8 Signs That You Suffer From An Emotional Lack: What Does It Imply And How To Deal With It?

What does it mean to have an emotional lack? How can we deal with the lack of emotional affection? Discover some signs that indicate this problem and how to deal with it.

emotional lack

Feeling loved by the people around us makes us more motivated, as well as being more connected to those around us. Even so, there are people who, due to the way they were treated in childhood, may suffer from emotional deficiencies, which makes them separate from others so as not to suffer this pain again. So how do you know if someone has one? lack of affection in your life?

What is an emotional lack?

The emotional lack It is a problem that affects the way people relate both to themselves and to others. This lack of affection is due to the fact that during the first years of life these people have not had the necessary support and love from their parents, creating the feeling of a lack of personal value. By feeling this emotional lack, people may experience problems in their adult lives, since they have not had a healthy model from which to take an example.

Signs that you suffer from emotional deficiencies

People who have a emotional lack They can show the following attitudes:

  1. They are ‘cold’ with others: For a person who has felt a lack of affection during childhood, love can mean very different things. For example, these people may not give hugs or kisses to their loved ones, even though they feel love towards them. It is for this reason that they can be labeled as ‘cold’ or distant from others.
  2. Distrust: By growing up feeling unloved and/or appreciated, these people can end up distrusting others. This may be because they worry too frequently about whether people will harm them emotionally.
  3. Empathy: Because they know what a lack of affection feels like, these people tend to be very kind and empathetic toward others.
  4. Problems with your romantic relationships: It is very likely that people with emotional deficiencies in childhood will have problems in their romantic relationships during adulthood. In fact, even though their partners treat them badly, these people may have the mistaken belief that they do not ‘deserve’ better.
  5. They question the love towards them: These people tend to distrust the signs of love that other people show them. This is due to all the fears and insecurities that arise from the lack of affection received during childhood.
  6. High sensitivity: A person who has felt abandoned during childhood is usually very sensitive to what is happening around them. The emotional lack they felt in childhood can end up making these people always pay attention to what is happening.
  7. Perfectionism: Those who have grown up fighting for attention from their family may end up setting very high standards for themselves. This can mean that they end up being very perfectionist people, which makes them self-demanding and self-critical.
  8. Lack of love towards themselves: Suffering from emotional deficiencies, many people can end up feeling that they are not valid. In fact, a lack of affection during childhood often leads to self-esteem problems during adolescence and adulthood.
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These are some of the signs that could indicate that a person has emotional deficiencies and you need to work within yourself. If you feel identified with this, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist before it leads to a mental health problem.

signs of lack of affection

How can an emotional lack affect you?

People who felt a lack of affection During their childhood they may end up developing psychological problems due to these feelings. Some of the difficulties that may arise are the following:

  • Low self-esteem: The lack of attention they received from their parents can lead to experiencing a belief of ‘low value’, that is, of not feeling enough towards themselves or towards others. Therefore, it is normal that they end up suffering from low self-esteem.
  • Depression: Affective deficiencies can also lead to a depressive disorder. The main reason is that these people may be distrustful of others in a way that leads to social isolation. Constantly isolating yourself from people, combined with a lack of self-worth, can become a depressive problem.
  • Social anxiety: Little trust in others can lead to experiencing social anxiety, that is, having a phobia of judgment or criticism that others may make of them.
  • Relationship problems: An emotional lack can end up consuming friendships or relationships. The reason may be a lack of trust or simply an inability to show affection towards loved ones.

How to face emotional deficiencies?

If you feel that during childhood you received a lack of affection and that this is affecting you in your adult life, it is recommended that you take into account the following tips:

  • Prioritize yourself: People with emotional deficiencies should focus on their mental and physical health. That is, taking care of yourself in every way. It is vital that you try to eat balanced, exercise regularly and above all focus on your values ​​and priorities.
  • Connect with others: Try not to isolate yourself even though you may feel a certain distrust of some people at first. Isolation will only lead you to experience more emptiness and lack of affection.
  • Learn to communicate: If you feel that others feel cold to you because perhaps you don’t like to hug or show affection, try learning to show your affection in different ways. For example, doing it through words can help you connect more with your loved ones.
  • Go to therapy: Emotional deficiencies can affect beyond relationships. For this reason, it is crucial to work on them and try to learn to love yourself.
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The lack of affection During the first years of life it can greatly affect your personality and make you appear more distant during adulthood. These feelings of lack can end up distorting the way you see yourself and others, which is why it is important to face them and work on them.