Commitment In A Couple: 5 Keys To Achieving Stability

Commitment in the couple

In a time when the freedom to live life the way we want is increasingly valued, The issue of commitment as a couple is very complex

Nowadays, individualism permeates everything, and that for some means that certain intense emotional bonds, such as love as a couple, no longer make much sense. However, any loving relationship requires a certain amount of commitment, something that shows that we are willing to invest efforts in it

In the next lines we will see several key ideas to cultivate commitment in the couple and at the same time prevent it from becoming a constant and unhealthy system of control that turns the relationship into a tyranny.

What is commitment in a couple?

Any relationship needs, to survive, something more than the pure feeling of love To maintain and develop it requires material elements, an environment in which to thrive. At the end of the day, love is nothing more than the people that form it: it does not exist if there are no bodies, and bodies need an environment in which to live their daily lives.

Commitment in a couple is the set of all those guarantees that show that the relationship has and will have a context in which to develop and exist as such. Thus, its fundamental component is stability, which allows one to have confidence that the courtship or marriage has a future

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For example, all those initiatives that have to do with finding a work schedule that allows them to spend a minimum of hours of the week together is an expression of commitment in the couple, and the same goes for finding a place where they can relax. You can rent an apartment to live as a couple, if that is the will of both of you.

How to enhance commitment and stability in a couple?

These tips can be very useful to reinforce the couple’s commitment and create an environment in which it is possible to draw up plans for the future together.

1. Ensure material means of life as a couple

It may sound unromantic, but if you don’t work for achieve and maintain the minimum conditions of life in common, it is very difficult for the commitment to be maintained. This means, for example, that we must take care of all the material elements that are shared and that allow us to share a place.

On the other hand, if you want to live in the same property, you have to take into account that this space is more than a roof in which you live, since it fits the needs of both (and since it would be difficult to find another place that satisfies the needs of both, it is valued even more).

2. Go for honesty

Honesty is one of the main values that must be cultivated in a relationship.

Of course, maintaining a healthy loving bond does not mean having to share each and every one of the secrets we have since our individuality must be preserved, but in any case, we must get used to sharing with the other person opinions, reflections, concerns, beliefs and everything that structures our way of being and behaving.

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Only through honesty is it possible to demonstrate that the couple is based on equality, given that since all the relevant information is on the table, each person knows what to expect from the other and what she wants in her life.

3. Appreciate the sacrifices of others

Although making an effort for your couple is essential for them to enjoy good health, it is necessary not to forget that every time a sacrifice is made to keep the bond alive, that is a reason for gratitude and a token of appreciation.

4. Maintain respect

Respecting the other person is a basic need in relationships, not only when it comes to maintaining stability and expressing loving commitment.

However, as far as the topic we are dealing with here is concerned, respect brings with it the idea of ​​recognizing the other person as a being with judgment and will of his own, capable of making his own decisions autonomously, and therefore its value is expressed. This is a guarantee that it will be a decisive part in the direction that the couple’s relationship takes in the future.

5. Look for relational symmetry

It must be ensured that the forms of commitment are the same for both, without the situation arising that only one must meet certain requirements, while the other is not subject to this rule. In this way it is clear that no important decisions will be made unilaterally