6 Tricks To Avoid Procrastination When Preparing For Exams

The exam study period is a long-distance race in which we test our study, memory and concentration abilities, but at times it may be difficult for us to maintain a constant work pace.

Procrastination, that is, The habit of postponing a certain job or task that we must finish is one of the main enemies in the study of competitive examinations but luckily we can use a series of tricks and strategies to avoid it.

    How to avoid procrastination when preparing for oppositions?

    The project of adequately preparing for exams requires people to manage time very well, as well as stress and the ability to concentrate. Therefore, it is important to keep procrastination at bay and not let it ruin a job of several months or even years.

    If you have started studying or are planning to do so to apply for a place in the public system, keep reading. Here I explain The main tricks to avoid procrastination when preparing for exams

    1. Set short-term goals

    Establishing short-term objectives while studying the different topics of the opposition will help us have greater clarity in our work and will offer us a motivating and immediate horizon to reach (and that will not be too abstract or distant).

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    These short-term objectives can be carried out within the same topic or in different sections What can we find in it. For example, setting ourselves the challenge of studying 1 or 2 topics in one day or studying a specific section in a certain time.

      2. Set priorities

      As with any job or study of any kind, having clear priorities is essential to achieve success in the task we are carrying out, with the aim of not wasting time on less important tasks.

      Being clear about which sections are important in the same topic is the key to achieving success in the oppositions we are studying and we can learn this through the help of a trainer or an academy specialized in the preparation of oppositions.

      A professional specialized in the study of competitive examinations will help us know which topics and sections are most important and will allow us to train said content in specialized tests for this purpose.

        3. Establish a very clear schedule

        In addition to managing time by using strategies adapted to our needs, we must also establish a fixed schedule throughout the week from the moment we get up until bedtime.

        This means having the same times to wake up and go to bed during the week and doing our study every day, preferably at the same time if possible, to acquire a study rhythm that helps us internalize and mechanize the daily periods we dedicate to study. of the opposition.

        Procrastination when preparing for exams

        This schedule must also include blocks of time dedicated to rest and leisure In addition, it is recommended that rest breaks be frequent; about one cut every 40 or 45 minutes.

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        4. Fight perfectionism through set goals

        Another of the most common causes of procrastination is the perfectionism that some people have, which It makes them waste a lot of time studying the same topic because they believe they don’t know it perfectly

        Perfectionism can be combated by using short or medium-term objectives and valuing the impact of the study of a given topic more than perfection in the knowledge of said topic. Furthermore, testing ourselves every day, through small tests created by oneself, will help us become familiar with the experience of not knowing everything perfectly, since lose your fear to face it in a constructive way

        This means that, instead of obsessing over learning a certain topic or section perfectly, we should better value the fact that we have studied it and can continue studying the following topics.

          5. Implement time management strategies

          There are many time management strategies used by professionals in all types of jobs that allow us to manage time more efficiently and help us overcome procrastination.

          Some of the most common are the Pomodoro Technique consisting of alternating work sessions with rest periods, or Time Blocking, which allows the student to plan the entire week and be clear about what to do at all times by establishing work blocks.

          In addition to that, we can also make use of the time management modalities that best suit us when studying and that give us the best results.

            6. Capture all tasks as a whole

            Capturing tasks globally means have a complete conception of all the work we have pending that is, of all the topics studied and to be studied, both in our heads and in writing.

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            This will allow us to have greater organization while studying the competitive examinations, and will help us to always keep in mind the progress we have made and when we have left to do, which will serve as motivation and to avoid having a diffuse vision of what remains to be done. (since the latter tends to be very intimidating and makes us avoid our responsibilities).

            Do you want to have psychological assistance to prepare for exams?

            If you are looking for psychological assistance services for a professional project or preparation for oppositions, I invite you to contact me.

            My name is Thomas Saint Cecilia and I am a psychologist specialized in cognitive-behavioral psychology; I serve adults, adolescents and business teams in my office in Madrid or online.