The 85 Rarest Words In Spanish (and Their Meaning)

The 80 rarest words in Spanish

Ludwig Wittgenstein, a well-known Austrian philosopher, once said that the limits of a language are the limits of the world itself and, with Spanish being a language with nearly 80,000 words, it was clear that it was not going to be the exception.

Today we are going to see the 80 rarest words in Spanish and its meaning, which, no matter how many they may seem, are nothing more than a small sample of all the rich, surprisingly little-used lexicon of our language. Let’s learn them.

The 85 rarest words in Spanish, explained

Below you will find, in alphabetical order, the meaning of 80 very rare words in Spanish that will surely not leave anyone indifferent. They are an example of the diversity of Cervantes’ language, which has many dialects and jargons, and some of these terms do not even appear in the dictionary.

1. Abuhado

It is said of those people who have an appearance reminiscent of an owl or similar bird.


2. Slaughter

Act of salting meats and putting them in the air. Action of converting a meat product into jerky.

3. Agigolado

Adjective, typical of the province of Segovia, which is used to describe someone who, when doing something with a little effort, feels like they are suffocating and perceives pressure in the chest.

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4. Alveo

The mother of a natural hydrographic feature, usually a stream or river.

5. Arrebol

It is the effect of sunlight projected onto morning and afternoon clouds, which gives them reddish tones.

6. Bahorrina

Set of many disgusting things that have been put in water, which has become dirty. It also means a group of vulgar and mean people.

7. Bonhomie

Affability, simplicity, kindness and honesty in character.

8. Hittery

Hybrid between a horse and a donkey.

9. Cagaprisas

Person who is impatient, who is always in a hurry.

10. Celage

When clouds of different textures can be observed in the sky, forming a colorful horizon at sunset or sunrise.

11. Conflict

Act of provoking conflict in someone or something It also means suffering an internal conflict or worry that can cause behavior to change.

12. Impoverish

Weaken, physically or morally exhaust, either oneself or another person.

13. Unread

Dissolve something, solid or pasty in texture, in a liquid.

14. Dejection

Defecation of excrement.

15. Eburnous

Made of ivory or a material that resembles it.

16. Junction

Kinship relationship between people who share a common lineage trunk.

17. Smegma

Secretion of the preputial glands. Some of the semen thicker.

18. Falcado

Which has a curvature similar to that of a sickle.

19. Pharmacopoeia

Repertoire or book of medicinal recipes these can be both drugs and phytotherapeutics.

20. Ful

Faso, failed, which has little value.

21. Garambaina

Bad taste decoration or objects that are chickweed. It also means gestures of bad taste

22. Garlito

Fishing tool which consists of a pot whose narrowest part has a net with which to catch the fish.

23. Gaznapiro

Dumb, hillbilly, person who gets carried away by anything.

24. Haiga

Large and ostentatious car such as a limousine, a luxury SUV or a private bus.


25. Heresiarch

Whoever promotes a heresy, who lights the spark in an act against a religion or

26. Hermeneuta

Person who interprets texts, normally of a religious or ethical nature, to establish their true meaning.

27. Histrion

Theatrical actor. Also referred to for those people who express themselves in the characteristic manner of a person who is overacting.

28. Idiotism

Turn or linguistic expression that does not conform to grammatical rules.

29. Unfading

Said of a vegetable that cannot wither.

30. Isagoge

Introduction, preamble.

31. Jerapellina

Old and tattered dress, a piece of fabric that cannot give more of itself.

32. Gobbledygook

Language typical of some unions, that is, specialized vocabulary in a certain professional field.

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33. Jipiar

Moan, hiccup, whimper. It also means singing with a voice similar to that of a moan.

34. Joyel

Little gem.

35. Labarus

Banner that was used by the ancient Romans. It is also the name of the monogram formed by the cross and the first two letters of the Greek name of Christ.

36. Lobanillo

Woody lump that forms on the bark of trees It also has its human version, which consists of a superficial, generally painless lump that forms on the head and other parts of the body.

37. Limerence

Crazy Love. Involuntary mental state in which one person’s attraction to another person prevents him or her from thinking rationally.

38. Mellifluous

Excessively sweet, soft or delicate sound.

39. World

Said of something that is clean and free of extra, added or superfluous things.

