Early Stimulation In Boys And Girls: Exercises In 5 Stages

Early stimulation

Both animals and human beings learn by interacting with the stimuli that surrounds us. Therefore, it is logical to think that the earlier this stimulation begins and the more it is enhanced, the greater the chance of learning and improving our skills.

These are the principles that govern early stimulation Through these dynamic activities, children’s capacities and abilities are enhanced, facilitating their physical, psychological and social development.

What is early intervention?

Early stimulation activities are based on a series of exercises that aim to enhance the development of the boy or girl, both on an intellectual, physical and social level. These practices can start from the moment the baby is born and continue until the baby is 6 years old.

It is necessary to specify that there are a series of specific routines or practices for each of the stages of the child, appropriate to the level of development specific to the age. The reason that the ideal age range to perform these exercises is up to 6 years old is that up to this age, the child enjoys greater brain plasticity.

The concept of brain plasticity refers to the ability of the nervous system to change and modify itself in reaction to interaction with the environment. This means that, through adequate stimulation, our brain has the ability to create new synapses and neuronal circuits that allow it to enhance or improve the activity and performance of certain brain areas

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These exercises can be practiced both with healthy children, with the intention of enhancing their skills, and with children with some type of disorder or condition that affects their development. In this way, their compensation capabilities are stimulated and their physical and psychological abilities are improved.

Besides, These dynamics can be carried out both within the home and in schools and daycares specialized. After a short information period, those parents who wish can perform all these exercises in the comfort of their home, thus also strengthening the emotional ties between parents and children.

The main objective of early stimulation is that, by carrying out a series of stimulating activities, the child develops and increases his autonomy and independence. In the same way, great advances can be achieved in physical and cognitive development, communication skills and sensory aspects.

What does it consist of?

First of all, it is necessary to develop a specific plan or program for each child. This program must be adjusted to both the needs of the child, the availability and level of involvement of the parents, and the resources of the home.

In this way, you can gradually evaluate the child’s progress according to minimum objectives set With an appropriate activity plan, parents will be able to enhance all those areas of the child that interest them.

Parents must be patient, and be aware that they cannot set too strict times when achieving goals since there is no pre-established timeline that dictates how and when the baby will have achieved a goal.

The most important thing is to provide the minor with a series of exercises appropriate to their age, with which to work and increase their self-esteem. Gradually, the parents or those in charge of carrying out the exercises will modify the objectives of the plan according to the development of the child as well as the results obtained.

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The first step will always be to create an emotional and affective bond with the little one, creating a space of trust in which they feel comfortable and safe to interact with us. Once this link is achieved, the adult in charge of providing early stimulation can begin work on the rest of the areas.

These areas include:

Conditions to put it into practice

It is necessary to take into account a series of aspects that will facilitate carrying out these activities. The first is that if the child is not in the mood or does not feel like doing the activities at a specific time, they should not be pressured; since for him it should be fun, not an obligation or punishment.

Likewise, as mentioned above, The exercises must be adapted to the age and abilities of the child If we force him to perform a task for which he is not prepared, we will only increase his frustration and lower his self-esteem. In the same way, if the exercises are too easy or do not pose a small challenge for the child, they will lose interest in them and, therefore, motivation will decrease.

Reinforcement from parents or professionals is very important. Congratulate the child and praise his progress It will be vitally important to maintain their interest and motivation.

Early stimulation exercises according to stage

Following the line of the rest of the article, we present a series of examples of early stimulation exercises adapted according to the age of the child, as well as designed to enhance each of the areas of development mentioned above.

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1. From 0 to 12 months

Gross motor skills: a very effective activity to work on the baby’s gross motor skills is one that helps control the baby’s head. To do this, the baby should be placed lying face down, showing toys or attractive stimuli that force him to keep his head up

Social development: this exercise facilitates body self-knowledge and consists of placing the child in front of a mirror, in a comfortable position, so that he or she can begin to recognize himself in it. Next, make movements with your arms or hands to keep your attention.

2. From 1 to 2 years

Gross motor skills: through this exercise we will improve the child’s sense of balance. To do this, it is necessary to hold the child under the arms, moving gently from side to side and front to back allowing it to straighten itself.

3. From 2 to 3 years

Cognitive and language area: read aloud children’s stories with illustrations that the child can see. Then ask simple questions about the story or let the child tell us his version of what he has understood.

4. From 3 to 4 years

Language and fine motor skills: the child will be asked to draw freely on a sheet, asking him to explain while he is drawing You can also draw together and do it while you ask about the drawings.

5. From 4 to 6 years