Psychology And Startups

Traditionally, psychology has developed from the clinical field and has gained relevance in educational and organizational areas There are other branches, but the most chosen are those three.

If the study and work of psychologists focuses on these three paths, it is understandable that many colleagues carry out non-psychological work.

Psychology is one of the most recent sciences, compared to its sisters, daughters of philosophy; but their behavior is, as the first word of this article indicates, traditional.

Traditional is not bad in itself, but it contains behaviors that do not correspond to the current satisfaction of people’s permanent needs as it is accompanied by prejudices and stereotypes that harm, discriminate and reinforce unhealthy behaviors on a personal and social level.

Our current situation places the world in a more globalized digital stage, not only due to the advancement of ICT and technology, but also due to the basic need to stay in touch with others.

    The involvement of psychology in startups

    The coronavirus pandemic has brought to the fore the need to care for people’s mental health and, to remain protected, Telepsychology represents the best solution to not neglect our well-being

    However, it is important to clarify that remote care has, for years, solved many difficulties for those who cannot access a specialist either due to problems of geographical location, disability, specific mental health problem (eg agoraphobia), among other indicators. that reinforce the idea that telepsychology must remain current after this global crisis is over.

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    Considering this panorama, The startups that have been linked to psychology in recent years have done so to improve the development of telepsychology : remote connection security, data protection, suitable and specific specialists for each need, 24x7x365 access, etc.

    But it is not the only relationship that should prevail between psychology and startups, since Psychology itself has a lot to contribute to improve the development of these non-traditional companies

      Managing talent

      For example, in the business field, to hire the most suitable talent for your startup, the psychologist must look at something more than the resume and degrees obtained because, as we know, there is a considerable percentage of founders who did not study a degree. university. In addition, Something more complicated than finding the most suitable human talent for your startup is ensuring its permanence ; To do this, the incentives must be innovative, especially if it is a startup that has just started and has not yet had investment rounds.

      Likewise, innovation and creativity is more than welcome, as it is a non-traditional company, a non-traditional incentive program is expected (for example: having one day a week during work hours to carry out recreational activities can motivate more and increase productivity. permanence of its collaborators).

      Psychology in young companies

        Identification dynamics with promising emerging companies

        Likewise, when being part of a startup, whether you are a founder or not, andThe pace of work, business model and non-traditional practices at the business level will lead you to become an organic part of the startup since its business culture is based on principles that seek to benefit both the client and its workers in a more direct and priority way.

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        And, just as when selecting the best talent, the psychologist considers identification with the company’s values, the same expectations also exist for this professional.

        Thus, It is not surprising that a startup’s collaborators are also its biggest fans , something that is very difficult to see with traditional companies, regardless of the sector. And, if you analyze it carefully, identifying for the first time with the company in which you work will cease to be a utopia and become one more reason to stay and be motivated to grow and iterate as many times as necessary.

          The human component still exists in startups

          Last but not least, Psychology can contribute to the growth and human development of the members of any startup

          This work may sound routine compared to the work that psychologists currently perform within organizations, but since it is a different type of company, they will have to iterate and even pivot the topics, strategies and work methods to meet the demands that requires a fast-growing company with strong technological bases.

          To do this, it is necessary for the psychology professional to know about startups. their business models, their differences with traditional companies and their psychological needs linked to their functions and work projections.

          Furthermore, by living in technological environments, It becomes imperative that psychologists learn to move easily and safely in virtual spaces which, unfortunately, are not included in the academic training of universities.

            In conclusion…

            In sum, If the psychologist wants to head into the fascinating, extensive and promising world of startups, he or she has to let go of much of that traditionalism that accompanies their training and praxis and inhibits their transformative and creative potential.

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            In the end, a startup is a non-traditional company, therefore, it needs non-traditional psychologists, who are open to new ways of working, who dare to go down paths little explored by psychology.

            If you want to learn more about startups and how psychology contributes to their development, visit