The 10 Best Universities In The World To Study Psychology

Those interested in how the mind works and why people behave may decide to study a degree in Psychology, one of the most in-demand today.

Without a doubt, it is an attractive career, but it is long and requires a good dose of motivation. Thus, Not only is it important to want to study a degree in Psychology, but the place where you study and the colleagues with whom these years of learning are shared can make this journey more or less pleasant. The vast majority of people want to study their degree in their country, but some prefer to go on an adventure and cross the border to train.

Are you one of those who are thinking about going abroad to study? Are you one of those people who likes to discover new cultures and other ways of working? Have you ever wondered which is the best university in the world to study Psychology? If you have asked yourself these questions or are interested in knowing what psychology is like outside your territory, this article may interest you. Now, the universities that are part of this ranking are quite expensive, so they are not affordable for everyone.

What are the best Spanish universities to study Psychology?

Before getting to know the best universities of Psychology worldwide, we are going to review the best Spanish universities to study this career.

According to him QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015/16which has been responsible for making an annual list of the most prestigious universities in the world since 2011, The best Spanish university centers to study the Degree in Psychology are the following:

  1. Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)
  2. Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)
  3. University of Barcelona (UB)
  4. Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
  5. University of Granada (UGR)
  6. University of Valencia (UV)
  7. University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)
  8. University of Seville (US)
  9. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
  10. University of Zaragoza (UniZar)

If you are interested in learning more about these universities, you can read our article: The 10 best universities to study Psychology in Spain

Best universities in the world to study Psychology

As for the best universities in the world to study Psychology, Below you can see the “top 10” of the best academic institutions around the globe to train you as a psychologist.

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This list has also been made based on the criteria of the QS World University Rankings® 2015/16. You can see the evaluation criteria by clicking on this link.

10. Princeton University

This private university was founded in 1946 It is located in the center of Princeton, in the United States, a town located between New York and Philadelphia. Princeton offers a welcoming university environment, with sports and cultural activities on its campuses, always without forgetting excellence in teaching. Its high level of training is what makes it one of the best universities to study Psychology.

9. University College London

University College London, also known as UCL, is one of the most prestigious in the United Kingdom It welcomes 35,000 students annually and is famous for its great tradition in research. In addition to the Degree in Psychology, it is a university recognized internationally for the quality of its Masters. One of the most recognized is Organizational Psychology.

8. University of Michigan

This university was founded in Detroit in 1817, but after 20 years it was moved to Ann Arbor. 40,000 students study at this university center. Its teaching staff is of the highest level. These, in addition to being great professionals in their field, have received many awards and recognitions for their great work. The University of Michigan has a long tradition in neuropsychology research.

7. University of California Berkeley (UCB)

This is one of the most famous university centers in the United States, and specifically, the Department of Psychology of this university has some of the best psychology professors in North America. In facto, has in its ranks four Pulitzer Prize winners and seven Nobel Prize-winning professors Although American universities are really expensive, this university center has a scholarship program for qualified students.

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6. Yale University

The Yale University School of Psychology is located in New Haven, Connecticut and it is, without a doubt, one of the most recognized universities in the country. This university center has been in operation since 1701, and currently there are more than 11,000 students who are part of its university programs. One of the best-known psychologists at this university is Stanley Milgram.

Learn about the contributions of this great psychologist in our article: The Milgram Experiment: the danger of obedience to authority

5. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

The University of California is one of the best known and has 4 large universities spread throughout the state of California. In the “top 10” appears the one located in Los Angeles, and is better known as (UCLA). Her university work began in 1919, and today she is famous for her research in neuroscience. On the other hand, the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) also carries out many important studies in this specialty. The neuropsychologist Ramachandran is one of its greatest exponents.

If you are interested in learning more about Ramachandran’s work, we invite you to read our post: The phantom limb and mirror box therapy

4. Oxford University

Another of the legendary British universities In fact, Oxford University is the oldest English-speaking university in the world. The exact date of its foundation is not known, although everything indicates that it began its activities around the year 1096. It is one of the universities with the greatest recognition in terms of experimental psychology.

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3. Stanford University

Stanford University is located in Palo Alto, California, and it is one of the most renowned universities in the world. A multitude of investigations have been carried out from this university, one of the best known is that of Philip Zimbardo, a classic of Social Psychology. The psychology department was inaugurated in 1892 and the facilities of this university have 17 research laboratories.

You can take a look at Zimbardo’s research in our article: Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment

2. University of Cambridge

Cambridge, along with Oxford, is one of the most recognized universities in the United Kingdom All the professors at this university center are leaders in their specialty. In addition to the ranking on which this article is based, Cambridge is also the first of the British universities to study psychology in other recognized lists: Guardian’s University Guide 2016: league table for psychology, The Times Good University Guide 2016 and the Complete University Guide 2016.

1. Harvard University

Harvard University is the most prestigious university in the world not only in the field of Psychology, but also in other disciplines. It is located in Boston, Massachusetts, and its beginnings as an academic institution date back to 1636, making it the oldest university in the United States. More than 20,000 students complete their university years at Harvard (both bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and graduate degrees).