The Theory Of Online Collaborative Learning: What It Is And What It Proposes

The theory of online collaborative learning

There is no doubt that new technologies have been occupying an increasingly important space in academic contexts, especially this last year. Having an Internet connection has become a requirement to have access to knowledge at practically any level of education.

However, unlike what many may think, using digital resources for the sake of using them does not offer advantages on their own. It is necessary that they know how to use them appropriately, especially discussion forums, which can be a great tool to facilitate the construction of new knowledge.

Below we will explain in detail the theory of online collaborative learning a constructivist proposal that highlights the importance of asynchronous communication and the sharing of the points of view of the students and the teacher when acquiring and creating new knowledge.

What is the theory of online collaborative learning?

The theory of online collaborative learning is a proposal from constructivist currents on how to enhance students’ learning capacity using new technologies, especially discussion forums as tools for the construction of knowledge. It is the result of the combination of constructivist perspectives along with the now ubiquitous Internet, which has become a great ally of learning if it is properly used.

Originally this model was called computer-mediated communication (CMC) or network learning, although over time Linda Marie Harasim, a key figure in this theory, ended up calling it the theory of online collaborative learning or OCL. This model of learning It is based on various theories of cognitive development especially those that focus on conversational learning, the development of academic knowledge and the active construction of it.

This theory provides a learning model in which students are encouraged to work together, acquiring and creating knowledge through the advantages offered by new technologies. In this way, students can collaborate to invent, explore ways to innovate and, in this way, seek the conceptual knowledge necessary to solve all kinds of new problems instead of reciting a single correct answer alternative as is often the norm in models. more classic educational programs, both in-person and with the use of digital resources.

Although from the approach of online collaborative learning theory, students are invited to be active and committed to their learning, this action alone is not considered sufficient to allow learning to occur effectively or for the construction of the knowledge fully. Within this approach the teacher plays a key role not as a fellow-student, but exercising the role of what it really is, the bridge or link of students towards the community and formation of knowledge.

Learning activities must be explicit and oriented, making clear what discipline rules must be followed in the virtual space. Furthermore, from this approach emphasis is placed on student participation and discourse, actions which allow the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired in the classroom or from mandatory readings to be established but in a much more thoughtful and meaningful way.

One of the main advantages of the Internet and, especially, the discussion forums that can be opened in the academic virtual space, is that allows the construction of knowledge gradually and without depending on physical space or time A discussion forum is a space in which participants can speak, collaborate and discuss asynchronously, that is, being able to issue responses after a long time but without them being lost, which allows the discussion to be restarted at the moment. that is desired.

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In fact, Online discussion forums are fundamental within the theory of online collaborative learning since unlike debates in face-to-face seminars or traditional master classes, these have the following characteristics:

Steps for knowledge construction

Within his own model, Harasim places special emphasis on the importance of three phases that turn out to be fundamental when building knowledge collaboratively and using office resources. These three steps are as follows.

1. Idea generation

The first step in the construction of collaborative knowledge is brainstorming or brainstorming Students, whether within the framework of group work or in an online discussion, present various ideas, present their divergent thoughts in groups or show their concerns about a topic or something they have seen in the class syllabus.

2. Organization of ideas

The next step is to organize all the creative and free thinking that has been done during the brainstorming. Students share those ideas that have arisen in the previous phase, comparing, analyzing and classifying them to structure group work or make them join different positions or “sides” during the online discussion.

3. Intellectual convergence

Finally comes the moment of intellectual convergence, that is reach a level of synthesis of what has been discussed in the course of the discussion, understand each other and reach a consensus on the topic of group work or on the different aspects that have been discussed in the online discussion. You can also mention the points of agreement and disagreement and guide them towards the joint construction of a project or final work.

Once these three steps have been taken, what Harasim calls the “Final Position” occurs. It is not really a position that ends the discussion or puts an end to the proposal of new ideas, nor does it stop the construction of new knowledge. The student, once the process of generating, organizing and converging ideas has begun, continues to assimilate different content at an increasingly deeper and more advanced level.

The role of the teacher throughout the process and also at the end of it is fundamental. Not only should he facilitate online collaboration between all parties and give them those resources that he considers most appropriate so that they can have creative ideas or form an opinion about different topics, but he should also the teacher acts as a representative of the expert community, although not in an authoritarian sense who has the knowledge that he wants to share and transmit to his students.

The importance of online forums

A fundamental aspect of online forums in digitalized courses is that they are not mere complements to basic teaching materials such as books, recorded lectures or links in the recommended bibliography. Within the theory of online collaborative learning, these forums acquire a fundamental role since it is through them that the three aforementioned steps are actually carried out.

