The Master Key To Stop Suffering

The master key to stop suffering

You don’t suffer for what happens in your life. You suffer from what your mind tells you about what is happening. No external event creates the mental pain you feel. None. Your pleasant or painful experience is nothing more than the result caused by the thoughts that your mind generates on each occasion.

Think that If how we feel depended solely on what happens, there would be no use in reading, studying, meditating, or trying to learn anything about how we function, since that would have no practical relevance to us. We would not all suffer equally in the face of the same events.

    Let’s look at this more visually.

    You are on a paradisiacal beach, surrounded by many people who love and value you, in the middle of a great celebration in your honor. You have a wonderful love relationship, excellent health, a lot of money and a profession that you are passionate about… everything is going great on the outside. But if your mind is thinking about very unpleasant things, that scare you or that cause you pain…

    It is clear that despite the apparently pleasant circumstances, you are not going to feel good. The good thing is that It’s a two-way street If you are going through a terrible situation on all levels, but within you you are able to generate thoughts of peace, certainty and security… The experience will be lighter.

    Life is an internal game in which it is essential that you take care of your exterior like the wonderful garden that it is, but remember that your state of peace, joy or happiness blooms only within you. We develop this in the complete series of 7 books Open your eyes.

      Let’s go ahead…

      The profound truth contained in the phrase “what happens outside you is very important, but what happens inside you is decisive”, marks the definitive option if what you want is to live your best life. The most common is the external focus The logical basis for this is that obviously our senses are directed in that direction: sight, hearing, touch…

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      The problem that this causes us, however, is that, by focusing first on the outside, and giving it top priority, we lose the perspective of what really creates our experience, and where you really live it from, which is inside you.

        We have another option…

        Imagine that you are faced with a challenging situation such as a couple breakup, and that there are two other people in an identical circumstance:

        It turns out that one of them suffers much more than you. She goes into a great state of crisis for several years, starts taking medication, loses her job…

        Then there is you, who experiences this with a lot of pain, but not nearly as much as the first person. You are suffering for a while, but despite this you continue with your routine. Until finally in several months you are fully recovered again.

        And the same thing happens to the third person, his partner breaks up, he suffers, but both the intensity and the time he experiences it is insignificant, compared to you and the other individual. So in no time she is back living her life, happy and joyful.

        ¿What is the reason why one person suffers more or less than others? when they are really living practically the same thing?

        There are many possible answers that point to the origin and that contribute to this being so, but only one of them points exactly to the heart of the problem, and that is again:

        You don’t suffer for what happens in your life. You suffer from what your mind tells you about what is happening. You determine your inner experience through conscious or unconscious use of the mind. And what allows you to taste more of the “good”, and less of the “bad”, no matter what happens is, again: The ability you have to use your mind.

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        And the same thing happens with pain… Whatever happens in your life, if your mind remains firm within thoughts of certainty, security and peace, that is what you will have.

        So congratulations! You now have another piece in your mental puzzle This compression that you have just done differentiates you from the 95% who are unaware of such a mechanism, with the corresponding possibilities that it entails in your evolution towards your best life.

        Any situation is easier when your mind knows how to deal with it. And that is given to you by external experience and internal work.

        Most people are happy about things, situations or circumstances that superficially seem favorable and that announce states of joy and tranquility, but that later cause the opposite. At the same time they get sad, angry or frustrated for situations that are intense or painful, because they think they are bad or that they are not ideal for being happy.

        However, many times, beneath the pain inherent in these situations, there are lessons of incalculable value that accompany us and prepare us to be much stronger.