Mitochondria: What They Are, Characteristics And Functions


Mitochondria are small organelles that are found in our cells and in those of practically all eukaryotic organisms.

Their function is very important for the life of the organism, since they are the producers of a type of fuel so that metabolic processes can be carried out inside the cell.

Below we will see in more depth what these organelles are, what their parts are, their functions and what hypothesis has been proposed to explain how they originated.

What are mitochondria?

Mitochondria are organelles present inside the eukaryotic cell that have a very important function for life, since they are responsible for providing energy to the cell, allowing it to carry out various metabolic processes. Its shape is circular and stretched, having several layers and ridges inside, where proteins are attached that allow various processes to be carried out in order to give this energy, in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

These organelles can be present in a variable number in the cellular medium, and their quantity is directly related to the energy needs of the cell. That is why depending on the tissue that forms the cell, more or less mitochondria can be expected. For example, in the liver, where there is high enzymatic activity, liver cells usually have several of these organelles.


The mitochondria is, as might be expected, a very small structure, ranging in size from 0.5 to 1 μm (micrometers) in diameter and up to 8 μm in length, having a stretched, hemispherical shape, like a fat sausage.

The number of mitochondria inside the cell is directly related to its energy needs The more energy required, the more mitochondria the cell will need. The set of mitochondria is called the cellular chondrioma.

Mitochondria are surrounded by two membranes with different functions in terms of enzymatic activity, separated into three spaces: cytosol (or cytoplasmic matrix), intermembranous space and mitochondrial matrix

1. External membrane

It is an outer lipid bilayer, permeable to ions, metabolites and many polypeptides. Contains pore-forming proteins called porins, which constitute a voltage-gated anion channel These channels allow the passage of large molecules of up to 5,000 daltons and an approximate diameter of 20 Å (ångström).

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The outer membrane performs rather few enzymatic or transport functions. It contains between 60% and 70% protein.

2. Internal membrane

The inner membrane is made up of about 80% proteins, and unlike its counterpart, the outer membrane lacks pores, making it highly selective. Contains many enzyme complexes and transmembrane transport systems which are involved in the translocation of molecules, that is, moving them from one place to another.

3. Mitochondrial ridges

In most eukaryotic organisms, mitochondrial cristae appear in the form of flattened and perpendicular septa. It is believed that the number of cristae that the mitochondria has is a reflection of its cellular activity. The crests They represent a significant increase in surface area so that proteins useful for different processes can be attached that take place inside the mitochondria.

They connect to the internal membrane at specific points, which will facilitate the transport of metabolites between the different compartments of the mitochondria. In this part of the mitochondria, functions related to oxidative metabolism are carried out, such as the respiratory chain or oxidative phosphorylation. Here we can highlight the following biochemical compounds:

4. Intermembranous space

Between both membranes, there is a space that contains a liquid similar to cytoplasm, with a high concentration of protons, due to the pumping of these subatomic particles by the enzymatic complexes of the respiratory chain.

Within this intramembranous medium are located several enzymes, which are involved in the transfer of the high-energy bond of ATP, such as adenylate kinase or creatine kinase. In addition, carnitine can be found, a substance involved in the transport of fatty acids from the cytoplasm to the mitochondrial interior, where they will be oxidized.

5. Mitochondrial matrix

The mitochondrial matrix also called mitosol, contains fewer molecules than the cytosol although in it you can also find ions, metabolites to be oxidized, circular DNA similar to that of bacteria and some ribosomes (mitoribosomes), which carry out the synthesis of some mitochondrial proteins and, in fact, contain mitochondrial RNA.

It has the same organelles that free-living prokaryotic organisms have, which differ from our cells by lacking a nucleus.

In this matrix, several metabolic routes fundamental for life occur, such as the Krebs cycle and beta-oxidation of fatty acids.

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Fusion and fission

Mitochondria have the ability to divide and fuse with relative ease, and they are two actions that constantly occur in cells. This involves mixing and dividing the mitochondrial DNA of each of these organelle units

In eukaryotic cells there are no individual mitochondria, but rather a network connected to a variable number of mitochondrial DNA. One of the possible functions for this phenomenon is to share products synthesized by different parts of the network, correct local defects or simply share their DNA.

If two cells that have different mitochondria fuse, the network of mitochondria that will emerge from the union will be homogeneous after only 8 hours. Because mitochondria are constantly joining and dividing, it is difficult to establish the total number of these organelles in a cell of a given tissue, although it can be assumed that those tissues that are worked the most or that require the most energy will have many mitochondria as a result. of fissions.

Mitochondrial division is mediated by proteins, very similar to dynamins, which are involved in the generation of vesicles. The point at which these organelles begin to divide depends greatly on their interaction with the endoplasmic reticulum. Reticulum membranes surround the mitochondria, constricting it and eventually splitting it in two.


The main function of mitochondria is the production of ATP, which is known as the fuel for cellular processes. Nevertheless, They also carry out part of the metabolism of fatty acids through beta-oxidation, in addition to acting as a store for calcium

Furthermore, in research in recent years, this organelle has been related to apoptosis, that is, cell death, in addition to cancer and the aging of the organism, and the appearance of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s or diabetes.

One of the benefits for genetic study that mitochondria offer is your DNA, which comes directly from the maternal line Genealogy and anthropology researchers use this DNA to establish family trees. This DNA is not subject to genetic recombinations due to sexual reproduction.

1. ATP synthesis

It is in the mitochondria where most of the ATP for non-photosynthetic eukaryotic cells is produced.

They metabolize acetyl-coenzyme A, through an enzymatic cycle of citric acid, and producing carbon dioxide (CO2) and NADH. NADH gives up electrons to an electron transport chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane. These electrons travel until they reach an oxygen molecule (O2), producing a water molecule (H2O).

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This electron transport is coupled to that of protons, coming from the matrix and reaching the intermembrane space. It is the proton gradient that allows ATP to be synthesized thanks to the action of a substance, called ATP synthase, linking a phosphate to ADP, and using oxygen as the final electron acceptor (oxidative phosphorylation).

The electron transport chain is known as the respiratory chain contains 40 proteins.

2. Lipid metabolism

A good amount of lipids present in cells are thanks to mitochondrial activity. Lysophosphatidic acid is produced in the mitochondria from which triacylglycerols are synthesized.

Phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylglycerol are also synthesized, which are necessary for the production of cardiolipin and phosphatidyl ethanolamine.

The origin of mitochondria: cells within cells?

In 1980 Lynn Margulis, one of the most important women in science, recovered an old theory about the origin of this organelle, reformulating it as an endosymbiotic theory. According to her version, more up-to-date and based on scientific evidence, it was about 1.5 billion years ago, a prokaryotic cell, that is, without a nucleus, was able to obtain energy from organic nutrients using molecular oxygen as an oxidant

During the process, it fused with another prokaryotic cell, or with what perhaps must have been the first eukaryotic cells, being phagocytosed without being digested. This phenomenon is based on reality, since bacteria have been seen phagocytosing others but without ending their lives. The absorbed cell established a symbiotic relationship with its host, providing it with energy in the form of ATP, and the host offered a stable and nutrient-rich environment. This great mutual benefit was consolidated, eventually becoming part of it, and this would be the origin of the mitochondria.

This hypothesis is quite logical if we take into account the morphological similarities between bacteria, free-living prokaryotic organisms, and mitochondria. For example, both have an elongated shape, have similar layers and, most importantly, their DNA is circular. Furthermore, mitochondrial DNA is very different from that of the cell nucleus, giving the impression that they are two different organisms.