6 Tips To Psychologically Manage Erectile Dysfunction

Tips to psychologically manage Erectile Dysfunction

Although erectile dysfunction is expressed through a specific problem that is relatively easy to detect objectively, many people make the mistake of assuming that it has medical causes. As if it were a broken knee or an inflamed wound. But, normally, it does not have causes that are so simple to observe directly; As occurs in sexual dysfunctions in general, our way of managing our emotions and thoughts explains a good part of what produces this type of affectation.

Therefore, in this article we will address the issue of tips to psychologically manage erectile dysfunction since knowing how to do it implies implementing a series of solutions that, when combined, greatly increase the possibilities of overcoming and leaving this form of discomfort behind.

Types of erectile dysfunction

When talking about sexual dysfunctions or disorders, reference is made to any difficulty or problem that arises during any stage of the sexual act; desire, excitement, orgasm and resolution, that interferes with the person or the couple when it comes to satisfactorily enjoying their sexuality and sexual practice. Among them is erectile dysfunction, being one of the most studied sexual disorders.

Erection is a neurovascular phenomenon with direct hormonal influence Erectile dysfunction has been defined as the persistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient to allow satisfactory sexual performance. Although it is defined as a benign disorder, it affects physical and psychosocial health and, above all, has an important effect on the quality of life of people who suffer from it, including their partners and family members.

It is important to know erectile dysfunction and the influence that our psychology or emotional experiences have on it.

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Until a few years ago, there was talk of erectile dysfunction with a psychological cause in between 75% and 95% of cases Nowadays, it has been shown that in many cases there are also physiological correlates. For this reason, three types of erectile dysfunction have been established:

1. Psychological or psychogenic

In these cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological factors and cannot be explained by medical factors such as diabetes, hypertension or metabolic syndrome, or by the use of addictive substances. Therefore, is related to psychological disorders or symptoms and it can also have the effect of relationship or interpersonal problems.

2. Organic

Organic erectile dysfunction has organic and physiological causes; from neurological to neurovascular alterations or the structure of the penis.

3. Mixed

We speak of mixed erectile dysfunction when there is an organic origin maintained over time by psychological factors, or vice versa.

Etiology of erectile dysfunction

In this article we will focus on psychogenic erectile dysfunction and all the psychological factors associated with this disorder. Some authors suggest that, regardless of the causes of the dysfunction, in any case of erectile dysfunction there are psychological correlates to take into account.

1. Predisposing factors

They are those factors that would facilitate the onset of erectile dysfunction They may be, for example, restrictive or absent education regarding sexuality, childhood trauma related to mistreatment, neglect or sexual abuse, religious or cultural taboos…

2. Precipitating factors

In this case, we talk about factors or situations that cause the direct or precipitated appearance of erectile dysfunction ; They are more specific cases. For example, stressful situations, economic difficulties, unsatisfactory sexual relations, fear of having an unwanted pregnancy or contracting a sexually transmitted disease…

3. Maintaining factors

Any previous factor can become a maintaining factor when its presence extends over time. They are that maintain erectile dysfunction in the long term

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

Speaking of specific causes, here we will review a set of possible causes of psychogenic erectile dysfunction. It is important to know that each case is unique and you cannot use this article as a medical diagnosis; You should go to professionals.

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1. Performance anxiety

Performance anxiety has been considered the triggering factor for loss of erection in many cases, which over time ends up becoming a maintaining factor of it. This anxiety is described as the tension experienced when performing any task under pressure or in which there is external observation. You may often feel the need to impress or fear being the center of attention. This performance anxiety experienced during sexual activity can lead to loss of erection and, over time, fear or anxiety that this will happen again; remaining like this and generating psychogenic erectile dysfunction.

2. Stress

Living in stressful situations unrelated to your sexual life can also be an explanation for psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Some experts suggest that, in times of stress, activity in less essential sections of the brain is decreased, even those that control arousal. Also considered is the appearance of joint distraction due to stress, which complicates the ability to stay focused during sexual relations.

3. Depression

A common symptom of depression is erectile dysfunction. These disorders can appear together or enhance each other, worsening and maintaining them over time.

4. Loss of interest

Another cause of sexual dysfunction may be loss of sexual desire or libido You may be more likely to experience erection problems if you are not as interested in sex, in the same way that you are more likely to lose libido if you have erection problems.

5. Psychosocial problems

In relation to loss of interest, social problems when relating to sexual partners can also generate difficulties in sexual arousal and erection. Thus It is very important to maintain continuous two-way communication with your sexual partner talk about these problems and seek external or therapeutic support.

Keys to psychologically manage erectile dysfunction

These are some general tips that help overcome this sexual dysfunction:

1. Get used to your body

Adopt the routine of looking in front of a mirror without clothes, and not necessarily in sexual contexts. You must be able to observe your nudity without prejudice and from acceptance to combat self-esteem problems linked to psychogenic erectile dysfunction.

2. Do physical exercise regularly

This routine is not only physically healthy; In addition, it will help you get rid of much of the accumulated stress that can predispose you to suffer from erectile dysfunction.

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3. Apply visualization exercises

Visualization, which is an exercise based on vivid imagination, will allow you to replace the use of erotic material in masturbation, and thus Your attention will stop being focused on external stimuli and will be redirected towards your own body and your own mental processes. The main thing is that you connect with your way of living sexuality, and do it on your own terms.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is very useful for keeping anxiety and stress at bay; In addition, it takes the form of many different exercises, and some of them are very simple and short, so you can incorporate them into your daily schedule. The idea is that you get used to living with a general level of less anxiety.

5. Apply the paradoxical intention technique

This strategy consists of, at certain key moments in which you experience sexual arousal, you self-impose the prohibition of having sex in any of its forms. This way you will stop putting pressure on yourself through performance anxiety.

6. Make sex stop focusing on genitality

Don’t pressure yourself to have sex based on intercourse ; It assumes these experiences as something that goes beyond penetration so that stress is not triggered at certain moments.

The importance of seeking professional help

If you think you may be experiencing erectile dysfunction problems, you cannot take this article as a medical diagnosis. It is important that you go to your family doctor to find out if it is really an erectile dysfunction as such, if it is caused by organic or psychological problems or both, and to be able to take the measures and treatments that fit your specific case.

Once the causes of your problem have been clarified, it is time to manage it psychologically, for which it is very useful to attend psychotherapy. In the event that erectile dysfunction is derived from emotional complications, the help of a psychology professional will allow you to overcome this alteration from its roots; and if there are biological causes involved, it will allow you not to fall into a dynamic of self-sabotage and to adequately manage the consequences of that pathology.