40. Nadir

Point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite to the zenith.

41. Nefarious

Something that causes disgust or horror when it is talked about. Something that is abominable and disgusting in equal measure.

42. Nefelibata

dreamy person who finds herself in ignorance and remains isolated from how harsh and cruel this world is.

43. Nubile

Said of a person, especially a woman, who is of marriageable age.

44. Nengo

Weak, skinny, stunted person.

45. Nomblon

Said of a very fat person, with good buttocks.

46. ​​Nuzco

One of the names used to refer to the Devil or prince of evil angels.

47. Ochavo

Synonym of eighth, used to refer to an eighth of something. It is also used to indicate that something has little value. In ancient times it was a Spanish copper coin weighing one-eighth of an ounce.

48. Oilseed

Synonymous with oily, with an oil texture.

49. Pray

Person who is not in full psychic faculties, who has lost his mind.

50. Petrichor

Smell that the earth gives off when it has been wet by the raindrops.

51. Moan

Moan and cry in such a way that others hear it. Sob and cry.

52. Patibulary

Said of someone or something that, because of its disgusting appearance, produces great fear and horror.

53. Patochada

Nonsense, said about something foolish, nonsense.

54. Picio

Said of someone who has had the misfortune of being excessively ugly.

55. Hardware

Set of metal objects, with little value. They can be scissors, imitations of jewelry, damaged car parts…

56. Recipient

Person who is solemnly received by the institution that receives it.

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57. Gloating

Delight in the misfortune of others, the act of rejoicing in the misfortune of others.

58. Regnícola

Natural inhabitant of a kingdom. Also said of someone who writes about the special things of his homeland, such as penal codes, national habits, culture in general.

59. Reprobate

Condemned to eternal punishment Also said of one who is condemned for his religious heterodoxy.

60. Wisdom

Word once used as a synonym for flavor. It was also used to refer to a joke or joke.

61. Sapenco

Land snail with transverse brown stripes common to southern Europe.

62. Everlasting

Said of something that will last forever. Something that has a beginning, but no end.

63. Serendipity

A discovery that was not planned, which has turned out to be something fortunate despite the fact that something else was being searched for.

64. Trabzon

Quarrel with voices or actions. It also means agitation of the sea, formed by small waves that cross in different directions.

65. Figurehead

Person who lends his or her name to a contract that, in reality, would be the responsibility of another person to sign.

66. Tremolo

Musical concept that describes a rapid succession of repetitions of the same note.

67. Superb

Said of something that is very fertile and abundant.

68. Uchrony

Utopia applied to history Counterfactual reconstruction of a historical event, in a way that in the end it was not.

69. Uebos

Word, now out of use, that means a need or task.

70. Only begotten

Person who is an only son or daughter.

71. Void

Moaning or crying of a newborn.

72. Verbigracia

Synonym of for example.

73. Vituperation

Insult, slander or infamy that provokes the action of having offended someone.

74. Vulpine

Word used to designate everything that is related to foxes

75. Xerophytic

Said about those vegetables that are adapted by their structure to dry environments.

76. Xerophthalmia

Eye disease in which there is dryness of the eyeball and retraction of the conjunctiva, as well as opacity of the cornea.

77. Xeromicteria

Dryness of the nasal mucosa.

78. Zaino

Traitor, false, unsure in dealing.

79. Jiggle

Constantly moving from one place to another without any purpose.

80. Zonzo

Bland, bland and insipid. Also said to refer to someone or something that turns out to be quite stupid.

81. Ababol

This is one of the most characteristic insults of the dialect varieties of Spanish that extend between Aragon and Navarra. It is used to refer to people who are distracted or who do not know what is happening around them.

82. Obnubilate

It is a cultism used to talk about those who have a cloudy mind, usually when thinking or focusing on something very beautiful or stimulating.

83. Cantuo

Cantúo means “muscular person” in several Andalusian dialects.

84. Sesquicentennial

This word is used to designate a period of 150 years.

85. Anxiety

Anxiety is a state of mental agitation linked to anxiety, confusion and hopelessness.

What is the origin of strange words?

One might think that, since language is used to communicate, it is normal that words tend to be learned by everyone to avoid confusion. However, reality shows us that strange or strange words are everywhere What is this about? Above all, for three reasons: