What Is Sexology For?

What is sexology for?

Sexuality is a very broad aspect of the human condition. This is an area that can significantly affect our quality of life since sex is a very important element in our health and happiness.

A bad relationship, problems in bed, doubts about one’s sexual identity and other similar problems are the origin of dissatisfaction and unhappiness for many people.

Sexology is a discipline that is responsible for studying human sexual behavior in order to understand how to solve the problems related to it and improve people’s quality of life. Next we will look in depth What is sexology for?

The functions and applications of sexology

This is the specialty of the health field that is responsible for sexuality and includes aspects such as reproduction, sexual identity, gender identity, sexual desire orientation and other related factors. In addition, sexology is responsible for treating different sexual dysfunctions, paraphilias and relationship problems.

Sex is a very important aspect of most people’s lives, so any problem related to it can significantly affect our quality of life, which gives sexology great health importance.

How do sexologists help?

We cannot understand in depth what sexology is without delving into the professional who practices it: the sexologist. Sexologists are usually psychologists specialized in sexology professionals who have the corresponding qualification in psychology, normally clinically oriented, who after having received their degree or bachelor’s degree have completed postgraduate studies in human sexuality, sexual behavior disorders and appropriate therapies for their treatment.

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The figure of the sexologist, despite being little known by the majority of society, is of crucial importance for enjoy a full and satisfying sexual life The advice of sexologists is of great help not only in what is related to pleasure, fun and the rapport of the couple, but also in aspects that imply a change of stage: pregnancy, parenting, retirement, beginning of a relationship. couple, serious illness, menopause… The field of work for which sexologists are best known is, surely, erotic advice.

Sexologists help couples overcome their relational problems in their intimate lives. These problems are not only limited to problems such as premature ejaculation or vaginismus, but also add a bit of passion, creativity and dynamism to relationships, teaching you new ways to enjoy your sexual life. With respect to this aspect, these professionals perform a great task in trying to eliminate labels and dysfunctional beliefs about sexual life as a couple

When should we go to a sexologist?

It is recommended to go to a sexologist when we feel discomfort about any issue related to our sexuality, whether we have a partner or not. This discomfort may be related to sexual orientation, lack of desire, anxiety or fear in encounters with people of the desired sex or any other reason. By going to a sexologist we can clear up doubts, identify the cause of the discomfort and receive psychological treatment to enjoy greater well-being in our sexual life, both alone and with others.

Some main reasons why people usually go to see a sexologist:

Although these problems are those properly treated by sexologists, many people do not dare to consult them out of fear or shame Let’s say for example that we suffer from premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. What patients with these problems do first is go to a doctor, something totally logical and that helps us rule out possible medical problems. However, once physiological causes for these problems are ruled out, patients fear going to a sexologist, despite the clear psychological origin of their condition.

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Functions of sexology

It is precisely the time it takes to decide to consult with a sexologist one of the main obstacles that these professionals encounter when treating their patients’ problems.

Since their problem has to do with their intimate life, many patients do not feel comfortable talking to a stranger, which makes them delay in taking the step of asking for professional help if they do in the end. This is counterproductive for two reasons: one, that the problem may worsen over time; and two, that the longer it takes to ask for help, the longer it takes to suffer and the longer it takes to find a solution.

If in the end the patient decides to go to the sexologist, both alone and accompanied, they will receive the help of a professional who will be in charge of looking after their emotional and sexual life and who will benefit them by carrying out the following three functions:

Sexologists help people by providing scientific information about normal sexual behavior and healthy sexuality in general. Through them we can learn about human sexual functioning and they help us distinguish between truthful information about sex from that which is part of the numerous sexual myths that exist, such as the excessive importance placed on the virile member or the belief that There are sexual practices of vaginal penetration that, “done well,” prevent pregnancy.

From sexology, as we have mentioned, the aim is to treat different dysfunctional disorders. This is achieved focusing on the four phases of the sexual cycle: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. Sexologists act by detecting at what point in the sexual cycle their patients manifest problems, being able to detect the causes and propose solutions to them.

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Are you looking for sexual therapy services and assistance from sexology?

If you are looking for professional help in the field of sexology, contact our team.

In UPAD Psychology and Coaching We work caring for both individual patients and couples in our center located in Madrid.