Top 20 Healing Herbs (Health Effects And Benefits)

Healing herbs

Nowadays and thanks to advances in science, medicine is capable of curing a wide variety of diseases. But before medicine developed to an acceptable level, the different peoples of the world used the knowledge that tradition and the observation of the effects of various products present in nature in order to try to alleviate ailments.

One of the main elements used are the so-called healing or medicinal herbs, which have properties that can help relieve various discomforts and minor alterations. However, it must be taken into account that these relieve symptoms and help improve wound healing, but they cannot replace conventional medical treatments or make serious diseases disappear.

There is a great variety and diversity of these plants, given the diversity of the species described by botany. Below we will see a selection of the best healing herbs.

What is called healing herb?

Before commenting on some of the most relevant healing herbs, it is worth defining what a healing or medicinal herb is, which is often identified as a medicinal plant. Although it is generally used as a synonym for this last concept (also including, for example, trees), technically when we talk about healing herbs we are referring to any type of plant. with stem configured by soft and green tissue (never woody) and they die once they have produced offspring, generally at the end of the season, which have medicinal properties beneficial to human health.

Despite this, They should never be used as a substitute for medical treatment, and if taken, possible interactions with drugs and other interventions with which they could have dangerous interferences should be consulted. Furthermore, it must be taken into account that some of the properties attributed to many of these herbs have not been scientifically proven, and in other cases their beneficial effects have been shown to be less efficient than expected.

A selection of the best healing herbs

This is a list with twenty of the best healing herbs, most of them widely known and even in many cases widely used by a large part of the population. It must be taken into account that although they have positive effects on health, most of them have some contraindication or it is not recommended in specific situations, and some of them even have abortive properties.

1. Chamomile

The queen of infusions, chamomile or chamomile is one of the most well-known and used healing herbs when trying to treat and reduce pain and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. It also has a relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect, something that makes it useful for treating muscle pain or headaches. It also has antibacterial properties that make it also used to clean wounds or as a rinse.

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2. Rosemary

A common condiment in our kitchens, rosemary is another herb that has relevant medicinal properties. Rich in antioxidants and with a large amount of essential components for health this plant contributes to delaying aging and cell death caused by free radicals, in addition to contributing to improving concentration and performance and relieving and enhancing recovery from respiratory or digestive problems (including facilitating the expulsion of gases), facilitating menstruation and increase energy levels.

It also has, among others, antibacterial, liver protective, healing, expectorant and analgesic properties. Of course, like most of the rest of the exponents on this list, too much can be toxic.

3. Sage

Another well-known medicinal herb is sage, which despite having abortifacient properties and being contraindicated in people with kidney problems or nursing mothers and can be toxic in high quantities, has antibiotic and antiseptic properties, reduces diarrhea and blood glucose, activates appetite and increases energy and helps reduce inflammation and intestinal pain. It is also relaxing at a muscular level and seems to facilitate stimulation and cognitive activity.

4. Mint

Probably a product that we have all used in cooking, mint is an herbaceous plant that is often used in medicinal products. In addition to having diuretic properties it has been observed that it facilitates the functioning of the digestive system and the liver, in addition to being anti-inflammatory and having expectorant and antitussive properties, contributing to the synthesis of sweat, having analgesic capacity and being a stimulant and activator.

5. Valerian

An herb especially known for its calming and relaxing properties, similar to linden. Helps facilitate sleep and is especially used by people with insomnia. It also relaxes and calms anguish, sadness or anxiety while reducing alterations such as headaches, muscle pain, arrhythmias or tachycardia. Likewise, it is anti-inflammatory.

6. St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort or St. John’s wort is an interesting medicinal herb that is especially known for the fact that it has properties that help combat psychological problems as serious as depression, having an antidepressant effect. In addition to this, it also helps to relieve anxiety, pain and insomnia problems, and is useful in helping with various health problems linked to the menstrual cycle, stomach problems and even problems linked to insulin.

However, it is important to note that may interact negatively with drugs especially with antidepressants.

7. Filipendula ulmaria

Also called meadowsweet, meadowsweet is one of the healing or medicinal herbs from which a component of great importance in medicine has been extracted, specifically from its flowers (although it is also present in other plants): salicin

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Perhaps this name does not sound familiar to us, but if we add that acetylsalicylic acid comes out of it, we will quickly see that it is the main active ingredient of aspirin. This component therefore has an analgesic effect. In addition, it also seems to have antibacterial properties, as well as anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Fennel

This plant, widely used in cooking, also has interesting medicinal properties. First of all, it has been observed that it helps treat digestive problems, such as heaviness or constipation. It also has antispasmodic activity at a visceral level, in addition to being a diuretic and allow reduction of fluid retention Although they are not the only ones, other relevant properties are those that contribute to the reduction of blood pressure or serve as support in the regulation of the menstrual cycle or when it comes to reducing both menstrual and climacteric discomfort.

