What Are The Symptoms The Day After Using Cocaine?

What are the symptoms the day after consuming cocaine?

Cocaine is one of the most popular and destructive drugs that exist, and currently its consumption is increasing, especially among young people from all types of social classes.

Its use as a recreational drug associated with success and nightlife has made it possible for it to be increasingly considered a harmless drug, despite the fact that its continued use can have truly negative effects on the body of those who consume it. Furthermore, as it is often used during party nights on the weekend, It may happen that some of its effects are still present the next morning when you wake up, although normally these will not last long. Let’s see what these alterations are that are neither immediate nor long-term.

How does consuming cocaine affect us as people?

Usually cocaine It is consumed with the aim of obtaining greater euphoria or mental activity, or for the “high” that is experienced once this drug has taken effect in the body. In addition to that, there are also many people who consume cocaine to see their mental abilities or social skills increased or stimulated.

This “activating” effect of coca, which has given it much fame among psychostimulant drugs, is due to the fact that this substance causes the brain to fill with dopamine, at least while its effects last. Now, when the drug is eliminated through the excretory system, an opposite effect appears: the brain enters a state of little activity, which results in a low mood in the person. Now, this second part of the story is not the one that is put under the spotlight of popular culture; The euphoric part of cocaine usually generates much more interest.

In addition to that, the representation of cocaine in various films and series as a prestigious drug consumed by people of high status who need to maintain a state of euphoria and high activity throughout the day is one of the main causes of the increase in its consumption. .

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However, There are many people who are unaware of the effects that this drug can have on consumers Of the same; effects that also occur the day after consuming it, even if it is the first time.

What are the effects and symptoms that arise the day after using cocaine?

One of the characteristics of cocaine compared to other commonly used drugs such as marijuana, is that Its main effects usually appear and disappear relatively quickly Thus, someone who consumes coca lines occasionally will normally not present symptoms the next day, since the peak of the effects of this drug appears approximately 25 minutes after being snorted, and they disappear in approximately one hour. Now, there are nuances and exceptions, as we will see.

Firstly, although the “star” symptoms of cocaine are very easy to detect, even when they fade within minutes of consumption, it remains an affectation in the person’s body, a series of more discrete changes that occur in all cases and remain in a latent state After all, the substance does not leave the entire body until three or four days after taking it, more or less.

Above all, it should be noted that this drug modifies the neuronal connections of the brain, returning the person more likely to develop an established addiction if you fall into the dynamic of using cocaine as a routine.

In addition to that, people who have already developed an addiction to cocaine can present alterations that last several hours in a row, so that they feel especially bad the morning after a night of partying with drugs. The most common reason for this discomfort is based on sleep disturbances (difficulty sleeping and feeling fatigued the next day) and discouragement due to the “low down” which occurs when cocaine is metabolized by the body and leaves the blood to various organs.

Taking this into account, let’s see what symptoms of cocaine use may be present the next day if, for example, it has been consumed during the night of the previous day.

1. According to the dose administered

As with most drugs, people who use cocaine for the first time at low doses do not usually experience detectable or serious symptoms the next day that could affect their physical or mental health.

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On the contrary, When repeated cocaine use continues and the dose becomes higher and higher, the effects perceived the next day are also greater and they usually have a notable and harmful effect on a person’s health.

The main symptoms that people who consume cocaine in small doses may perceive are tiredness, fatigue or the desire to sleep at all times for several days. In the most extreme cases, consuming high doses can lead to an overdose and even cardiovascular accidents.

2. According to the route of administration

The route of administration also determines the type of symptoms that the person experiences the day after consuming cocaine.

The most common route is nasal or aspirated consumption, a method that can cause drowsiness, fatigue or tiredness the next day. In other cases, such as smoking or injection, more notable and intense effects may occur in the person.

3. According to the frequency of consumption

It is evident that more frequent consumption will be linked to more adverse effects, while sporadic cocaine use, although harmful to the body, may be associated with less visible effects the next day.

There are many symptoms caused by non-sporadic consumption experienced the day after the last intake, among the most common are tiredness, apathy, exacerbated fatigue, insomnia, low mood and several other physical symptoms that we will describe. to later. Now, in the vast majority of cases, If a person consumes this drug relatively infrequently (letting months pass between one intake and the next), the symptoms do not last several hours in a row

4. Decline in cocaine

The cocaine comedown or “crash” is the hangover that occurs the day after having consumed large amounts of this drug for a certain period of time.

This physiological phenomenon occurs after a period of high activation of the body during the previous hours in which the person feels euphoric and capable of anything. The greater the cocaine consumption, the greater the subsequent comedown and hangover effect.

This cocaine hangover can last several days and its main symptoms are fatigue, insomnia, irritability, depressive emotional states, general malaise, drowsiness and even states of paranoia.

5. Tiredness

As we have indicated, fatigue is surely the most common symptom the next day in people who use cocaine, whether for the first time or frequently.

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This fatigue manifests itself in multiple ways and is generally usually an inability or lack of desire to do any activity during the day as well as fatigue, weakness, apathy or lack of energy.

6. Alcohol and cocaine consumption

In the usual cases of mixing cocaine abuse with alcohol, the effects are usually different and particular.

Many people mix alcohol with cocaine, an equally dangerous practice that combines the negative effects of each of the drugs separately.

The usual progression is that the person begins consuming large amounts of alcohol and progressively ends up switching to cocaine In these cases, it is common for cocaine to counteract the tiredness effect of alcohol and for alcohol to prolong the euphoric effect of cocaine.

7. Physical symptoms

The general discomfort experienced the day after consuming cocaine also depends on the amount of drug consumed.

This discomfort usually manifests itself in physical and psychological symptoms that can vary from one person to another depending on their characteristics and physical condition. In any case, great discomfort is experienced throughout the body and also on a psychological level that can last for hours or even days.

The physical symptoms of cocaine that we can find the day after consumption are a decrease in the body’s activity, lack of energy, muscle pain, headache or general malaise

These symptoms can occur separately or combined, and also together with other psychological effects derived from drug consumption.

8. Psychological symptoms

The psychological symptoms that we can experience the day after consuming cocaine are irritability, changes in mood, aggressiveness towards people around us lack of sleep or insomnia.

The appearance of cases of anxiety, stress and even depression in the most serious situations is also common, as well as states of paranoia or loss of contact with reality.

9. Decreased appetite

Decreased appetite is also common after consuming cocaine and this It is related to apathy, fatigue and loss of interest in carrying out any activity

This decrease in appetite also entails other symptoms of physical and psychological discomfort that will further harm the state of the person who has consumed cocaine.