The 7 Elements Of An Advertising Advertisement

Elements of an advertising advertisement

Every day we are bombarded by advertising, but not all of them achieve their goal, far from it.

In this article we will review those components that cannot be missing in any advertising advertisement if we want this to be successful. We will delve into each of them and see what function it plays in the transmission of the message and the persuasive process that advertising seeks.

The importance of the parts of an advertisement

Although we believe that advertising is a relatively recent field, this is not the case, far from it. To get an idea, we must know that tablets belonging to Babylonian merchants from the third millennium BC have been found, on which different products and services were advertised. The same has happened in archaeological excavations in Egypt, Pompeii, Greece or Rome. The conclusion is that advertising has accompanied humanity since almost the beginning of history.

Of course, what is true is that since the last century, this field of study has practically become a science, and therefore Countless studies have been carried out to investigate the elements of an advertising advertisement and thus determine which styles work best and to be able to get the most out of each of them, making our advertisement achieve the maximum impact on the audience and in this way achieve, ultimately, more sales of our product or service.

When creating an advertising message, we can try to enhance some of its elements, and probably in this way we will achieve a certain reception from some consumers. But, if we really want to create a spot that achieves its effect and draws significant attention to the group it is aimed at, we must pay attention to all the elements of an advertisement, and not just one. This is because each part is fulfilling a certain function.

Therefore, we would be talking about a synergy system in which the different parts, when brought together, achieve a greater impact than when functioning separately. Therefore, as they are like complementary pieces of the same puzzle, we should not relegate any of them to a second position and we should put our efforts into bringing out the best version of each of the elements of an advertising advertisement. Only in this way will we be guaranteed a good part of the path to commercial success.

The different elements of an advertising advertisement

We have already seen the importance of these components, but we have the most important thing left: knowing what they are and what characteristics each of them has. Therefore, below we will see a list that will allow us to get to know them and discover their peculiarities, so that we have an idea of ​​what are the keys that marketing and communication professionals take into account.

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1. The bullet

The first element of an advertisement is the bullet, also called a bullet due to its nomenclature in English. The name is quite descriptive, and this element, the first of all, has to act like a shot. Something quick and direct, that causes a shock in the audience and in this way manages to attract attention And attention is the key to any advertising campaign. If we manage to capture attention at the beginning of the message, we will have a good part of the work done.

The bullet is usually a phrase of few words. Perhaps a question that encourages the recipient to think and reflect on the answer. You can also use a controversial statement, something that causes a shock by calling into question the viewer’s belief system. It doesn’t matter, because We will resolve that conflict with the rest of the elements of the advertisement but the important thing is that we will have managed to get the person to direct their gaze and attention to give us a few seconds of their time.

Advertising Header

2. The header

Once we have managed to capture the attention of the potential client, we have to take advantage of the situation and hit again with a short message, this time, the header. Is about tell the viewer what the general idea is that we want to convey throughout the message, and therefore the heading should be brief and attractive. It is essential that this is the case to ensure that they continue to pay attention to us and that our message penetrates their unconscious.

The header, as its name suggests, is usually located at the top of the advertisement, since it is generally where the consumer will look first, and therefore it must be the anchor that, like the bullet, Capture the viewer’s attention and do not let go, if possible until they have received the complete message that we are trying to convey to them with all the elements of an advertising advertisement.

Ad Header

3. Photography

The next element is not verbal, but is an image, a photograph. It serves to support the message and also attract the gaze and with it the attention of the potential consumer In that sense, its function would essentially be that of an element of attraction.

This is one of the most important elements of the advertising piece, because it is capable of adding a great emotional charge and providing concepts that can be perceived and understood quickly, without the need to think too much about the meaning of the advertisement. In other words, the photograph of an advertisement takes advantage of the means of “mental shortcuts”, heuristics, to capture attention and transmit both the main idea that must be communicated, as well as the emotional tone of the advertisement.

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In this sense, many advertising campaigns resort to the use of photographs of attractive people and also public figures, whether from the world of cinema, sports or other fields. Logically, this strategy entails an economic cost that can sometimes be enormous, depending on the relevance of that person and therefore the fees required to lend their image to said campaign. Therefore, it is not something available to all brands. But even if the face is not known, it can have a tremendously powerful effect if it fits with the message we want to convey. Of course, you can also choose to show an element other than a human face.

In fact, many products are so attractive that the brand chooses to directly use their image for photography. Likewise, if shown in the right way, it can work (and, in fact, does) in a very intense way. Of course, Photography must have certain conditions at the level of lighting, resolution, angle, composition and many other variables that make it visually attractive in itself. There is a whole science behind this field.

advertising photography

4. The body of the message

Although all elements of an advertisement are important, as we have already seen, the body of the message may be vital. The ones we have seen so far had the essential function of capturing the client’s attention, but it is the body that, once the person is paying attention to us, has the function of clearly and concisely transmitting the message we want to send them and, What is more important, convince him that said product or service is for him.

The body must be direct. We know that attention time is going to be very limited and therefore we cannot waste it with long texts, offering endless explanations of the advantages of our product. No. It has to be fleeting, a few lines in which all the strengths of what we are offering are condensed The perfect message is one that not only tempts the consumer, but also convinces them that they need to purchase the product.

Advertising copy

5. The logo

Accompanying the message and in a clear place, the brand logo must appear. Is about that small image in which you can read the name of the brand or company which everyone should associate with our products and which should provoke a reaction just by seeing it.

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The main function of the logo is to make people quickly and clearly identify the brand or company launching the advertisement; Therefore, this visual element must be memorable, so we try to make it easy to distinguish from the rest of the logos, and not difficult to understand or read.

This logic has led to a progressive simplification of logos, which increasingly try to look more like an icon ; In some cases it even goes to the extreme of using a symbol instead of the logo, as happens with famous brands such as Nike or Apple. In other cases, when the logo and the symbol form different visual elements but are presented next to each other, we speak of a logosymbol.

There are brands that we all recognize just by appreciating the logo, but others must establish a reputation and build their image, associated with the quality of its products. In these cases, it will be even more necessary for the logo to be clearly seen so that customers can make that visual association.


6. The slogan

One of the elements of an advertising advertisement that usually accompanies the logo is the slogan. It is a short phrase that must contain a powerful message, a motto that, like the logo, we associate with the brand and provokes a positive emotion every time we hear or read it. The slogan can be unique to the brand or can be made for the specific advertising campaign we are working on.

Some slogans last over time and manage to generate a greater memory than the brand itself For this reason, a powerful slogan must be used and we must not replace it with another lightly, since we run the risk of weakening the brand image and causing confusion in the perception that consumers have, who may stop recognizing the product as easily as before.


7. Contact details

The last element of an advertisement is obvious: the contact information. Well It is of no use that we have managed to capture the consumer’s attention and also have convinced them that they have to purchase our product and service, if later you don’t know how you can do it. Therefore, it is necessary that we leave a contact, which can be the store’s own address (physical or online), or simply the social networks from which you can contact, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.