Neural Pruning: What It Is, Stages And When It Occurs

Neurosciences are one of the most exciting areas that are responsible for the study of human beings from a neurological point of view. As time has passed, more and more researchers have shown interest in understanding the functioning of the human organism. In this sense, it should be noted that the procedures used in the past differ significantly compared to the current ones.

Due to these circumstances, it can be illuminating for us to understand how neurons function and in what processes they are involved. If you want to know more, in this PsychologyFor article you will find information about Neural pruning: what it is, stages and when it occurs

What is neural pruning

Neural pruning is a procedure whose objective is eliminate synaptic connections that take place in neuronal tissue In this sense, it should be noted that neurons communicate with each other through a process called neuronal synapsis, in which chemical substances are transmitted between neurons through nerve impulses.

When a person is born, they develop millions of neuronal connections because the organism is in a period of formation. However, the truth is that There are various synapses that have no use for the individual, since they are not necessary for the correct functioning of the body.

In these cases, the so-called neuronal pruning occurs, which results in a strengthening of the useful and necessary neuronal connections to process information. In tune, this process allows better performance of the vital functions of the human being as well as the acquisition of new motor and cognitive skills.

Stages of neural pruning

If you want to better understand the concept of neuronal pruning, it is important to understand that it is divided into different stages that depend on the vital moment in which each person is. In this section, we will distinguish the stages of neuronal pruning:

  1. Synaptic formation: period framed by the creation of millions of synaptic connections that takes place when we are born. This stage begins before birth and lasts until approximately two years of age. As mentioned above, it could be said that there is an overpopulation of neuronal connections, since many of them do not turn out to be useful over time.
  2. Initiation of neural pruning: From the age of three, neuronal pruning itself begins. Although we place this stage in second place, it has the same importance as synaptic formation in the body.
  3. Completion of neural pruning: When the stage of adolescence is reached, neuronal pruning increases. In general terms, this leads to better brain functioning, since it will no longer be necessary to use all the neuronal connections. In other words, adolescence is the period in which they are optimized.

Neural pruning: what it is, stages and when it occurs - Stages of neural pruning

When neuronal pruning occurs

Neuronal pruning directly affects the brain development of human beings. For this reason, this procedure is crucial to understanding how our brain works and why each individual manifests specific characteristics.

In general terms, neuronal pruning It begins at age 3 and lasts until the end of adolescence The chronological moment in which neuronal pruning occurs is very important, since if it does not take place in this period of time, it could lead to neurological diseases associated with the overproduction of synaptic connections such as schizophrenia, among others. This pathology may be more noticeable in children and adolescents since their brain is in the process of formation.

How long does neural pruning last?

It is very important to take into account the importance of neuronal pruning for the development of each person. Although human beings may present qualities that differentiate them from others, the general time parameter for neuronal pruning ranges from 3 to 20 years of age.

So that, during these seventeen years A neuronal reorganization occurs that will define the brain speed with which the information from the environment will be processed from that moment on. If you want to better understand this process, don’t miss this article on how the human brain works.

Neural pruning: what it is, stages and when it occurs - How long does neural pruning last?

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Neural pruning: what it is, stages and when it occurs we recommend that you enter our Neurosciences category.


  • Campos Rego, T. (2012). Effects of synaptic pruning in adolescence “A neurobiological understanding of adolescent behavior.” Neuroscience and Health Update Magazine, 17 (1), 4-7.
  • Cortés-Cortés, M. (2019). Brain development and learning in adolescents: Importance of physical activity. Medical Journal of Chile, 149 (2), 130-131.
  • Rohlfs Domínguez, P. (2016). Development of the human nervous system. General perspective of the prenatal stage until 2013. International Journal of Psychology, 15 (1), 1-50.

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