People With Inflated Self-esteem: 8 Traits And Characteristics

People with inflated self-esteem

Self-esteem is decisive for people to be able to overcome the various adversities that arise throughout their lives. A well-established self-esteem will prevent the subject from having a poor perception of himself, and from letting problems overcome him.

Although this is a positive circumstance, There are people with very inflated self-esteem who harm themselves due to the exaggerated perception they have of themselves. In this article we will see what are the characteristic features of these people with excess self-esteem and ideas of grandiosity linked to their self-concept.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem can be defined as the appreciation or consideration that a person has of himself, and it is a characteristic associated with personality that begins to be established from childhood, although it can vary throughout life (especially depending on the social reference groups with which the individual is compared). Its development will depend in part on the parenting styles that the boy or girl receives from the parents or caregivers, and also on the person’s expectations regarding their life plans.

People with too much self-esteem were often subject to dysfunctional parenting styles, suffering from this circumstance in the following stages of evolutionary development. For example, when we have overly permissive and accommodating parents, the tendency can lead us to develop excess self-esteem, believing that we have the power to make other people obey us.

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If, on the other hand, we have parents who restrict children’s own initiative, the tendency is towards low self-esteem. which, in the same way, will end up harming various aspects of your life (personal, family, academic, work).

How does excess self-esteem affect you?

Exacerbated self-esteem usually brings a series of negative consequences for the subject, but in general they do not realize that this is the case. It is the same excess of self-esteem that prevents the person from seeing that they are making mistakes and that he must correct certain aspects of his life.

In cases where there is an overly enlarged self-image, it is difficult for the subject to relate adequately to his or her peer group, no matter where they are. There will always be a social limitation, among other things because criticism is not tolerated well.

Another way in which people are affected by excess self-esteem is the poor capacity for self-reflection that people with inflated self-esteem have; They find it very difficult to gain an honest understanding of who they are and what their true capabilities are.

These subjects constantly remain absorbed in a bubble of perfection regarding themselves; even when they are wrong they refuse to accept it and they prefer to engage in a sterile discussion rather than give in.

Now let’s look at some more specific ways in which excess self-esteem affects people:

People with inflated self-esteem: characteristics

In the following list we are going to review What are the main characteristics of people with too much self-esteem

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1. They believe they can do everything

Individuals with overly inflated self-esteem have the idea that they are capable of meeting any challenge presented to them, regardless of whether it is true or not. It is a superb attitude where the preparation necessary to carry out the activities is not taken into account

2. They believe they are never wrong

Another of the main characteristics of these subjects is that They think they are always absolutely right about everything they discuss, and they do not see it as a possibility to be able to make mistakes at some point. This is associated with a high level of frustration when encountering situations in which one’s own imperfections are evident when making decisions; The cognitive dissonance they must face in cases like this is very high.

3. They do not foresee the risks

When there is excess self-esteem, there is also an inability to detect possible risks. This is because the person thinks that nothing can significantly affect him and that he has a solution for everything, when really all he does is expose yourself to unnecessary risks

4. They have the feeling of being very loved

This irrational feeling is due to the fact that subjects with exaggerated self-esteem They tend to extrapolate the perception they have of themselves to other people in the sense that they think that everyone else sees them as they see themselves.

5. They tend to talk too much

When we meet people with excessive self-esteem, we can notice their tendency to talk a lot and they are not very willing to give the spotlight to other people to participate in the conversation. There is a tendency towards egocentrism

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6. They do not take into account the capabilities of others

The guy with too much self-esteem He will hardly work in a group voluntarily, since he thinks that no one is at his level to form a team at your side. These people prefer to work alone, regardless of the amount of work it is.

7. They like to be praised

People with inflated self-esteem will always show weakness for those who praise them. When they meet a person who enjoys their stories and boasts (at least for a while) they feel that their ego is satisfied, and this is evident in their body expressions.

8. They always want the best

These guys tend to always want the best things, the most elegant and usually expensive, to be able to show them off and enjoy when others notice your presence thanks to the accessories they use.