Exercises To Overcome Amaxophobia

Exercises to overcome amaxophobia - What is amaxophobia or fear of driving

Amaxophobia or fear of driving can trigger a series of consequences that impact various areas of daily life. Throughout our lives it may be necessary to take the car to go to social, work, or student events or to resolve emergencies. Whatever the reason, driving requires full attention and concentration while traveling on the road. However, people who suffer from amaxophobia derived from traumatic situations that have happened in people’s lives can experience great distress and discomfort. To reduce the problems caused by this clinical condition, it is necessary to implement certain strategies to relieve anxiety when taking the car.

In this PsychologyFor article we will provide you with information about exercises to overcome amaxophobia or fear of driving.

What is amaxophobia or fear of driving?

Amaxophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by the persistence of a intense and exacerbated fear of the idea of ​​driving In other words, in these cases the person manifests symptoms compatible with a phobia of driving, which affects the development of daily activities.

According to the DSM-V(1), it is possible to include amaxophobia within the specific phobia disorders due to the particularities that are reflected in its clinical presentation. In order to undertake an accurate evaluation, it is necessary that a series of diagnostic criteria be met:

  • Fear or anxiety at the idea of ​​driving
  • Avoidance of the phobic object or situation, in this case driving.
  • The real danger is disproportionate facing the anxiety or fear caused by the object and/or the situation.
  • Duration of six months or more.
  • Deterioration of social, work and family relationships
  • The alterations cannot be explained by the presence of other mental disorders or the ingestion of toxic substances and/or medications.

Despite the description made, it is important to clarify that the diagnosis of amaxophobia must be made by a mental health professional, since they will be in charge of evaluating the clinical conditions of each person.

Exercises to overcome amaxophobia - What is amaxophobia or fear of driving


Visualization is a psychological technique based on recreation of mental scenarios through the use of imagination In order to apply visualization correctly in cases of amaxophobia or fear of driving, it is important to think about positive situations that involve driving a car.

As an example, a person can imagine that they will be relaxed while driving. In this way, reference is made to a safe and effective environment for develop your personal strengths To carry out a correct visualization it is necessary to have a space free of distractions.

Once the person can dedicate the necessary time, it is advisable to think about the entire route that will be taken while driving and, ultimately, appeal to the security of a successful result.

Diaphragmatic breathing

In moments of greatest tension, when you think about having to take the car, it is crucial establish a relaxed breathing rate Performing diaphragmatic breathing exercises will help reduce the bodily symptoms of amaxophobia or fear of driving.

In turn, diaphragmatic breathing can also reduce nervous tension, anxiety and negative thoughts that interfere with this clinical condition. To maintain a harmonious respiratory rhythm it is recommended inhale and exhale air for several minutes until the body and mind relax. In the following article you will find some diaphragmatic breathing exercises.

Gradual exposure

This psychological technique aims to achieve a progressive approach to the feared situation or object In the case of amaxophobia, it is essential to take actions that dissipate catastrophic thoughts and lead to inhibition against the stimulus.

To achieve this, the person can make contact with the car until the right time arrives to drive it. In other words, in these cases it is advisable to try to increase the time you can stay in the vehicle until the situation stops producing a level of anxiety that is impossible to control.

Appeal to the company

For driving to become a more pleasant activity, another guideline to take into account is to have a company that gives you peace of mind Because amaxophobia causes increased nervousness and nervous tension, it is important to be accompanied by people who provide you with support through encouraging words and/or gestures when you are in the car.

Likewise, it is important that this company provides favorable environmental conditions so that when driving a car it is done efficiently.

Talk about fears

Expressing emotions is one of the most effective methods to deal with anxiety situations, such as those experienced in cases of amaxophobia. In this sense, go to a psychotherapeutic space invites you to reflect on your fear of driving to build tools that represent a significant improvement.

Therefore, in cases where amaxophobia prevents you from driving a car, talking about it can help the fears lose substance. If therapy is not available, it can also help. talk to trusted people about your fears regarding driving.

Lower demands

Sometimes, some people demand too much of themselves without realizing it. In these cases, the idea may arise that driving a car is an activity that should be done without major complications, which generates excessive pressure and high anxiety that is difficult to cope with.

For this reason, it is convenient reduce personal demands so that this situation is not a suffering. In short, establishing more realistic goals that reduce expectations is an excellent alternative to overcome amaxophobia or fear of driving.

If you want to know more about this topic, in the following article you will find more information on How to overcome the fear of driving or amaxophobia.

Exercises to overcome amaxophobia - Lower demands

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th edition). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.


  • Cabañas Rojas, R., Casanova-Menal, I., Fernández-Montes Rodríguez, I. (2018). Cognitive-behavioral therapy in a unique case of driving phobia. Journal of Clinical Cases in Mental Health, 1 (1), 72-83.
  • Orejudo Hernández, S., Froján Parga, MX (1996). Treatment of a phobia of driving. Behavior Analysis and Modification Magazine, 22 (84), 463-480.

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