Taurine: Effects Of This Neurotransmitter On Attention And The Body


During the last years bullfighting has become part of our usual vocabulary as a consequence of the rise of energy drinks. Despite the controversy that has been created around it, it is an element that has always existed naturally in natural foods and even made by our own body. Additionally, although this substance is popular for its use in drinks, it is also a neurotransmitter, so our neurons use it to function.

Throughout this article we will learn what it is, where we can find it, as well as its benefits and harmful effects.

What is taurine?

Taurine It is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine ​​that our body manufactures naturally and that, in addition, it is also present in a series of specific foods.

Its curious name dates back to 1827, during which the German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin isolated it for the first time from a sample of bull bile.

In humans we can find it in large quantities in organs such as the heart, as well as in muscles, platelets and throughout the nervous system throughout their development period.

This substance causes stimulation of the nervous system, so our body turns to it in highly stressful moments or when intense physical activity is required. Due to these stimulating effects, large quantities of synthetic taurine are currently produced, which has become the main ingredient in energy drinks.

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However, its use has generated many controversies since some studies claim that Excessive consumption of taurine can cause serious damage to our body Taking into account that our body produces it naturally and that we can find it in a large number of foods, maintaining a varied and balanced diet is enough to achieve healthy natural levels of taurine.

Where can we find it?

As we have mentioned, we can find natural taurine in various foods of both animal and plant origin. Likewise, in recent years, types of drinks in which taurine, artificially synthesized, are established as one of the main ingredients, have become popular.

1. Taurine in natural foods

Through a varied and balanced diet we can maintain adequate and stable taurine levels, so it would not be necessary to resort to laboratory-made substances.

Those foods that contain greater amounts of taurine are those that come from the sea Among them, octopus and the vast majority of seafood stand out. Culinary preparations with ingredients such as raw or boiled fish (never fried) are good options when the person wants to get a good dose of energy.

In the same way, meat from birds such as chicken also contains large amounts of taurine, especially the meat found in the thighs of the animal. Other meat foods rich in taurine are those that come from pigs and cows.

With regard to foods of a plant nature, there are a large number of legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and beans They contain large amounts of taurine. Likewise, nuts such as hazelnuts or almonds, or soybeans and algae are also known for their large contributions of this substance.

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2. Taurine and energy drinks

As mentioned above, in recent years energy drinks have achieved surprising popularity. Among them, it seems that those that are composed of taurine as the main ingredient are even more famous.

In the beginning, these drinks were designed to enhance the cardiac performance of athletes and athletes during exercises, especially in the world of bodybuilding. However, some time later, some popular soft drink and energy drink companies combined it with other compounds such as caffeine to also increase physical and intellectual resistance.

Consumed in moderation, these drinks do not have to pose a danger to your health. However, we must not forget that they are synthetic compounds that are not natural, so it will always be better to opt for options from food. Furthermore, another of the drawbacks of these drinks is their high content of gas and sugars, harmful agents for health.

On the other hand, its consumption is completely discouraged in people with hypertension problems; as well as the combination of taurine with other nervous system depressant substances such as alcohol. The reason is that this mixture can cause abnormal heart rhythms

What benefits does it provide?

First of all, it is necessary to specify that, when talking about the possible benefits of taurine, reference is made to the occasions in which it is found naturally. This is because in those cases in which it is made synthetically or presented in the form of a synthetic drink, it is accompanied by many other additives that are not recommended.

Although taurine was discovered more than a century ago, this substance is still the subject of numerous studies that attempt to discover each and every one of its therapeutic or beneficial properties. Furthermore, its moderate consumption through natural ingredients can promote and maintain blood pressure levels in healthy people.

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Currently, it is known that taurine promotes protein synthesis, so it helps our body assimilate the proteins we consume much better. In addition, nutritional supplements based on taurine are widely used to enhance bone development and growth.

Its use to enhance attention

Other benefits are related to the effects it exerts on the neuromotor system, which helps those who consume it to maintain greater focus of attention, as well as a high-performance intellectual and physical state. This makes it popular among students, despite the fact that it is normally consumed through energy drinks, with the consequent physical wear and tear.

Harmful effects on the body

As has been pointed out on several occasions, taurine is a substance that enjoys both fame and controversial reactions and opinions. These debates revolve around the negative effects that synthetic taurine has on the body.

Some research establishes a relationship between this taurine made from chemical and artificial compounds with physical problems and conditions such as hypertension, strokes, heart pathologies and problems, and seizures.

Due to the risk this poses to health, energy drinks with taurine have even been banned in some northern European countries, which have linked them to the deaths of some people who consume these drinks.