Is It Worth Continuing With The Relationship After Infidelity?

Is it worth continuing with the relationship after infidelity?

I am often asked if it is worth continuing with a relationship after infidelity And infidelity is one of the most devastating and hardest experiences that can occur in a relationship.

When an affair or a parallel relationship is uncovered, it produces a very strong shake not only to the foundations of the relationship but also to the foundations of the deceived person.

People who have been unfaithful suddenly find themselves transported into a sea of ​​doubts about themselves, about their relationship, about their life, about their future…

The questions and queries They crowd together looking for clear answers and, above all, security and some way to regain control over their lives.

Among all of them, those that have to do with the continuity of the relationship stand out: Should I continue? Do I try to get over it? Im getting a divorce? Do I ask you to leave forever?

But unfaithful people may also have doubts about whether or not to bet on the relationship. It will depend on many things such as the type of infidelity, the link with the third person…

Whatever position you are in, whether you are the wronged person or the unfaithful person, in this article I am going to give you some clues so that you can find your own answers that will help you make the best decision for you, for your family and for your life.

When is it worth continuing with the relationship after infidelity? Questions for the betrayed person

Going for a relationship after infidelity costs great effort and pain until reconciliation is achieved. However, leaving a relationship to escape pain and shame is not always the best alternative. Making the decision is not easy at all but I bring you 10 questions that can help you reflect and find the answers you need right now:

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When is it worth continuing after infidelity? Questions for the unfaithful person

If you have been the unfaithful person, once the infidelity is uncovered, you can be very clear about the path you would like to follow.

If your best option is not to continue with the relationship, I recommend that you implement both the necessary honesty and courage so that your partner is clear about your decision as soon as possible.

Even if you are trying to protect her from pain, dragging out the decision over time can lead to false illusions and the damage being even more lasting and deeper.

In the event that you have doubts about whether or not to bet on your relationship, I have 7 questions for you that will help you gain more clarity:

Do you need help making your decision?

Whatever position you are in, I recommend that you don’t make any decisions impulsively At the moment infidelity is revealed, emotions can be so intense that thinking clearly becomes very very difficult.

So take your time, think about it calmly. But if you don’t see yourself able to find clarity, if it’s difficult for you to have enough serenity to decide or if it’s impossible for you to talk to your partner without everything exploding, Your best option may be to ask for professional help

One option is couples therapy for infidelity. Think that having the possibility of speaking with the help of an expert and neutral person allows you to have a safe space in which to explore alternatives before making a decision.

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And furthermore, whatever decision you make, it can help you take your future path along the most direct path and with the least possible pain.

You also have the possibility of requesting individual therapy for the couple and having a space in which you can reflect out loud without having to hide information, without taboos, without fear of being judged… As much as it may be difficult at first to make the decision to ask for help, I assure you that it prevents a lot of suffering and allows you to find relief and peace of mind in much less time. Worth.