The 20 Best Facebook Groups To Learn Psychology

Psychology is an exciting but also absorbing world To know how to deal with the challenges faced by this discipline, it is necessary to be in continuous contact with texts, news and people who are dedicated to studying behavioral sciences.

However, it is not always easy to access content and debates related to psychology beyond the doors of the faculty. That is why it is especially useful to know how to soak up knowledge in this area on the Internet. And… what better place for this than the most used social network?

The 20 best Facebook groups that talk about Psychology

Below you can find seventeen of the best groups to learn psychology that are available on Facebook: small virtual communities in which it is possible to continue training and discussing with other people in constant training.

By clicking on the title of each group you can directly access it, and of course we invite you to join as many communities as you want.

Let’s start, first of all, by looking at various Psychology groups classified according to the country in which their members live After these, we will see several classified by more specific thematic areas.

1. World Psychology

With over 500,000 followers, World Psychology is one of the most plural and open forums that you can find on Facebook. The continuous updates that the group receives will mean that you are constantly informed of the latest in psychology and neuroscience without leaving your favorite social network. Furthermore, although it is an open group and posts do not have to go through a prior moderation screen, the moderators are very careful not to allow posts that are not related to the topic.

This is one of the best psychology groups on Facebook where you can enter to debate and learn cooperatively.

2. Psychologists in Mexico

Being one of the most populated countries in the world, it is normal that there are many Mexicans interested in Psychology. On Facebook, this is your meeting place.

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If you live in Mexico, this is your group Thousands of professionals throughout the Mexican Republic offering advice, news and all kinds of materials and resources to make professional practice more comfortable.

3. Psychology in Colombia

The perfect group for Colombian students and professionals of Psychology from Colombia who want to generate debate, ask and solve doubts, etc. Additionally, it is moderated so that only relevant posts appear.

4. Psychologists in Spain

The Psychologists group in Spain is newly created and aims to bring together all students and professionals of the sector who reside in Spanish territory. If you want to join, you will participate in discussions about therapy, training, etc.

5. Friends of Philosophy and Psychology in Spain

In addition to the previous one, you may also be interested in another similar group: Friends of Philosophy and Psychology in Spain. The title of this Facebook group is quite descriptive, right? It is a recently created place where lovers of psychology and philosophy (especially the philosophy of mind) who live in Spain can debate and provide information. A place where the intersection of disciplines enriches conversations.

6. Psychology in Latin America

With more than 80,000 members, the Psychology in Latin America group was born in 2014 and it is one of the most lively forums to talk about everything related to psychology, neuroscience, well-being, mental health… The moderators are always very active and select the content conscientiously so that all the posts are of general interest. Some images and infographics related to the world of the psyche are also published.

If what you are looking for is a group to share experiences and knowledge and open debates related to psychology, do not hesitate to join.

7. Neurosciences and Psychology (PDFs, Notes, Books…)

A group that started recently but is already one of the busiest Designed for people who want to delve deeper into the field of neurosciences. There are not many Facebook groups dedicated to psychobiology, so if you are interested in this field of study, just join this community. More than 270,000 users already enjoy this group.

Of course, you don’t have to be a neurologist or psychologist to benefit from the content shared there. So don’t think twice and join.

8. Psychology Courses

One of the characteristics of the psychology professional is his continuous training and lifelong learning. In this sense, nothing better than a group like Cursos de Psicología, dedicated exclusively to posting courses, seminars, workshops and podcasts on everything related to psychology and mental health. It already has more than 85,000 people who are informed daily about the latest training offers and make learning a hobby.

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This group will interest you if you want to be up to date with the training offer for psychologists both online and in person.

9. Personal Improvement and Motivation

More focused on positive psychology, this Facebook group has a place for the practical and everything related to those small habits that make life more pleasant. Although it was created a few months ago, there are already many members who debate and post in this careful group. More than 45,000, to be precise. The psychology student who wants to orient himself towards psychotherapy or positive psychology will find here practical advice and contributions that can be very useful for his professional practice.

And, of course, we all need some little pushes to stay motivated and eager to make each day part of an important project.

10. AZSalud

Medicine and Psychology often go hand in hand In this community, health issues are discussed from a broad perspective, supported by the contribution of different professionals in various branches of health and social sciences.

Highly recommended for those looking for a trusted portal to learn about various topics surrounding human health.

11. Coaching and Personal Development

All those people who want to learn about coaching and personal development have a place here from a broad and interdisciplinary perspective.

This is a relatively recent but very active group with moderators who care about eliminating all unwanted posts. or not related to the topic. Two thousand people who interact daily in this group cannot be wrong.

12. Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychology is one of the most important branches of Psychology so you can’t miss a Facebook group that focuses on the topics it works on.

In this virtual community you can have conversations with other students and mental health professionals. In addition, the group is moderated so that it is not filled with publicity and good manners predominate when expressing oneself. The group already has close to 75,000 members.

13. Mindfulness for everyone

Mindfulness is more in vogue than ever so a Facebook group on psychology focused on Mindfulness could not be missing.

Here you can read texts and watch videos related to Mindfulness, meditation and specific relaxation techniques. All doubts and debate initiatives related directly or indirectly to Mindfulness can be raised at this interesting meeting point. There are already more than 10,000 members.

14. Employment and Work for Psychologists

A group where you can keep an eye on new job and employment offers related to the world of psychology around the world. Essential if you are unemployed or looking for a new opportunity.

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15. Forum Psychologists

Forum Psychologists is one of the largest and most veteran psychology groups If the two previous groups are more oriented towards dissemination and links to interesting articles, this forum (which already has more than 51,000 followers) is more focused on professional debate on issues related to mental health, psychology and psychologist profession.

If you are a professional in behavioral sciences or related fields, or simply have concerns related to this interesting field of knowledge, you will be welcome here.

16. UNED Psychology

The National University of Distance Education has its own Facebook group.

In principle, this group is intended to connect students enrolled at this university, but people who are simply interested in the materials and debates that occur there are also admitted. And this is great news! In fact, you will have access to a lot of books, papers and audiovisual works that can help you a lot in learning about the science of behavior and mental processes.

17. Psychology, Philosophy and Politics (PDFs, Books, Debate)

This is a recently created group but it has had a great reception among Internet users It is a multidisciplinary, open and very suggestive forum where debates and reflections are raised from the strictly psychological to the philosophical and political.

Visually pleasant and with passionate discussions, the group in question is an ideal space to open your mind to disciplines that integrate many different knowledges. Essential.

18. UB Psychology (University of Barcelona)

The prestigious University of Barcelona has its unofficial group on Facebook In theory it is a group only for students of that faculty, but all people who want to learn and contribute knowledge are invited.

19. Psychology in PDF

Another completely essential group if you want to have a large quantity (and quality!) of information related to psychology at your fingertips and just a click away. The Facebook group Psychology in PDF is specialized in being a very extensive library with all types of resources in PDF (books, texts, manuals…), in addition to also echoing links to some of the most prestigious psychology websites.

One of the best tools is the search bar of this group, from which you can browse and find all types of publications, recent and old.

20. Phrases and Reflections for Life

A humanist project in which posts and psychological debates are mixed philosophical and humanistic.

It is always very active and thanks to its search engine it is very easy to find interesting contributions. However, to maintain the group only with contributions related to the community’s objective, it is recommended not to use this place as a space to publish topics not related to well-being and humanism.

The 70 best blogs on Psychology and Neurosciences

In addition to the Facebook groups, here we offer you a list of websites of great interest: