​The Terrifying Drawings Of A 12-year-old Murderous Girl

When I see on the news that a murder has occurred, I usually ask myself: “What led a person to commit that crime?” But when the murder has been committed by a child, the news shocks me in such a way that I am not able to get the idea of ​​what may have been going through his head. That a child is not kind and friendly and instead is dangerous to society is difficult to understand.

There are many psychologists and psychiatrists who, for years, have tried to find answers to the reasons behind psychopathic children. Little ones can become very naughty and very cruel with other children their age. Now, what motivates them to commit crimes without any type of repentance?

In most cases The lives of these murderers are usually marked by abuse, mistreatment, and broken families, etc. Therefore, generally, and at least in part, the behavior of these little murderers is a product of their environment, which must be taken into account in order to understand what may have been going through the minds of these child murderers. In other cases, mental disorders can also be the trigger for these barbaric acts.

When fiction surpasses reality: murderous children

Unfortunately, there are stories that surpass fiction and that, due to their brutality and terrifying script, shock us all. An example is the well-known case that I will explain in today’s article. This is the terrifying case of Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, two friends aged 12 and 13 who lived in Wisconsin (United States) and who one day stabbed a friend of theirs with the aim of impressing a fictional character that was created in a Internet forum thread and which has starred in many works of fiction that circulate on the Internet: The Slender Man.

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The events occurred on May 31, 2014, and although the case caused an immediate impact, as details of what had happened became known, the more surprising the story became. The girls had planned the crime a few days before and had a map of the Waukesha forest (Wisconsin) where they took her 12-year-old friend to stab her 19 times.

The victim, Payton Leutner, was found by a cyclist that same Saturday, and was taken to the hospital, where they surprisingly managed to save his life. In fact, she recovered after a few months and is now leading a normal life.

The reasons for the assassination attempt

When questioned by Wisconsin authorities about the motives for the murder attempt, Morgan and Anissa responded that murdering their friend was the first step to becoming the representatives of the Slender Man. This character was the leader of the web. creepypasta.com and demanded sacrifices as a demonstration of loyalty

Morgan Geyser was the one in control between the two friends, and they had been planning the crime for a month before it happened. Her intelligence was higher than her age, but what really stands out is her personality: introverted and psychotic.

They planned the murder on several occasions

Not only did Morgan and Anissa plan the murder in the woods in advance, but they They had planned to kill their friend on two previous occasions

The first plan was to murder Payton by slitting his throat while he slept. They changed the plan due to indecision. They then thought about killing her in a public bathroom, but changed their minds because they thought her blood could be a problem and, besides, someone could hear Payton’s screams. It was too risky! In the end they decided to take her to the forest and stab her to death.

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Both minors do not yet know their sentence, but the court will try them as adults. The defense alleges that the girls had impaired mental faculties, so they would not be owners of their actions.

Morgan’s mental health problems

The defense claims that Morgan is mentally disturbed, and appears to suffer from schizophrenia and hallucinations. That is to say, the murder attempt was a consequence of his mental problems, because he saw the Slender Man, or at least he thought he was watching him. The role of her friend is not entirely clear yet, although some experts such as the American psychiatrist Laura Davies (in an article in the Chicago Tribune newspaper) speak of a case of Folie à Deux (shared disorder).

Police found a series of drawings on de Morgan and were used as evidence by the defense. You can see them below:

1. Image of the Slender Man

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In this image you can see a drawing of the fictional character Slender Man.

2. Image “I love killing people”

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In this image a girl killing another and the phrase “I love killing people.”

3. The “I want to die” doodle

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In this image a scribble that says: “I want to die.”

4. Hug with Slender Man

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In this image a girl hugs the Slender Man.

4. Tortured dolls

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In this image you can see different dolls that have been tortured and have satanic symbols.

6. Supplies needed

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In this image you can see a list of objects necessary for the crime. It is striking that the word “kitchen knife” appears.

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