter control. In other words, it is evaluated whether the person can urinate and defecate in specific places.
  • Dress: check the ability to put on clothes and shoes independently or with the help of another person.

How the Katz index is evaluated

This clinical resource presents some criteria specific to the examination of people. In this way, scales emerge with scores that are taken into account to make an adequate diagnosis according to the items evaluated. In the next items, we will talk about how the Katz index is evaluated:

  • 0 points: the person has a total inability to carry out the activity without external help.
  • 1 point: there are chances that the person carries out the activity with partial help from a third party. However, assistance is essential.
  • 2 points: the activity can be carried out independently, although with physical difficulties.
  • 3 points: The person does not require any help.

To achieve a comprehensive evaluation in the Katz index, the scores of the six existing items are added. Based on the global analysis, strategies can be implemented to support the person’s autonomy, if necessary.

What is the Katz index, how is it evaluated and what does it measure - How is the Katz index evaluated?

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Agudelo García, E., Ayala Hincapié, ML, Ríos Idárraga, ML (2007). Characterization of mobility in the elderly, according to the Katz index, in the San José de Pereira elderly welfare center. Andina Research Magazine, 18 (11), 69-79.

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