5 Signs That You Don’t Value Yourself Enough: How To Value Yourself?

What are the attitudes that indicate that we do not value ourselves enough? What can we do to learn to value ourselves more? Discover the keys to learn to prioritize and value yourself.

How to value yourself more?

Know value oneself It plays a decisive role in the way you see yourself and treat yourself. In fact, self-worth and self-esteem are closely linked. But what can we do to value ourselves more?

Why is it important to value yourself?

He own value It allows us to act and behave in a way that is alienated from our values ​​and ideas. Therefore, knowing how to value yourself influences both the way we talk to people and how we carry out our daily actions. In fact, self-esteem and self-worth often feed off each other. When people learn to value themselves, they not only nourish their self-esteem, but they improve both their relationships with others and themselves.

How do I know if I value myself?

The people who do not value themselves They often behave in a way that unconsciously harms themselves due to their lack of self-esteem. Some of the common signs that may indicate that you do not value yourself enough are the following:

  1. Attempt to please others: The people who do not value themselves They tend to put others before themselves in the focus of their priorities. In some cases they may even ignore your needs and desires because of it.
  2. You allow others to treat you badly: A common sign that can indicate a lack of self worth It is precisely saying ‘I’m sorry’ when someone does something annoying that is not your responsibility. That is, you end up assuming the mistakes of others or even allowing those around you to treat you with bad gestures and words.
  3. You don’t feel authentic: When there is a lack of self-worth, people often end up feeling less ‘themselves’. The reason is that when we don’t value ourselves We can end up behaving in a way that is not faithful to our values, which ends up generating this feeling.
  4. You neglect your own needs and interests: By putting the needs of others before your own, you can end up losing self-respect and stop focusing on what you really want for yourself. That is, end up forgetting yourself to try to benefit those around you first.
  5. You value yourself based on external opinions or influences: Our value must come from within and not be subject to events or situations that may happen outside. Therefore, a clear sign that you do not value yourself is that you allow yourself to be influenced too much by the opinions of others. In fact, many people tend to base their self-worth on achievements or successes when this can end up taking its toll because we will not always emerge victorious from all the situations we face.
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These are some signs that may indicate that you don’t value yourself enough If you think this may be your case, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist.

Keys to value yourself more

How to value yourself?

Can learn to value ourselves more to ourselves. In fact, some of the ways in which we can work on this aspect are the following:

  • Recognize your inner critic: We all have a voice inside us that may not be entirely kind to us. If this voice gets in the way when we have ideas and projects or persuades us not to leave our comfort zone, it is a sign that we should work on our self-esteem and own value In this way, being aware that this internal critic exists is one of the keys to being able to regain power in the face of this voice.
  • Be assertive: For value oneself more It is important to practice assertiveness. For example, if someone gives you a compliment, instead of denying it, try to receive it with gratitude. Assertiveness means being able to accept what we deserve, without denying it.
  • Learn to thank yourself and value yourself: Sometimes we don’t realize how much effort we have made to be able to face certain situations in our daily lives. For learn to value yourself more You should try to be more grateful for everything you do. In fact, the easy way is to be critical and wish you had done better, but in reality it is better to focus on the progress you have made.
  • Forgive yourself often: If things don’t go as planned, you must learn to practice forgiveness with yourself. Holding on to a grudge, whether towards others or towards yourself, ends up harming you more than it helps you.
  • Practice affirmations: The words we say to ourselves have a great influence on our thoughts, emotions and decisions. Therefore, practicing positive or motivating affirmations can help you value yourself more
  • Stop comparing yourself: Our value ends up being affected if we do not stop comparing ourselves to others. In fact, whenever we compare ourselves with those around us, we tend to think that we lack something that they do have. Faced with these feelings, instead of focusing on what others have, try to pay attention to how you improve yourself and compare yourself with your past self.
  • Accept yourself: There is no point in reliving your past and focusing on those ‘mistakes’ you made. It also doesn’t help to focus on everything you can improve in a hypothetical future. The key to valuing oneself It is precisely focusing on the present, that is, on what you are now. Accepting yourself does not mean conforming, but knowing what you have and valuing it.
  • Take the opportunities: Instead of seeing challenges or problems from a negative perspective, try to take advantage of these moments as if they were opportunities for your development. When faced with a problem, valuing yourself involves focusing on your strengths and trying to face it with these skills instead of focusing on the negative aspects of the situation.
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These are some of the ways in which we can value ourselves more. It is obvious that to learn to accept our value we must work on our self-esteem. Therefore, if you believe that you don’t value yourself enough, it is recommended that you go to a mental health professional. Courage starts by putting yourself as a priority.