Unlike traditional courses, here Textbooks, required and optional readings, and other resources presented to students are chosen to support and motivate discussion, not the other way around This is a key principle of the design of online resources from this perspective and, in fact, many teachers do not comply with it when it comes to digitizing their subject, complaining that they have enabled a section for discussion but none of their students seem to be interested. motivated to contribute to it.

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This is because, despite being digitalized, many of these courses are still taught from a traditional perspective, in which what gains the most weight is the pure content, that is, the required readings. These readings are the priority in the mind of the student, who sees the discussion forums as something rather secondary, something that he will do if he has the time and desire. Regardless of whether participation in these forums raises grades, there are rather few students who try to participate in an interesting debate.

For this reason, those educators who enable an online course and want their students to build knowledge through discussion They must design the course in such a way that participation in the forum has a direct impact on the grades, in addition to encouraging reflective participation. Students should be encouraged to dedicate a certain amount of reflection to what they share in the forum, since it is not the extrinsic activity that counts, that is, simply commenting, but rather its intrinsic value, this is what they are writing, whether it is a new input or a response.

Requirements to promote online collaborative learning

In order for online collaborative learning to occur, especially through discussion forums, the comments posted on Moodle must be organized and monitored by the teacher, who must also provide the necessary support to students to facilitate the development of new ideas and the construction of knowledge. So, these are some aspects that should be taken into account when designing and managing a digital course.

1. Appropriate technology

Ideally, the course software allows you to manage the discussion threads, since, as we have already mentioned, it is ideal that in the same entry subtopics can be presented and threads of responses and counter-responses can be generated

2. Clear behavioral guidelines

The guidelines for behavior allowed during discussions and other digital collaborative spaces must be specified. Although it is not given in person it is still in an academic context in which certain codes of etiquette must be followed when interacting with the rest of the classmates and the teacher.

You must establish an appropriate tone, explain how to relate to others, accept and discuss agreements and disagreements with respect and tolerance, and solidly argue what is shared in the forum. Additionally, it is essential to specify how many times a week students should participate in the forum and what is considered meaningful participation.

3. Technological orientation

No matter how technologically advanced the course is, it will be of absolutely no use if the students do not know how to use it. Many teachers invest time, effort and money creating very sophisticated courses but when push comes to shove they become very uncomfortable to use because the students have not learned to use them properly.

Although students are probably digital natives, the use of many digital resources is not as instinctive as it might seem, causing even the most expert user of digital resources to not understand very well how to use them. That is why It is essential to put a video or guide somewhere in the digital course that explains how to manage the resources

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4. Clear objectives

If the teacher presents a topic to be discussed in the forums, it must be clear and its purpose must be specified. You can present a topic that does not appear in the books but is related in one way or another and that is interesting for the students.

For example, a biology teacher can open the debate on transgenic organisms after having explained what these types of living beings are. Thus, she can ask the students to express their opinions on the ethics of their use, if they know of cases of GMOs that have been dangerous to health or, otherwise, if they have a therapeutic purpose and in what context.

5. Monitor individual participation

As usually happens in any digital resource of this type, there will be students who will participate more than others, there are even those who end up dominating the discussion and others who do not dare to contribute. This is why the teacher must monitor individual participation, knowing who is not contributing and inviting them in an attractive way to express their opinions, concerns or if they know of something interesting that could benefit the rest.

Advantages and disadvantages of the model

A point that differentiates this model from the more classic ones is its use of new technologies In the most traditional ones, computers, Moodle or email are computer resources used basically to replace some of the activities traditionally carried out by teachers in the classroom. For example, instead of explaining the lesson in class by explaining it in detail, the virtual course allows you to post a presentation and expect students to read and understand it on their own.

This is not at all shared by the theory of online collaborative learning. Although there will be mandatory readings that students will have to read on their own, it is the interaction between the teacher and the students and also between them that makes meaningful learning occur and new knowledge is constructed. Virtual resources should not be a substitute for what would be done in a face-to-face classroom, but rather should expand and facilitate learning. Students reflect on what they have seen in class, discussing it and internalizing it as they present their points of view.

However, not all are advantages for this model. For a start It is not possible for all students to participate if the class group is very large, it is not advisable to exceed 8-10 people. In addition, the teacher will be required to be aware of who participates and who does not, something that the larger the group the less viable it will be, in addition to the fact that the time will come when even if the students want to participate, the topic of the debate has already been completely exhausted. .

Finally There are disciplines that can hardly adapt to this educational system, especially pure sciences, computer sciences and engineering, while it would be applicable in fields of knowledge such as the humanities, social sciences, education and areas of business and health. The reason for this is that these latter disciplines are more debatable, in the sense that not everything is black or white and more particular points of view can be expressed.