How To Be More Confident About Yourself? 12 Tips To Increase Your Security

How can I improve my self-confidence? What can I do to be more self-confident? Discover tips to increase our personal confidence.

How to increase self-confidence

Although we all want be self-confident people, we can have doubts every time we want to take a risk or try something new. In fact, to cultivate our personal security we must do those things that cause us certain insecurities and fears. Therefore, a confident person must face their fears to work on their self-esteem and personal confidence.

How to be more confident about yourself?

To foment self-confidence We must change our way of thinking and our attitudes. Although at first this may cause some distress, you must understand that doing so will allow you to improve your self-esteem. So, we recommend that you keep the following in mind:

  1. Face your fears: Fear is usually one of the reasons why a person may experience a lack of self-confidence That is, when you are faced with something that scares you, you are likely not to act or be sure of yourself. Thus, in order to improve this aspect, you must try to face (progressively) your most irrational fears. Committing to trying to deal with your fears gradually each day will allow you to feel more confident about yourself.
  2. Learn to tolerate failures: We tend to see failures as mistakes that damage our ego and self-worth. The reality is that to have a better chance of success, it is crucial to feel more comfortable with the possibility of failure. When you learn to tolerate the failures that you may encounter along the way, you will not only you will feel more confident about yourself but you will also have a greater chance of getting what you really want.
  3. Detect where your doubts come from: Doubts are the worst enemies of security in ourselves If you start to doubt yourself, it is important that you analyze where your beliefs come from and try to rationalize them. In this way, try to question the truth of what your doubts tell you. For example, it may be that you are questioning yourself because you have certain limiting beliefs about yourself.
  4. Reaffirm your strengths, talents and achievements: The insecure people They tend to focus more on their weaknesses than their strengths. Therefore, one of the ways to be more self-confident is precisely by trying to be more aware of your strengths, talents and achievements. A good exercise will be to make an honest list of all your strengths and carry it with you every time you feel undervalued.
  5. Transmits security: Act as if you were one self-confident person It will help you feel better in this sense. To achieve this, every time you feel nervous and insecure, stop for a moment and close your eyes to think about a time when you felt confident and sure of yourself. In addition, you must also take into account your body posture. In these cases, we recommend that you use an upright pose to feel more confident about yourself. That is, do not bend over or throw your shoulders forward in a position of submission.
  6. Keys to know how to be more confident about ourselves
  7. Listen to music that motivates you: Music is an excellent art to evoke emotions in us. In this way, if you want cultivate self-confidence listening to songs that make you feel more motivated or confident can help you cultivate these feelings.
  8. Have realistic goals and act to achieve them: Achievements go a long way towards having greater self-confidence By having a commitment to yourself and fulfilling it, this will allow you to become more confident in your personal abilities. For this to work, it is important that our goals are demanding as well as realistic.
  9. Challenge your negative beliefs: There are people who feel that they have always been shy or reserved. To challenge our beliefs, we must observe how we perceive ourselves and try to reverse these assumptions. For example, acting more extroverted in certain situations.
  10. Leave out certain words: Words like ‘believe‘ either ‘I’m not sure‘ can undermine your opportunities to grow and become the best version of yourself. One way to avoid this type of debilitating speech towards oneself is precisely by trying to treat each other as if we were a very close friend. That is, instead of saying that we are not sure, look at how you can be able to do it.
  11. Remember a time when you felt safe: Just before doing something that makes you nervous, try to visualize a situation in which you feel very confident about yourself In this way, you will take the attitude you had during those moments to face this new challenge.
  12. Limit the use of social networks: Nowadays, it is very easy to waste time on our social networks and end up comparing ourselves to others. When this happens, try to remember that these posts usually do not reflect reality. Therefore, it is not very advisable to spend too much time on social media profiles, as this will reduce confidence in yourself
  13. Wear something that makes you feel more powerful: We all look better with one item of clothing or another or with a specific accessory. Use it in the moments when we require more personal security It will help you feel more energetic to face these situations. In fact, studies have shown that the clothes we wear can affect our cognitive processes.
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If you feel less and less sure of yourself Maybe you should consult with a professional psychologist. The reason for this is that this lack of self-confidence can be a sign that there is a mental health problem. Confidence in ourselves is vital to achieve everything we want.