What Does A Person With Anxiety Feel?

Everyday life often imposes certain obligations that generate high levels of stress that can be difficult to manage. Even though we try to console someone who is suffering, it is necessary to have relevant information that allows us to empathize with the pain of others. In other words, putting yourself in the place of a person who is feeling pain, whether physical or emotional, is not a simple task, but it can be done if you have relevant and conclusive data about the problem in question.

For this reason, if you have been in contact with someone with anxiety and they are upset, the information in this PsychologyFor article will be very useful to you, as we will explain What does a person with anxiety feel? so you can understand it better.


In many situations, people with anxiety manifest many insecurities that manifest themselves in difficulties socializing, fear and/or worry due to the image they believe they give to the environment or prejudices about their own body, among others.

Although it is true that each case is different and has its particularities, insecurity is one of the characteristic symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Fear of rejection

What does a person with anxiety feel? Fear of rejection is a characteristic symptom of generalized anxiety disorder. Basically, it is a fear of making people uncomfortable with which social relations are established. As a consequence, one of the main indicators of fear of rejection is expulsion and/or exclusion from social contexts. Likewise, a person with anxiety often feels like they have done something wrong and has a great fear of exposure.

Catastrophic thoughts

A person who feels anxious usually has persistent fears related to tragic scenarios that have not happened. Thus, catastrophic thoughts reside in the creation of hypothetical situations that could occur in the present and/or the future. In sum, these experiences harm both the person themselves and third parties

Given this, worries play a transcendental role in understanding the type of ideas that a person with anxiety has.

What a person with anxiety feels - Catastrophic thoughts

Lingering doubts

What does a person with anxiety think? In relation to the previous point, thoughts are not taken as absolute truths, but as possibilities that something negative could happen. When unfavorable scenarios and/or choices that the person must make appear, persistent doubts arise that imply the fact of turn things around and think about what could go wrong. In short, doubts are modes of thinking that do not allow us to take action.

Difficulty breathing

I have shortness of breath when breathing: what could it be? Mental nervousness can be somatized in the body. Therefore, one of the main physical manifestations of anxiety is difficulty breathing. In many cases, this symptom can be confused with a biologically based disease that affects physical health. However, it should be noted that difficulty breathing in anxious people appears only in moments of discomfort


Another physical symptom that a person with anxiety feels is tachycardia. In short, it consists of a heart rate acceleration as a result of an anxiety disorder. In the same way as in the case of respiratory distress, it can be confused with a medical symptom. If you have any questions about this, the most important thing is to consult with a clinical doctor.

What does a person feel with anxiety - Tachycardia

Panic attacks

What is the worst that can happen with anxiety? Panic attacks are very difficult experiences for people with anxiety. Faced with these situations, the person who suffers from it has the fixed idea that he is going to die. Sometimes, may be related to a real or imagined danger When it comes to understanding panic attacks, anxiety plays a fundamental role, since it is necessary to understand where it comes from in order to treat it.

Sleep disturbances

Unchanneled stress can cause sleep disturbances. To a greater extent, people with anxiety have great difficulties falling asleep and rest well. On the one hand, this includes nighttime awakenings associated with unpleasant and invasive thoughts.

On the other hand, it can also happen that a person with anxiety sleeps an excessive number of hours and this generates hormonal deregulations. This clinical picture is known as hypersomnia In this article we talk about why I feel sleepy all day if I sleep well and what to do.

Difficulty socializing

What does a person with anxiety feel? One of the great insecurities that this disorder causes is the difficulty in establishing social relationships. Ideas usually appear in your head judging your way of being and/or your body, which is why people with anxiety They avoid socializing so as not to feel judged This problem can cause the impossibility of living new experiences or making eye contact with close people.

What a person with anxiety feels - Difficulty socializing

Muscle tension

Finally, anxiety generates tension in the muscles of the body, which prevents people who suffer from it from relaxing at certain times of the day. This is known as muscle tension and can be experienced with more or less intensity depending on each person. In the same way as other symptoms described previously, the origin of this discomfort is everyday life situations that generate a high level of stress.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What does a person with anxiety feel? we recommend that you enter our Personal Growth and Self-Help category.


  • Fernández López, O., Jiménez Hernández, B., Alfonso Almirall, R., Sabina Molina, D., Cruz Navarro, J. (2012). Manual for diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders. Electronic Journal of Medical Sciences in Cienfuegos, 10 (5), 466-479.

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