Why Go To A Sexologist? 5 Key Reasons

Why go to a sexologist?

A person’s sex life is one of the many elements that shape their physical and psychological well-being. And that is why when a problem appears in this area, the quality of life of that person suffers at various levels.

However, there are many who make the mistake of assuming that sexual satisfaction is no longer a secondary aspect, but even totally irrelevant or even banal and frivolous; as if sex were basically a leisure activity. However, apart from cases in which certain forms of asexuality occur, those who are predisposed to feel sexual desire and attraction should also take care of this aspect of their well-being and, if they experience problems in it, go to health care professionals. sexology. Let’s see in more detail what are the reasons why it is worth having sexologists and what are the benefits of this type of therapeutic interventions.

What are the main reasons why you usually go to a sexologist?

For most people, sex is a pleasurable activity that provides us with well-being and activation. But it’s not just that.

Having a healthy social life means being able to enjoy sex with all that it implies; It is not simply being able to carry out each sexual activity from start to finish, without any type of physical problem that makes it difficult, and carrying out all the objective actions that we wanted to carry out. Beyond this technical aspect of sexuality there are considerations that have to do with how we feel about sex.

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Some people may present problems or alterations in their sexual life that are not reducible to medical complications or with organic causes; This may be due to certain fears or insecurities when having sex, psychological problems related to self-esteem, or even non-acceptance of one’s own sexual orientation.

Reasons to go to the sexologist

To face all these adversities that make a healthy sexual life difficult, it is necessary to consult a sexologist, a professional specialized in human sexual behavior who will treat our case individually and offer us solutions for any of our problems through of several sessions held periodically.

Below we present a summarized selection of the main reasons why people may go to a sexologist, and the benefits that this entails.

1. Sexual dysfunctions that represent a barrier when experiencing sexuality

The human sexual response consists of 5 well-differentiated phases, which are: desire, excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. The normal transition between all of them during sexual behavior produces a pleasurable sexual experience in the person, although It is not necessary to always go through all these stages

However, when there is an alteration or problem in any of these phases (that is, when you want to experience it and cannot) we speak of sexual dysfunction, one of the most common types of disorders in sexology consultations around the world.

The most common sexual dysfunctions are premature ejaculation, male erectile dysfunction, pain during intercourse or dysfunctions related to lack of desire, lack of female lubrication, and aversion to sexual contact.

2. Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is an alteration that occurs in people who feel discomfort due to non-correspondence andbetween your sex and your gender identity

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People with gender dysphoria can develop many complexes about their physique, which not only impacts their self-esteem, but also usually affects their sexual life. In this sense, intervention from sexology serves both to mitigate this discomfort and to better understand the causes of the problem and, if necessary, opt for other lines of medical treatment.

3. Paraphilias

Paraphilias are also a common reason for consultation in the field of sexology, and in this context they are unusual fantasies, activities or preferences that the person needs to put into practice to achieve sexual arousal, and that In addition to being too restrictive, in some extreme cases they cause discomfort in oneself and/or others

These paraphilias are very diverse and depend on the person who harbors them, however, the most common involve objectives of all types in sexual activity, clothing and paraphernalia of all types or all types of roles played by those involved. Of course, paraphilia is only considered a problem insofar as it erodes someone’s quality of life.

4. Communication problems in the couple

In some couples, communication problems or specific coexistence dynamics sometimes appear that can also affect sexual activity in the marital bed in the long run. This is an aspect of sexology that overlaps with couples therapy ; And there are courtship and marriage dynamics that affect sexuality and vice versa.

Going to a sexologist can also help us improve all those problems we have with our partners and improve our way of communicating, thus increasing our quality of daily life and also our sexual life as a couple.

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5. Harmful beliefs about sex

Some people harbor throughout their lives, generally due to the education they received as children, a series of preconceived ideas, perceptions or beliefs related to sex that prevent them from leading a normal sexual life with other human beings.

These types of beliefs are usually related to certain especially conservative or repressive religious currents that conceive and make their parishioners believe a large number of myths and harmful ideas about sex, sexuality or sexual freedom

A sexologist will help us overcome all types of beliefs of this type and will provide us with tools so that they no longer affect us throughout our daily lives, and we can enjoy a healthy sexual life.

Are you looking for sexology services?

If you are interested in having professional support in the context of sexology, contact us.

In Psychology For We have more than two decades of experience and serve individual patients and couples.