The Superman Drug: Characteristics And Effects

The use of the Superman drug is spreading throughout the world What characteristics does this drug have and what are its dangerous effects?

In the world we live in, the consumption of substances for recreational purposes is a relatively frequent phenomenon, with those who take them seeking new sensory and cognitive experiences, escaping from the problems of daily life, becoming active, relaxing or experiencing a temporary enhancement of a state of expansive mood.

All these reasons mean that for some people, the world of drugs seen in a recreational way is a business to profit from, which means that new versions of substances with psychoactive effects are constantly being created. One of these substances whose appearance is relatively recent is paramethoxymethamphetamine or Superman drug.

    The Superman or Superhero pill

    The superman drug, paramethoxymethamphetamine or PMMA is a dangerous psychoactive substance that falls within the classification of designer drugs. This type of substance is classified as psychodysleptic since as a general rule they produce alterations in perception and a variation in habitual psychic activity.

    Derived from the amphetamine family, if we analyze the composition of the drug Superman we can find a combination of methamphetamines and ecstasy, this combination having a much greater potency than any of its parts separately. This power makes PMMA a very dangerous drug, which, together with the relatively little knowledge of its characteristics by those who consume it, makes some authors consider it even more worrying than cocaine. It is generally sold and bought as if it were ecstasy, with the consumer not knowing the type of potency or risks of what they are taking.

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    Visually, This substance usually has a typical presentation, generally being red, pink, orange or yellow diamond-shaped and with Superman’s iconic S on both sides.

    The origin of this substance can be found in the countries of northern Europe, being a synthetic drug made using chemicals in a laboratory to emulate the characteristics of drugs of natural origin. It is a relatively recent substance that began to be regulated within our borders in 2002, although its appearance dates back earlier. Its consumption is not yet common in our borders, but despite this, in recent years its popularity has increased, with some cases of individuals dying from its consumption. Thus It is necessary to increase caution and social alert regarding its presence in our territory

    What effects does this substance produce?

    Taking into account that it is a psychodysleptic whose composition mainly involves ecstasy and methamphetamines, the type of effects that the Superman drug has is easily guessable based on those produced by the substances that compose it.

    Paramethoxymethamphetamine has mainly an excitatory effect, causing an increase in nervous activation of the brain This activation produces social disinhibition and feelings of euphoria and well-being, in a similar way (although more intense) to other drugs in the amphetamine family. This makes its consumers feel more sociable, happy and capable. It generates an increase in activity and affects both the emotional, physical, cognitive and perceptual levels. It can increase the level of perception of the environment or even cause the presence of delusional ideas (usually of grandeur) and even hallucinations. Despite the latter, its main effect is stimulating and not hallucinatory.

    At a physiological level, the consumption of the Superman drug causes an acceleration of metabolism and cardiorespiratory activity, increasing the body’s consumption of oxygen and nutrients and thereby inducing an increase in body temperature and the sensation of greater strength and physical and sexual power. . Heart rate and blood pressure increase greatly, which can lead to serious health problems. Due to the increase in energy, it usually causes the consumer to increase the level of physical activity they perform, reaching worrying extremes. It has a diuretic effect, causing the need to urinate frequently.

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    How does it act at a neurochemical level?

    The drug Superman exerts its effect through the inhibition of the reuptake of monoamines, especially dopamine and norepinephrine. Likewise, it also causes an increase in their release while at the same time temporarily inhibiting the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), which degrades serotonin. All of this means that the level of neurotransmitters that act in the brain is very high at a general level, and can cause different effects in those who consume the drug.

    PMMA acts by binding to the membranes of neurons to gradually release the drug inside (which is why its effect takes time to be noticed) in such a way that it can alter the ability of neurons to discharge impulses. In fact, this causes the effect of this drug to last between thirty minutes and one hour after consumption, with such effects being relatively delayed (it is common for them to begin to be noticed approximately three-quarters of an hour after consumption). It remains in the nervous system for a long time and takes time to be eliminated. can cause serious neuronal problems due to an accumulation of this substance

    A substance that poses serious health risks

    The drug Superman or PMMA has a very high toxicity, as the doses that cause an effect on the body and those that produce harmful effects on health are very close. In fact, a single PMMA pill can have enough power to kill. It is considered that from fifty milligrams this substance produces intoxication, while in a dose from fifty to three hundred can be found.

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    The adverse effects produced by this substance include a spectacular and harmful increase in body temperature, which can lead to very high fevers in a short time. It is common that the increase in heart rate and blood pressure produced by PMMA ends up generating arrhythmias, angina and even myocardial infarctions. Respiratory difficulties, dizziness, dehydration and seizures are other symptoms of poisoning

    Necrosis and risk of death

    Many muscle fibers tend to break due to the high level of agitation and physical activation, and the increased diuresis combined with this causes fluid to be lost rapidly. The kidney and liver can also be seriously damaged, generating tissue necrosis In general, the effects produced by intoxication with the drug superman or PMMA can cause multi-organ failure of multiple body systems, which is a frequent cause of death due to overdose.

    Furthermore, the fact that the Superman drug has a delayed effect, since it takes between thirty minutes and an hour to begin to take effect, can cause the consumption of more than one dose when its consumer considers that the substance has had no effect, or the added consumption of other drugs. Taking into account that a single pill already has enough power to cause poisoning and even death, the risk it poses increases exponentially.

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