The Cerebellum: Parts, Functions And Diseases

The cerebellum: parts, functions and diseases - Parts of the cerebellum

The cerebellum is located at the back of the brain stem (it is the connection of the spinal cord to the brain) and is made up of two parts. Regarding its functions, the cerebellum is the recipient of information of different types from other areas of the brain, and has a fundamental role in the regulation, coordination, performance and learning of motor behaviors.

An injury to the cerebellum, although it does not cause paralysis or intellectual impairment, can lead to poor balance, slower movements, and tremors. Complex physical tasks would become unstable and stop. Do you want to know more about this complex organ of the nervous system? In this PsychologyFor article we explain in detail what the cerebellum: parts, functions and diseases

Parts of the cerebellum

The central nervous system is enormously complex. However, to define the parts of the brain, we will do it at a basic level, it is divided into cerebrum, brainstem and cerebellum. The brain is involved in higher levels of thought and action. And each of the four lobes that make it up does a different job.

Parts of the brain Four brain lobes

  • He frontal lobe It is located in the front and upper part of the brain. It is responsible for the highest levels of human thinking and behavior, such as planning, judgment, decision making, impulse control, and attention.
  • He parietal lobe It is located behind the frontal lobe. This lobe captures sensory information and helps the individual understand its position in the environment.
  • He temporal lobe It is in the lower front part of the brain. This lobe is involved in visual memory, language, and emotion.
  • Finally, the occipital lobe It is located in the back of the brain. The occipital lobe processes visual input from the eyes.

Brain stem and cerebellum

The cerebellum and brainstem accompany the brain in full physical and mental function. The brainstem manages vital automatic functions such as breathing, circulation, sleep, digestion and swallowing, that is, the involuntary processes controlled by the autonomic nervous system. And control the reflexes.

Parts of the cerebellum and its anatomy

The cerebellum is relatively small, but it contains a large number of neurons (approximately 50% of the brain). Its anatomy is quite complex since it is divided into three lobes (anterior, middle and posterior) but its central part (the vermis) is also divided.

So that you understand better the anatomy of the cerebellum we are going to show you an image:

The cerebellum: parts, functions and diseases - Parts of the cerebellum

Functions of the cerebellum

The cerebellum is the area at the back and bottom of the brain, behind the brain stem. The cerebellum has several functions related to movement and coordination. Among them, we highlight the following functions:

  • Keep the balance: The cerebellum has special sensors that detect changes in balance and movement. It sends signals for the body to adjust and move.
  • Coordinate movement: Most body movements require the coordination of multiple muscle groups. The cerebellum measures muscle actions so the body can move smoothly.
  • Coordinate the vision: The cerebellum coordinates eye movements.
  • motor learning: The cerebellum helps the body learn movements that require practice and adjustment. For example, the cerebellum plays an important role in learning to ride a bicycle or play a musical instrument.

Other functions of the cerebellum

Thanks to new research, some experts believe that the cerebellum plays some role in conscious thought and not only in the regulation of movements. Among these functions we include the language and mood processing However, findings on these functions have not yet been explored in detail.

The cerebellum: parts, functions and diseases - Functions of the cerebellum

Diseases and disorders of the cerebellum

As a result of the close relationship between the cerebellum and movement, the most common signs of a cerebellar disorder involve a impaired muscle control

Symptoms or signs may include:

  • Lack of muscle control and coordination.
  • Difficulties walking and moving.
  • Slurred speech or slurred speech
  • Abnormal eye movements
  • Headaches

There are many cerebellar disorders including:

  • apoplexy
  • brain hemorrhages
  • toxins
  • genetic abnormalities
  • pollution
  • cancer

If you want to know more about this type of diseases, we recommend the following article: diseases of the central nervous system.


The main symptom of cerebellar dysfunction is ataxia. Ataxia is a loss of coordination and muscle control An underlying problem, such as a virus or brain tumor, can cause these symptoms. Loss of coordination is often the first sign of ataxia, and speech difficulties appear soon after.

Others symptoms include

  • Blurry vision
  • Difficulty to swallow
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulties with precise muscle control.
  • Changes in mood or thinking

Several factors can cause ataxia They may be:

  • Genes
  • Poisons that damage the brain
  • Apoplexy
  • Tumors
  • Head trauma
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Chickenpox and other viral infections

Types of ataxia

The ataxia disorders They are degenerative conditions. They can be genetic or sporadic.

  • A genetic mutation causes genetic or hereditary ataxia. There are several different mutations and types. These disorders are rare and even the most common type, Friedreich’s ataxia affects only 1 in 40,000 people.

The doctor will diagnose Friedreich’s ataxia after ruling out a variety of other causes. Genetic testing can identify the condition, which usually appears in childhood.

  • The sporadic ataxia is a group of degenerative movement disorders for which there is no evidence of inheritance. This condition usually progresses slowly and can develop into multiple system atrophy.

Presents a series of symptoms including:

  • Fading
  • Heart rate problems
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of bladder control.

Ataxia Treatment

These disorders usually worsen over time. There is no specific treatment to relieve or resolve the symptoms, except in cases of ataxia in which the cause is a vitamin E deficiency So we can say that sometimes, ataxia is reversible when the underlying cause is treatable. In other cases, ataxia resolves without treatment or cannot be resolved.

There are several devices that can help people with irreversible ataxia, such as canes and specialized computer systems to support mobility, speech and precise muscle control.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to The cerebellum: parts, functions and diseases we recommend that you enter our Neurosciences category.

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