​The 10 Keys To Facing Emotional Pain

In recent years, research has shown that The regions involved in processing physical pain are the same as those related to emotional pain and social distress

Which seems to indicate that emotional pain represents great suffering for the person who suffers from it. Rejection by a partner or sudden changes in life, among other situations, can trigger us to break with the present, the result of a great emotional burden that can sink us. Therefore, emotional pain can cause serious problems in our daily lives.

The emotional pain that each individual suffers is different

Each person feels emotional pain in their own way, and as I have already said, it can be caused by different phenomena: a breakup, a change of city, dismissal from a job, etc. Whatever the reason, It usually originates from not knowing how to manage the change in life and from not having the necessary resources to face the new situation And of course, since everyone faces the situation in their own way, some people may tell themselves that this pain is justified, without facing it. Others, however, take it seriously and try to get out of the situation they find themselves in as soon as possible.

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Experience often makes us see emotional pain as part of learning for life, but what is the best way to overcome emotional pain? Below you can learn ten ways to overcome emotional pain.

1. Recognize the pain you are feeling

The first step to change is recognize what is happening to you Society pressures us in such a way that we have come to believe that emotional pain only happens to weak people. That is false, emotional pain is part of life. Some individuals will try to get their problems out of the way without facing reality, something that only masks the emotional suffering, because, in reality, it will still be there. Therefore, recognizing emotional pain is necessary to move forward.

2. Be kind to yourself

In several articles we have already talked about the benefits of loving yourself, because that makes you a much more prepared person to face problems. And loving yourself means that you treat yourself with love and that you understand that you are not perfect. In fact, perfectionist people suffer great emotional pain. Being kind to yourself is the second step to overcoming emotional pain.

3. Be honest with yourself and others

Being honest with yourself and acknowledging that you have intense emotional pain that affects your well-being may not be enough. Sometimes, you will also need the support of the people around you Emotional pain, when not overcome, can lead to behaviors that other people may not understand. Therefore, it can be good to share your feelings with the people closest to you. They will support you and understand you so that you can overcome this situation as soon as possible.

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4. It is normal that there are people who do not understand you

Some people may not understand your feelings or why you are suffering. Generally, Sensitive people or people who have been through similar situations are more knowledgeable on the subject Don’t worry, this is also normal. Emotional intelligence is a skill that not everyone masters and, furthermore, there are people who are not as emotionally mature. But don’t worry, there will surely be empathetic people who will know how to put themselves in your place.

5. Treasure those who understand you and love you unconditionally.

These painful situations can have their positive side. One of them is that you really realize the people who are worth keeping So, in those bad times, recognize your true friends and keep them. Because if you need them in the future, they will still be there for you.

6. When you are ready, take your time to find out the reason for the pain

You have already recognized that emotional pain exists and that it is normal, so you have accepted it and treat yourself with affection. You have people around you who love you and who will be by your side. Now It’s time to know exactly what is causing you emotional pain If there is a solution, do what you can to remedy it.

7. If you can’t do anything about it, accept it and continue loving yourself more than ever.

But what causes you emotional pain will not always have a remedy, and those are the most complicated situations to overcome. Even so, if it is not within your power to remedy it, You must accept things as they are to continue loving yourself Remember that, in the most complicated moments, you must practice self-pity. This seems simple but it is not easy. Mindfulness can help in these cases.

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8. Overcoming it requires your own will

As I mentioned in the previous point, treating yourself with love requires willingness Some crises can mark our existence and our lives, which can cause us to feel that there is a before and after of these bitter or painful situations. But, even though they are hard times, we must extract the lessons that these stages of growth contain. This requires will.

9. Take control of your life

When you are going through a bad time, you tend to believe that everything bad happens to you. You may also think that you are worthless. Let go of these negative thoughts that destroy you and take control of your life. Empower yourself in the face of everyday life. Do activities that you like to do and that you may have abandoned, and also look for realistic goals and fight for them. Only in this way will you find meaning in your life.

10. If you can’t get over it alone, go to a psychologist

Emotional pain may be the result of a more serious problem, such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Therefore, you may need to go to a psychologist to guide you and help you get out of this situation that is causing you great emotional pain. But remember, you are the person who has to overcome it, and the psychologist will only provide you with the tools you need to do it.