Social Skills As An Addiction Prevention Tool

Social skills as an addiction prevention tool

We are sure that at some point you have wondered what causes someone to fall into an addiction.

Well, let us tell you that in reality, there are many reasons why you can fall into it. One of the reasons is that a person does not feel good about themselves, that they have a very low level of self-esteem, that they are very impulsive, or that they seek refuge from the pain of their existence.

And although it may seem surprising to you, Lack of social skills is also an important trigger for someone to become addicted

What do social skills have to do with addiction?

The truth is that it has more to do with it than you might think. Before analyzing this question, it is important to establish what we are talking about.

So, Social skills are behaviors that are learned from our childhood in the environment in which we move and that they are largely responsible for how we behave and relate to others.

We give you an example: shyness implies that it is very possible that that person does not have the necessary social skills to be able to relate correctly with other people. That’s going to take its toll on her, and it’s going to make her feel bad about herself. It is even possible that the reverse occurs.

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That same lack of social skills would cause him to monopolize any conversation, and that could have equally negative consequences.

What social skills exist and are important?

Yes, there are countless social skills that help us relate to others. Obviously, talking about and mentioning each and every one of them could take us forever, which is why we are going to focus the discussion on those that are specifically relevant to addiction.

1. Be able to say no

It is important that when we face an addiction, there are times when it is very difficult for us to say no. This, When it comes to rejecting a temptation to consume, it is essential

Although it may not seem like a big deal to you, it is actually a giant step to reject an offer from the object of addiction.

2. Accept help from others

We always say that with the help of others we are stronger. It is a fact. If you are not able to ask for help for something that happens to you, it is possible to turn to the consumption of an addiction to take refuge and alleviate the suffering For that reason you must train this aspect, asking for help and being able to accept it.

3. Chat

You are a person with a lot to say, with a lot to give. You don’t need anything that will “loosen your tongue.” If you are insecure or shy, Maybe you may feel the need to turn to some addictive object to be able to talk to other people In this sense, training disinhibition is basic. Work on it now.

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4. Express what you feel

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by feeling things? It doesn’t matter if it’s rage, anger, fear or sadness, it doesn’t matter, the thing is that these feelings don’t allow us to be who we are If you are not able to get it out, it can be a factor that influences the development of an addiction to silence what you feel. It is much healthier, and you know it, to talk.

These, although they are obviously not the only social skills that exist, are some of those that have a great influence when it comes to falling into addiction in any of its forms. It is essential that we learn to manage and handle them, since In this way we will not only be preventing, but it will allow us to feel more fulfilled better with ourselves and with the people around us.

Are you assertive?

Having assertiveness is essential to develop and improve social skills. But don’t worry, that can be worked on, and we can help you.

The training process, let’s say, consists of perform exercises and exemplify situations in which it is difficult to act and react appropriately

Without a doubt, assertiveness is one of the most important skills that an addict must work on, since thanks to it, they will be able to express those feelings or thoughts without adopting an aggressive or harmful point of view for themselves.

While it is important for the addict to act appropriately, they must also put themselves in someone else’s shoes. You should assume that if they offer you a glass of wine, they do so without bad intentions, but it is the addict who must put up the barrier. You do not want to consume, and so you must express it bluntly No.

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It is a learning process

It may seem to you that it is a big undertaking for you, and that you will never be able to achieve it, but nothing could be further from the truth. The acquisition of various social skills is one more tool you have to fight addiction It’s up to you to develop them or not.