Can A Manipulative Person Fall In Love?


Within the field of psychology, an area that causes a lot of interest and therefore has been studied in depth are the motivations behind manipulative people. It seems that individuals who use persuasion and deception to get their way arouse a curiosity worth investigating. Now, have you ever thought about whether these people can fall in love?

We all know that a manipulator has special abilities to influence and control others easily Therefore, it is normal to question whether a person with such a need to control, change and deform the behaviors or perceptions of others is capable of feeling an emotion as real and strong as love.

Before delving deeper, it is crucial to clarify that not all manipulators are the same. More specifically, there are different levels and styles of manipulation. Consequently, in some cases, love can be used as another tool of manipulation, while in others the manipulator may experience authentic love, but lack the emotional and communication skills necessary to maintain a healthy and balanced relationship.

In short, we can advance the answer to the question in a brief way: Manipulative people can fall in love, however, their way of loving is different from the rest of the individuals Read on to find out how it’s different, and how we can discover that we are falling for a manipulative person.

The love of a manipulative person

A person’s past experiences, and their ability to adapt to them, is one of the key factors in fostering a manipulative personality Due to their own experiences, this group of individuals develop an exceptional ability to read and understand the emotions and needs of others. This is why they are so good at modifying and adapting their behavior in order to obtain what they want so much.

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In the romantic sphere, this ability comes in handy as they create an emotionally captivating environment that manages to seduce their partner and thus generate an intense connection. By having such a knack for understanding what the other person feels, the manipulator is very good at identifying and satisfying his or her partner’s emotional needs.

However, we must keep in mind that a manipulative person always wants more, has no limits and, in reality, only thinks about himself. Behind what might seem like a person attentive to the emotions of others, hides a dark world where his only goal is to satisfy his own ego


Who does a manipulative person fall in love with?

As we discussed previously, the way a manipulator falls in love differs from a non-manipulative person. The former tend to focus on a series of specific characteristics of their potential partner. Keep in mind that the manipulator falls in love with the person he considers a good prey, someone he can control and manipulate at will Below, we present the personality traits that so attract this group of individuals:

Consequences of falling in love with a manipulator

Falling in love with a person who controls you, influences your emotions in a negative way and uses manipulative techniques such as emotional blackmail to achieve everything they want, significantly interferes with the mental health of the couple. Entering into this type of relationship leads to a toxic, unstable and harmful love, where the manipulative person limits the life of the victim

Therefore, it is important to open our eyes and realize if we are sharing our life with a manipulator. If this is yes, it is important to get out of here and ask for help. Learning to strengthen self-esteem and establish healthy boundaries are essential tools for recovering from a relationship of this type.

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It is extremely important to understand that love cannot do everything and of course, it does not justify or excuse manipulation. Love does no harm, in fact, it should be a mutual experience that involves respect, support and personal freedom for both members of the relationship. In addition, If you find yourself in a relationship where your partner tries to control you, it is crucial that you learn to identify the signs

Therefore, if you have identified with the article, we recommend that you ask a professional for help. Behind this, there are a series of emotional and affective deficiencies, low self-esteem and inadequate establishment of limits that must be worked on to avoid falling into the same thing again.
