How To Lower Cortisol: 15 Practical Tips

How to lower cortisol

The hormone cortisol is considered the stress hormone par excellence. This substance, produced in the adrenal glands, can be triggered in multiple ways and it is also possible to reduce it through more or less effective strategies.

Since stress and anxiety are very common problems in developed societies, many people wonder how to lower cortisol Below we will see about 15 ways to keep this hormone at bay.

How to lower cortisol?

Below we will see several strategies, of all kinds, that have been shown to be effective, to a greater or lesser extent, to control cortisol levels.

1. Quit caffeine

It is not a surprise to say that caffeine makes you nervous, but what may be a little more interesting is how it influences cortisol levels.

This substance, present in coffee, tea or even dark chocolate, causes cortisol levels to rise abruptly and maintains them for hours This translates into being nervous for longer and suddenly.

The most effective way to avoid this effect is to simply reduce the consumption of drinks with this substance or give up caffeine completely. If you think you are suffering from a caffeine addiction, it is best to go to a professional.

2. Good sleep hygiene

Going to sleep irregularly, without established schedules, is something terribly harmful to our physical and mental health, in addition to being a factor that increases cortisol levels.

Have good sleep hygiene It consists, among other things, of sleeping about eight hours each day (less in the elderly, who sleep less) and, preferably, going to bed between ten and twelve at night, helps stabilize cortisol levels.

3. Relaxation

If we talk about how to reduce a hormone related to anxiety, it is clear that relaxation techniques cannot be ignored. Relaxation can be achieved in multiple ways, whether with yoga or simply meditating.

It does not matter the specific way in which you try to induce this relaxation, The important thing is that it serves to calm mind and body and, consequently, acquire greater well-being.

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For those who find it difficult to relax with these types of techniques, you always have the option of listening to music, although be careful! Not every genre is valid. It is advisable to listen to relaxing environmental sounds or classical music.

4. Exercise

Exercise is always a very good option to enjoy great well-being. It is not surprising that in popular language there are sayings that suggest a solid relationship between mental and physical health, the best known being ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’.

Playing sports helps regulate cortisol levels, which translates into a reduction in anxiety. Besides, Physical exercise causes serotonin and dopamine to be released at the brain level substances also related to emotional well-being.

The exercise does not have to be very intense. It is enough to take a walk for half an hour a day, although going to a gym or signing up for guided activities such as boxing, body pump or spinning are great ways to reduce the hormone cortisol.

5. Organize your time

A disorganized lifestyle is the main cause of living constantly stressed That is why it is truly necessary to try to put order in our lives.

Organizing time, meeting deadlines and trying to have more or less well-established schedules give our lives structure and, therefore, make uncertainty less frequent.

Cortisol, as a stress hormone, appears in situations where we do not know how they will evolve. It is an evolutionary mechanism that serves to try to activate us in the face of a threat and find a short-term solution.

However, this mechanism is totally harmful if it makes us live stressed all the time. That is why, to the extent possible, If we can put an end to this time anarchy, we will prevent this mechanism from being activated and we will not suffer so much stress

6. Find out what worries us

Everyone has their worries, with which they live and, to the extent they can, try to deal with them. However, sometimes it is more comfortable for us to do nothing about it, even though it wears us out emotionally

To improve our health, we can take two strategies. The first would be to try to not worry, especially if it is something that we cannot change. However, if it is possible to combat it, let’s find out what exactly it is and face it.

In these types of situations, it is always recommended to go to a psychologist, who will help us obtain effective strategies to be able to deal with the situation in a healthy way.

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7. Eat foods rich in phenylalanine

Phenylalanine is a substance found in many foods, although its name may not be as well known to most people.

Unless you have the very harmful condition of phenylketonuria, in which people who suffer from it cannot consume phenylalanine without having neurological effects, the consumption of foods with this substance is highly recommended.

Phenylalanine is an amino acid that helps secrete dopamine in addition to contributing to the reduction of the desire to eat carbohydrates and sugars, substances that affect stress levels.

Among foods with phenylalanine we can find rich sources of protein such as dairy products, eggs, red meat and fish, as well as some whole grains.

8. Keep blood sugar levels stable

Sugar and refined carbohydrates act in the blood by triggering insulin levels, something that can lead to medical problems such as diabetes and obesity.

The ideal is to reduce the consumption of these substances, incorporating proteins, complex carbohydrates and good fats such as olive oil, although without overdoing it.

Diets rich in complex carbohydrates that is, the “good” ones, help keep cortisol levels low.

9. Stay hydrated

Staying well hydrated guarantees to keep cortisol levels at bay. Dehydration causes the body to become tense, causing stress psychological and, above all, physiological, which causes cortisol levels to increase.

It never hurts to carry a water bottle with you. By drinking the right amount of water you will avoid being tired and grumpy, which will help you be more productive.

10. Eat foods rich in omega 3

Omega 3 is a substance that activates the adrenal glands which regulate, in a completely natural way, cortisol levels.

Omega 3 acids are abundant in certain foods such as vegetable oils such as olive, soy, flaxseed or canola, in addition to being found in all types of fish, such as tuna, and shellfish.

11. Eat foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is a substance that helps secrete dopamine which, as we have seen previously, helps reduce stress.

Some foods rich in vitamin C are cherries, strawberries, asparagus, tomatoes, blueberries, tangerines, potatoes, raspberries, cauliflower, melon, mango, kiwi, peas, pineapple.

12. Connect with others

Relating to others is a protective factor for our mental and, although it may surprise, physical health.

Social relations, as long as they are based on kindness and understanding are a source of support and, in addition, involve changes at the hormonal level.

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Affection, especially shown in the form of a hug, helps the release of oxytocin and, in turn, reduces the level of cortisol.

13. Get rid of toxic relationships

Whether with a partner, friends or even family, sometimes we are unlucky enough to establish a toxic relationship, which, clearly, is a source of stress and a rise in cortisol.

Although it is clear that in every relationship there may be some misunderstanding, The ideal is that in these relationships we can show ourselves as we are without being hidden behind masks or living in constant tension.

If you have a relationship in which conflicts, bad words and abuse of any kind abound, you are in a toxic relationship. It is very evident that if you suffer physical and verbal abuse you should seek the help of loved ones who provide genuine support, in addition to proceeding to report the abuser.

However, if the toxic relationship in question does not constitute a crime, what you should try to do, in the first instance, is to see if it is possible to change the relationship, trying to see what the problem is. If you see that there is no way to change what this relationship is like, your thing is to simply get rid of it.

14. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, whose scientific name is Withania somnifera, It is a plant from traditional Hindu medicine

In recent years, the effectiveness of this plant on the control of cortisol levels has been studied, reaching the conclusion that it is possibly effective in reducing these levels and, consequently, reducing stress.

Regardless of its actual effectiveness, until now it has been recommended not only to reduce stress and anxiety as a natural remedy, but also to lower blood pressure associated with anxiety disorders.

15. Mindfulness

Meditation, as we said before, is a very useful strategy to reduce anxiety and, at a hormonal level, cortisol.

However, among all the meditation practices that exist, Mindfulness has proven to be one of the most effective. From this it can be deduced that, as a tool, It is useful for inducing changes at the hormonal level in the brain

Although Mindfulness, by itself, is not a practice that can replace the professional intervention of a psychologist, it does. It can be useful for people who have excessive stress but it does not reach pathological levels.