Is There A Relationship Between People’s Self-esteem And Addiction?

There is a relationship between people's self-esteem and addiction

When it comes to addictions, there are many things that can be talked about, and, naturally, many factors and elements to take into account. One of these elements is self-esteem which, if we think about it, has a great influence on any aspect of our lives.

And yes, it also has a lot to say on the topic at hand, which is none other than the appearance and development of addiction.

What should we know about self-esteem?

In reality, there are many “opinions” and very wrong conceptions about self-esteem. We can say that each person has a different and different concept, but, in short, Self-esteem can be defined as the way in which each person perceives themselves

It is a reflection of what each person thinks about themselves and how they feel about themselves, and to do so, we base ourselves on how we see others.

There is not only one trigger for low self-esteem: there are many situations that can generate it. The dangerous thing about all this is that Low self-esteem can make you reject yourself, and that can lead to undesirable behaviors such as, for example, an addiction.

Developing self-esteem has a lot to do with how you see yourself.

Well yes. It’s the truth. Not having a good perception of ourselves can lead us to dangerous situations and behaviors. When our self-esteem is not what it should be, it implies an undervaluation of the person, which makes us, sooner or later, think that If we are not worth it we should act like it It is not something we do consciously, quite the opposite.

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This is why it is a great idea to work on it, because if we see ourselves as people who are not worth it, we will behave that way. This low self-esteem will make us be off guard and, therefore, will make us more vulnerable and more likely to experience situations that can generate an addiction, since we will be looking for a way to feel better.

Addiction and self-love

Although it sounds repetitive, we cannot forget that addiction is a mental illness that generates negative situations in which the consequences can be truly terrible However, the addict continues using despite everything, even though he knows deep down that he should change.

Don’t give up on your life

Addiction is a form of abandonment that renounces authentic life This type of abandonment is a way to escape unpleasant feelings and thoughts, but it has serious consequences. It damages relationships, destroys careers and families, and can lead to even more serious problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), psychosis or suicidal ideation.

The point is not to give up living or avoid reality. Is about not having the need to live in a way that dulls the senses and robs us of happiness

Low self-esteem is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. Someone with low self-esteem may feel helpless, worthless, and inferior all the time. They may also have a chronic lack of self-confidence, which makes it difficult for them to perform everyday tasks, and this is what can be the trigger for the development of an addiction.

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We all have dreams and goals that we want to achieve. For some people, life may seem too difficult to handle and they turn to dependency as a way to escape the harsh reality. Without the support of addiction treatment centers, your addiction can spiral out of control and threaten your self-esteem

Some habits to improve self-esteem

Finding time to get to know each other is a great idea to work on your self-esteem. This way, you can be more honest with yourself. Likewise, you can think about what you need and do a self-examination of your own life

Comparing yourself to others doesn’t help you feel good about yourself either. Each person is different, and each person feels things differently. Comparison will only lead to negative feelings, and you should forget about that. The important thing is to know you and if you want to focus on someone, perfect, but just to inspire you.

Another issue is learning to be assertive. Saying no to what hurts you is a way to take care of yourself and respect yourself. It’s not about being selfish, but about being clear about what you want and what you don’t want for yourself.

It is also important set realistic goals in your life They must be because only then will you be able to fulfill them and not fall into frustration.

Try to find time every day to do something that you like and that makes you feel good. This will get you into a positive state of mind, and while you do it, the only thing that matters will be you.

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As you see, self-esteem is a key factor in the development of an addiction. Working on it is a way to avoid problems that can lead to very difficult situations for you and your family