Aphantasia: The Inability To Visualize Mental Images

Why can aphantasia happen? What are its main causes and how can it affect us? Discover what aphantasia consists of and how to deal with it.

Aphantasia: The inability to visualize mental images

The aphantasia This is a condition in which people cannot visualize images. Most people are able to imagine certain images, scenes or faces. But, in the case of people with aphantasia, they cannot do it. Why does it happen and what does it imply?

What is aphantasia?

The people who have aphantasia They cannot visualize any type of image in their head. Research indicates that this condition is very rare, affecting only 1% and 3% of the population.

When someone has aphantasia, this implies that your imagination is mainly ‘blind’. That is, you do not have the ability to visualize events or images, which can affect the lives of those who have it. Instead of being able to imagine something, these people can describe objects, explain concepts, or recite different facts they know about the object. Despite being able to describe it in many aspects, they will not be able to experience any type of mental image that accompanies this knowledge.

How do I know if I suffer from aphantasia?

To understand if you really we suffer from aphantasia it may be helpful to ask yourself the following:

  • When you think of a friend or family member, the image you conjure is not clear.
  • When you think about movements, gestures or specific situations, you do not clearly see the fact itself.
  • You are not able to focus on the details of different mental images.
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If you feel difficulties with any of these mental images, it is very likely that you have some degree of aphantasia.

What causes aphantasia?

This condition may be congenital, meaning it is present from birth, or, on the other hand, develops later in life due to brain injury or psychological conditions.

The ability to create a mental image involves many areas of our brain. Even so, the exact neural basis of aphantasia is currently not well understood, although it is believed that certain areas of the brain involved in visual images may be underactive.

On the other hand, some studies have theorized that the aphantasia It could have a psychological origin, since it can also be associated with depression, anxiety and other dissociative disorders. Although more research is required to understand this link.

Can people with aphantasia dream?

Although the aphantasia can affect dreams, some research suggests that people with aphantasia experience visual images while dreaming. This implies that this condition can mainly affect visualization that occurs intentionally and voluntarily.

How to know if I suffer from aphantasia

According to studies, this may be possible, since our waking brain is different when awake. The images we form while dreaming originate from ascending processes controlled by the brain stem. Visualization, on the other hand, requires top-down processing that originates in the cerebral cortex.

What is it like to live with aphantasia?

Not being able to visualize people and places can be distressing for people. people with aphantasia This is because these people cannot imagine the faces of their loved ones or certain specific situations.

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Even so, we must keep in mind that research indicates that having aphantasia does not harm a person’s success in life. In fact, this phenomenon is a normal variation of human experience, which implies that it is not a condition that requires treatment. On the other hand, aphantasia can be a block in learning, so not being able to visualize scenes in your mind can end up making certain aspects of learning difficult.

If you suspect that you may have aphantasia and that this is affecting you, it is important that you see a professional psychologist. Despite this, this condition should not harm our well-being or mental health in any way.