The Benefits Of Clinical Hypnosis And Its Applications In Psychology

In this article we propose to explain what are all the applications that Clinical Hypnosis can have and what duration a treatment can have.

The benefits of clinical hypnosis and its applications in psychology

Our –conscious mind It is fundamentally rational and logical, and its main task is to handle us with ease in all immediate day-to-day matters. Its dynamic is to determine if something is good or bad, if anything suits you or doesn’t suit you. Its operation must be fast since there are situations where decisions have to be made without much time to think, in this sense it is a survival mechanism. Let’s say that it is the most external part of our mind and that it is focused on the –here and now-.

However, our –Unconscious Mind – It is intuitive, that whole world of emotions, has a symbolic, creative and metaphorical character, it remains in a more internal facet of our mind and encompasses everything I know, everything I have perceived, experienced and felt since the same day. when I was born, even the time spent in our mother’s womb, but I am not thinking about any of that, nor is it present in an obvious way, nor do I remember it in a conscious way. Its function is to store all those experiences and defend us from all the impacts that we may receive during life, and it has a very powerful influence on the decisions we consciously make.

The Clinical Hypnosis It is proposed to connect with that unconscious world, because there remain a large amount of personal resources, skills, successes and achievements of all kinds, experiences that were positive and bringing them to consciousness represent new learning that can alleviate and solve all types of problems. We must learn to put our unconscious mind at the service of our person and our health, moving away from that idea that presupposes that the unconscious is something dark and treacherous.

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What are the benefits of clinical hypnosis?

Clinical Hypnosis is an eminently practical work model, short in duration and flexible, as it can be adapted to others. types of therapeutic work It works comprehensively, not only targeting the symptom that the patient presents, but also other circumstances that apparently have nothing to do with the problem posed. This is because all the facets that make up a person are in close relationship with each other.

What are the benefits of clinical hypnosis?

There are times when a single session of approximately an hour and a half is enough for a person to feel much better and be able to radically change a problematic situation. Other times, several meetings between therapist and patient are necessary: ​​let’s say between 3 and 5 sessions. You can work with any type of conflicts, in any facet of people’s health. Likewise, and beyond problematic situations, it also provides benefits in everything that has to do with improving personal performance in any professional field.

The Hypnosis is a powerful tool for change to improve health in very different fields, and from a health point of view -integral Health-. These are some of its many applications:

  1. Stress and anxiety control, post-traumatic disorders.
  2. Phobias and fears of different kinds.
  3. Management of emotions, depression, emotional breakups, grief.
  4. Sexual dysfunctions.
  5. Insomnia.
  6. Control of physical pain, births, surgeries.
  7. Psychosomatic problems.
  8. Shyness, inhibition, fear of speaking in public, relationship problems.
  9. Eating disorders, overweight.
  10. Work and school harassment.
  11. Addictions, smoking, drug detox.
  12. Improvement of professional and sports performance.

As we see, the Clinical hypnosis can help us deal with and work on different aspects of our physical and mental health Therefore, it can be a very useful tool during psychological therapy.

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