Triglycerides: What They Are And How They Affect Our Health


Among the different substances that constantly travel through our blood are lipids, molecules with very important functions for living organisms. The most common type of these molecules are triglycerides

At adequate levels, the latter can keep our body in balance, but, otherwise, triglycerides can cause serious health risks. For this reason, they are one of the most medically controlled molecules.

In this article we will see what triglycerides are, what their function and risks are for the body and how we can keep their levels in balance.

What are triglycerides and what function do they have?

Triglycerides are the most common type of lipid in our bloodstream. As such, it is sets of molecules composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen They are, likewise, molecules insoluble in water and found in different living beings, fulfilling different functions depending on the specific type of lipid in question.

For example, lipids such as steroid hormones can serve to regulate the functioning of specific cells. Another type of lipids, which we know as structural function lipids, can serve to shape cell membranes. Likewise, the type of lipids that we know as triglycerides can be used to generate the energy reserves necessary for our daily activity.

For absorption, transport and metabolism Organs such as the small intestine and liver participate in the latter; anatomical structures such as the lymphatic system; and molecules such as lipoproteins.

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How do we get them?

As with other nutrients, triglycerides reach our body through the foods and substances we consume daily. The substances that most frequently provide us with triglycerides are butter and oils although they are also generated from the consumption of calories that come from different foods.

Depending on their components, and the frequency or quantity in which they are consumed, some foods and substances promote the lipid absorption process. However, there are others that can hinder this process, causing its accumulation.

Specifically, when we consume calories that our body does not need immediately (extra calories), the latter are converted into triglycerides and deposited in different cells and tissues. When it occurs in a moderate way, this process has the objective of keep our body with the necessary energy reserves For the day to day.

That is, when we have an activity that requires high levels of energy, cells containing triglycerides are released and travel to the different tissues, to nourish them and keep them active. However, when triglycerides accumulate excessively and unnecessarily, they can cause serious health problems.

Normal level and high level

As we see, triglycerides have both a function and an important risk in our body. Your concentration levels They are measured by a test that also allows us to know cholesterol levels Where applicable, triglycerides are measured in milligrams per deciliter (abbreviated as follows: mg/dL).

The triglyceride levels measured from Normal to Very high for the adult are as follows:

These levels can be detected through an analysis that consists of drawing blood from the vein located on the inside of the elbow. Blood can also be drawn from the back of the hands. In any case, the test is performed after 12 hours of fasting.

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Consequences of high triglyceride levels

From a high triglyceride concentration limit increase the risks of developing heart disease and/or metabolic syndrome ; which is when the same person presents a set of risk factors for cardiovascular disease: central obesity, diabetes, high levels of triglycerides and low levels of low-density lipoproteins, and high blood pressure.

Additionally, if triglyceride levels increase to 150 mg/dL or more, these levels are considered hypertriglyceridemia. As its name indicates, it is the very high concentration of triglycerides in the blood. The presence of hypertriglyceridemia indicates that it has potentially increased the risk of developing coronary heart disease, although it is also a risk factor for acute pancreatitis if it occurs at even higher levels (when it reaches 1000 mg/dL or more).

Likewise, hypertriglyceridemia has been associated with the development of arteriosclerosis; both by the levels of triglycerides and by the cholesterol content of the remaining lipoproteins (sets of protein and lipids that carry fat through the body, and which, being remnants, are the lipoproteins converted into fatty acids and accumulated throughout the body. of the day).

In this sense, although hypertriglyceridemia refers only to an increase in triglycerides, in some cases it can be related to hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels), which can indicate a high risk of suffering from different types of cardiovascular disease, such as ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction

Causes and treatment of high triglycerides

The main cause of high triglyceride levels is eating more calories than we can burn. This amount is mainly caused by excessive consumption of sugar and saturated fats. Likewise, some lifestyles, such as smoking or frequent alcohol consumption, are two risk factors for high triglyceride levels

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On the other hand, some medical conditions that can cause high triglycerides are the following:

In this sense, the prevention and treatment of high triglyceride levels consists of prevent lipids from accumulating in our blood and tissues by preventing the risk factors mentioned above.

One of the most important treatments is to make lifestyle changes. For example, it is essential to maintain control of our weight through regular physical activity combined with a balanced diet. Specifically, it is important to limit the consumption of added sugars, saturated fats, and refined flours or foods, as well as alcoholic beverages, since all of this produces additional calories that become triglycerides, and many times they accumulate in excess within our body. organism. Instead of saturated fats, Easily absorbed fats derived from olive oil or fish can be used

Likewise, and in the event that high levels of triglycerides require medical treatment to reduce them, it is common to prescribe drugs that are also used to treat cholesterol. These include nicotinic acid, fibrates, and cholesterol absorption inhibitors.