9. Licorice

Also called orozuz, medicinal properties have also been attributed to this herbaceous plant that is widely known in the preparation of the sweet of the same name. Specifically It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, in addition to reducing acidity It also helps reduce body temperature and has an anesthetic effect.

10. Plantain

This plant, despite not being among the best known, has interesting properties that are useful. Among them we can mention the fact that it helps in the treatment of kidney and bladder problems, intestinal problems such as diarrhea (it is astringent), has antihemorrhagic and antiseptic properties, is anti-inflammatory and satiating, and contributes as an expectorant to the recovery of respiratory problems. It is also rich in antioxidants and apparently helps reduce blood pressure and blood sugar.

11. Mauve

Mallow is another of the herbaceous plants with healing or medicinal properties, in this case also being anti-inflammatory, antitussive and expectorant, diuretic, antiseptic (useful in wounds) and with a very slight hypoglycemic action. Also facilitates intestinal transit, being a laxative Useful in inflammation, arthritis, dental pain, gastroenteritis or constipation, among others.

12. Calendula

This herb has powerful anti-inflammatory, healing and antiseptic properties, being very useful for use on skin wounds. It promotes the proper functioning of the menstrual cycle and has calming effects and helps treat dental and digestive tract problems, among others.

13. Marjoram

Another of those considered healing or medicinal herbs is marjoram, which is sometimes used in cooking but also has antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, expectorant, antispasmodic, sedative and appetite-generating properties. Useful for respiratory and digestive problems also reducing the absorption of carbohydrates.

14. Verbena

Verbena is a herbaceous plant of which some of its variants have interesting medicinal properties. One of them, known as St. Elizabeth’s herb, It is characterized by having calming and relaxing effects, while promoting a positive state of mind. It is useful to reduce nervousness, insomnia or headaches. It has also been observed that it is an excellent diuretic, as well as an astringent that makes diarrhea difficult and promotes tissue retraction. In addition, it is an antioxidant.

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15. Oats

When we think of oats, we probably imagine their culinary use in the form of flakes. But in addition to this, this herbaceous plant has very relevant medicinal properties. First of all, it should be noted that this plant has the capacity to strengthen our immune system and increase energy levels, among other things because of its high number of vitamins. It also contributes to reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol, in addition to having a laxative effect.

16. Coriander

Commonly used as a condiment, cilantro also has medicinal properties. Among them, the fact that it contributes to reducing cholesterol levels and reduces blood glucose, in addition to being a diuretic and promoting the elimination of toxins (especially at the level of heavy metals), having an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and even antispasmodic effect. It also promotes appetite, facilitates the expulsion of gases and can serve as an expectorant.

17. Dandelion

Widely valued for its beauty on an aesthetic level and sometimes also consumed on a culinary level, dandelion is also one of the healing or medicinal herbs. Specifically, it has been observed that it is a diuretic and stimulant, as well as being beneficial for the kidneys and liver (helping to filter the blood and prevent bleeding). Stimulates appetite and is anti-inflammatory and healing However, it can be harmful to pregnant women or people with bipolar disorder.

18. Basil

Again known mainly for its use as a condiment, this herb also has medicinal properties. Among them, the fact that it stimulates appetite stands out, makes vomiting difficult and has antitussive, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, among others It is also rich in antioxidants, diuretic, slightly anticoagulant and improves our immune system.

19. St. Robert’s Herb

Another exponent of healing or medicinal herbs is Geranium robertianum or St. Robert’s herb. This plant is often used with the purpose of helping to stop bleeding It is also astringent, both in terms of the blood and intestinal level (being useful in diarrhea) and is useful as a diuretic. Curiously, and although its flavor is good, unlike most of the other exponents on the list, St. Robert’s wort generates an aversive odor when squeezed.

20. Oregano

We finish the list with an herb widely known and loved in our kitchens: oregano. This plant is known to have a protective effect on the liver, have an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect, contribute to the expulsion of gases, strengthen bones and skin, reduce pain, reduce blood glucose in diabetics, have an expectorant effect, be rich in antioxidants and even prevent cancers such as breast cancer.