What Is JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out)? 8 Ways To Avoid FOMO

Do social networks affect you? Do you think you’re not living the full life you see on other people’s profiles? Find out what JOMO is and how it can offset FOMO.

What is JOMO (Joy of Missing Out)? 8 Ways to Avoid FOMO

Increasingly, social networks influence the way we see our lives and those of others. One of the symptoms that is increasingly present is FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), that is, the fear of missing out on something. In these cases, people can compensate for these types of thoughts with the JOMO, an antidote to FOMO

What is JOMO?

JOMO (Joy of Missing Out), that is, it means the pleasure of missing out on things, and, therefore, it is the opposite reaction of FOMO. When someone experiences FOMO, they feel like they are missing out on many things because they are shown photos or videos of people enjoying life on social media. Although many of these cases are not true to reality, this can cause a feeling of emptiness and sadness, since we feel that we are not taking advantage of life as others ‘supposedly’ do.

Those defenders of JOMO, contrary to what is experienced in FOMO, they are not influenced by the impressions that may appear on social networks and, on the contrary, they prefer to spend a day paying attention to their own needs and not those of others. That is, they believe in quality and not quantity and above all in authenticity.

How to promote JOMO more?

If you want to stop feeling bad about what you see on social networks, one of the ways to promote JOMO are the following:

  1. Live the moment: People who constantly worry about missing out are most likely not going to have fun wherever they are. In fact, they probably don’t know how to enjoy the present moment, which can end up making them always think about the past or the future. In these cases, to avoid this feeling, it is important to look at the best in each situation, trying to ensure that FOMO does not have so much control over our lives.
  2. Log off: The best way to deal with FOMO and enhance JOMO is precisely to try to disconnect from all electronic devices. This does not mean stopping using them, but having moments during the day when you do not use any device that could distract your attention. JOMO and FOMO
  3. Focus on you: Instead of comparing yourself to others or feeling that you don’t enjoy life in the same way as others, try to focus on learning to value yourself and know what you really want in your life. Stop sharing with others and keep in mind what you like above others, is one of the keys to promoting JOMO more.
  4. Reflect: Although it may seem otherwise, people who do more activities do not have to feel happier. Although it is important to spend time with friends and family, you should also spend time with yourself. That is, focus on reflecting on problems, fears, what you have not experienced or your own goals. By knowing yourself better, your priorities will be clearer.
  5. Prioritize your values ​​and preferences: The more pauses you take in your life, the more aware you will be of the factors in your life that are truly important to you. For this reason, you should consider those commitments and activities that you believe will bring the most to you and not to others. In fact, you should never prioritize what is best for others.
  6. Learn to say no: By being clearer about your priorities, it will be easier for you to say ‘no’ to invitations. But if this is a conflict for you, focus on what you will gain if you start saying ‘no’ clearly.
  7. Work on your self-esteem: People who are influenced by networks and FOMO often have problems with their own personal esteem. In fact, the best way to enhance JOMO is precisely by taking your own inner worth more seriously.
  8. Go to therapy: If you feel like you are always worrying about what you are missing, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist. The reason is that being too aware of what is happening around you can end up affecting not only your self-esteem but also your mental health.
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The Social networks have many positive and negative things Therefore, the key is to know how to balance our lives so as not to be influenced by them. We must live life from our priorities and not from the desires of others.