5 Psychological Keys To Boost Your Personal Development In The New Year

Psychological keys to boost your personal development in the new year

The end of the year is a good time to reflect on the changes that one wants to make at the doors of that new cycle that opens before us, the new year that is coming. And it can be an excellent opportunity to carry out a process of personal development, either through self-taught learning or through psychotherapy and having professional support.

And while it is true that January 1 is, in a way, “just a number”, it is no less true that this time of year is loaded with meaning and feelings linked to it due to cultural dynamics that we have been maintained throughout the centuries. Therefore, as New Year’s Eve approaches, we gain support that we can use to motivate ourselves and give a push to those personal projects that excite us the most and that would allow us to learn the most in those areas of life that interest us. In this sense, here we will give a review of the key ideas that can help you boost your personal development in the new year

    The keys to reinforce your personal development at the beginning of a new year

    People often want to change habits, beliefs, and ways of approaching their relationships, but they don’t know how to do it. The best way to advance in this area of ​​life is to attend psychological therapy, where you can learn to develop tools to generate changes in your life taking advantage of the new year that begins.

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    New Year's resolutions

    Therefore, here you will find a summary of several of the most important principles of psychotherapy applied to personal development. These guidelines and ideas can help you build a personal development project that is sustainable and persists beyond the first weeks of January.

    1. Personal development is based on habits and routines

    If you think that embarking on the path of personal development consists of experiencing a kind of vital revelation or catharsis that allows you to change overnight simply because you have imagined something or an idea has crossed your mind, you are wrong. to.

    No personal development process is sustained if it is not based on small habits and routines, simple and apparently banal actions that make their appearance in everyday life. The key is perseverance, humility, and the certainty that everything important is learned as you go by trying things and making mistakes through experience.

      2. You have to set realistic goals

      It is one thing to be ambitious when setting goals, and another to dare to assume that we must aspire to achieve something practically impossible to at least stay halfway and have made great progress. The truth is that if you try this last strategy, you will most likely get frustrated and give up halfway. Therefore, at the beginning you have to take stock of what you want to achieve, on the one hand, and your resources and abilities at the present moment, on the other.

      Furthermore, also It is advisable to make estimates about what is the best possible scenario and what is the worst possible scenario to make projections into the future from both an optimistic perspective and a pessimistic perspective, so that both visions offer a balanced image of what you can expect in the months to come.

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      3. Planning and segmenting tasks is essential

      It is not enough to set reasonable goals; So that they do not seem too intimidating and lead you to throw in the towel prematurely, you must segment these objectives into several smaller parts and distributed sequentially, creating a chain of things to do that goes from the very short term (the next hours) to the long term (the next few months or years). This way you will always have a clear idea of ​​what your progress is in terms of personal development.

        4. Make sure your personal projects are compatible with your values

        If you set goals that do not really correspond to your life aspirations, but are based on social pressure or what you believe is desirable to gain the acceptance of others, You will notice that you are trying for nothing, and you will find yourself more lost than before

        5. Assume that it is normal to not always be motivated

        No one is always at 100%, wanting to launch themselves as soon as possible into carrying out the tasks linked to their personal development. It is normal to have ups and downs in mood and motivation levels; what it’s about is that moments of demotivation are not the predominant ones and that you adopt the appropriate self-motivation strategies in each case.

          Do you want to have psychological support to strengthen your personal development?

          If you are interested in having the professional help of a team of psychologists to accompany you in your personal development process and help you better understand what you need in your life and how you can achieve it, contact us.

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          In UPAD Psychology and Coaching We can help you by offering you sessions in person or in online format via video call.