The 10 Best Cough Syrups (dry And Mucus)

cough syrups

There are multiple situations and diseases that make us cough. This bodily reaction is often annoying or even painful depending on its intensity and characteristics, making it necessary or advisable to use some type of drug to relieve it.

With this objective, a large number of syrups have been generated over the years, with different components and characteristics. In this article Let’s see some of the best cough syrups explaining its most important properties.

What is cough?

All or almost all of us have coughed at some point, but the truth is that we do not usually stop to think about what it is or why it occurs. Therefore we are going to make a brief definition.

We call a cough a bodily reaction that our body carries out in those situations in which our airways are obstructed. It is a defensive mechanism that aims the expulsion of those bodies or elements that obstruct or irritate said pathways

As a general rule, coughing is an automatic process in which the person’s consciousness or ability to make deliberate movements barely intervenes. However, cough can also be produced voluntarily, and on the other hand, there is also somatic cough, which is one that occurs when the person adopts a pattern of behavior that leads him to cough without really needing it, even though he has the ability to cough. feeling like you have difficulty breathing. That is to say, in this case it is a purely psychological phenomenon, and not biological.

Is coughing bad?

Returning to the conventional definition of cough, that is, one that has physical and palpable causes, it is a healthy and habitual act that appears in situations in which foreign bodies (smoke, earth or water, for example) enter the pathways that go to the lungs, or when we suffer from a disease (generally respiratory infections) in which microbes or mucus make it difficult for air to pass through. The act of coughing, generally involuntary although it can be done consciously, initially involves an inhale to exhale with glory closed expelling both air and elements that irritate or block the respiratory tract.

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In this sense, cough is generally not bad or a problem in itself. Now, if it occurs very frequently, it may be a sign that there is a problem in the respiratory tract, whether it is a mild and temporary incidence or an illness. At most, expelling air quickly can cause irritation in the throat, but what is really important is what caused this muscle contraction in the area around the lungs. Thus, cough syrups aim to intervene not in the root of the phenomenon that affects the respiratory tract, but in one of its consequences.

What is cough

Types of cough

It should be noted that there are various types of cough, with two being the best known: dry or with mucus.

Dry cough arises in response to irritation generated by germs or external irritants, expelling only air. The other main type of cough is mucous or phlegmatic, in which mucus or phlegm is coughed up, preventing or partially blocking the passage of air. Of course, between these two categories there is a gray scale, and it is not always clear which variant of cough is affecting us; this is normal.

Best Cough Syrups (Explained)

As we have seen, cough does not have to be a problem, and in fact in most cases it is useful for maintaining good health. However, sometimes it is a symptom of an underlying pathology that causes us to cough so much and with such intensity that it affects our quality of life. In situations like this, it may be advisable to resort to cough syrups.

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Of course, whenever we use cough syrups we must do so under medical indication if they are technically considered drugs, that is, if they have active ingredients that can cause side effects to be taken into account (regardless of whether they are only sold in pharmacies or not). In cases of moderate cough, If you want to try home remedies, you can use honey (consumed alone in small quantities or dissolved in a little milk) since it shows some effectiveness in mitigating pain due to throat irritation.

Below we will see some of the ten best cough syrups today, some of them being highly known and others less mentioned in everyday life. You must always keep in mind that these drugs have specific doses depending on age and that they can cause side effects. Also It is very important to consult your doctor and read the leaflet before taking them since many interact with other drugs.

Also, keep in mind that regardless of the quality of cough syrups, some of them only serve to relieve throat irritation and others suppress or weaken the cough reflex temporarily.

1. Antitussive Bisolvon

This well-known brand of cough suppressant specializes in the treatment of mucous type cough, typical of diseases and problems such as colds Its expectorant action weakens mucus, making it less viscous and facilitating its expulsion.

It is considered the best or one of the best for treating broncho-pulmonary diseases.

2. Histiacil

This brand is known for its quick effects when treating coughs of all types, although it is considered the best when it comes to treating dry coughs. Also has a sugar-free version for diabetics, as well as a children’s version

3. Mucosa

Another of the big brands and one of the best known, Mucosan cough syrups are very useful for the treatment of liquid or mucous cough typical of a cold in people over two years of age. However, it is common to present some mild side effects.

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4. Flutox

An antitussive especially useful for the treatment of dry cough in people over two years of age, inhibiting the cough reflex

5. Hylands

This brand has antitussive products among its products especially dedicated to babies, although it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician first to assess their suitability. It also has a version for older children.

6. Sensibit XP

This brand seems to be one of the best when treating cough resulting from the presence of allergies having an expectorant and antihistamine effect.

7. Tukol-D

This brand has expectorants that are very useful for the treatment of respiratory infections, facilitating the reduction of the viscosity of mucus. It should not be administered before the age of 12 unless we are talking about its children’s version.

8. A. Vogel Broncosan

One of the best brands made with natural products, and in addition to helping combat the typical cough of respiratory infections, it slightly increases defenses. It stands out that It is made from products such as pine However, its flavor is not excessively pleasant.

9. Iniston

Very useful when we are faced with a type of dry allergic cough, contributing to soothe irritation in the throat and respiratory tract

10. Vick-44

This brand is very useful for all types of coughs, although it is usually more indicated for the treatment of dry coughs. It relieves congestion and allows mucus to be expelled more easily. Of course, like the rest, it has contraindications such as diabetes or liver problems.