Educational Psychology And Instructional Psychology: Differences

The psychology of education and the psychology of instruction They are two of the main applications of our science to the academic context. Both seek to transfer the knowledge obtained by scientific psychology to all types of learning situations, with a special emphasis on formal children’s education.

Although instructional psychology is generally considered a subdivision of educational psychology, the specificities of each of these disciplines make it relevant to clarify What are the differences between them from a theoretical and practical point of view?

What is Educational Psychology?

The general objective of educational psychology is to analyze the factors that influence the teaching and learning processes. In this sense, the discipline deals with research into these phenomena, as well as the ways in which such knowledge can be applied in educational contexts in order to promote learning.

However, beyond these aspects the definition of educational psychology is ambiguous This is due to the fact that there are many different theoretical models within the discipline, as well as the intermediate place that educational psychology occupies in relation to Psychology and Education themselves.

In this sense, it cannot be considered that there is clear agreement about whether the basic nature of educational psychology is theoretical or applied, to the type of content that is part of its field of study or to What are its points of union with other related scientific disciplines? with education, especially in the field of psychology.

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Among the authors who have been most relevant in the development of educational psychology, we can highlight Burrhus F. Skinner for his programmed teaching and behavior modification programs, Jean Piaget (pioneer of cognitive models in developmental and education) and Urie Bronfenbrenner, creator of Ecological Theory.

Defining the Psychology of Instruction

Although there is also an intense debate around the definition of instructional psychology, most experts consider that it is an aspect of educational psychology. Thus, we could say that it is not so much a separate discipline as a branch of educational psychology with characteristic specializations.

Specifically, we can say that instructional psychology has the objective of apply knowledge of educational psychology to teaching situations in order to enhance the effectiveness of the psychological and behavioral processes that are related to these phenomena.

This focus on the change processes involved in learning, especially formal learning, is the central characteristic of instructional psychology. However, as we have seen, beyond this aspect it is difficult to distinguish it from educational psychology.

The 4 differences between these disciplines

Four criteria have been described that may be useful for distinguish between the psychology of education and that of instruction: the breadth of the object of study, the theoretical orientation that serves as their basis, the level of analysis they deal with and the learning context to which they refer.

However, currently These 4 differences are still a proposal, since the definition of both disciplines is still in dispute. It is to be expected that as the psychology of education and instruction advances, the importance of differential aspects will be deepened or minimized.

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1. Breadth of the object of study

The psychology of instruction has focused above all on formal education, that is, on the enhancement of the processes involved in the teaching and learning of pre-established curricular content. On the contrary, Educational psychology has a broader character and applies to teaching in general, including informal teaching.

2. Theoretical and methodological orientation

Educational psychology has drawn on many theoretical and methodological approaches throughout its history; Among these, behaviorism, cognitivism, observational methods or ecological theory stand out. Instead, Instructional psychology is basically identified with cognitive orientation and is sometimes included in this area.

3. Level of analysis

While educational psychology focuses on broad phenomena affecting education in general (i.e., it has a molar and macroscopic perspective), the psychology of instruction is more molecular and microscopic since it studies more specific aspects, for example limited to certain types of learning or situation.

4. Scope of application

The knowledge obtained by educational psychology can be applied in any type of educational context. On the contrary, Instructional psychology is related to formal, intentional and planned teaching and has the basic objective of promoting the learning of a certain type of content.