What Is Psychodrama?

Psychodrama is the therapeutic model with which I work mainly in sessions. I say mainly, because I combine this method and techniques with others such as cognitive-behavioral, EMDR, Hypnosis and Mindfulness.

What is Psychodrama?

What is psychodrama?

He psychodrama is a psychotherapy created by JL Moreno that, unlike other therapies that consist of talking, the person represents their inner world, interpersonal conflicts and situations that produce a significant degree of suffering, through action, body and objects, being the protagonist of their change processes thanks to awareness and thus relieving the symptoms.

An example could be the case of P. (40 years old) who comes for consultation after numerous therapies in which he has learned assertive communication and self-control techniques because he argues with his mother. After a psychodrama session, in which she represents with her body how she relates to her mother, she becomes aware that every time she argues with her she sits on the floor just as she did when she was little, and from then on she can use other ways of communicating, which go beyond what techniques to use, exploring how and from where it is done with the help of objects such as puppets.

What is a psychodrama session like?

The psychodrama session Is divided into three parts:

  1. Heating: The person comes to the consultation and comments on how they are feeling and how things have gone since the last session, in this way they find a topic to work on in the session.
  2. Dramatization: In this phase the person makes the representations, using the necessary psychodramatic techniques.
  3. Comments: The person expresses how he or she has felt by evaluating the representation
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How does it work?

Taking into account that a healthy personality consists of the integration of what we think (cognitive), what we feel (emotional) and where we feel it (bodily) and what we do (behavioral), this psychotherapeutic model deepens through work from the symbolic, thanks to creativity and spontaneity in a respectful way, since it is the person in the dramatization stage, connects with their body and therefore with the emotional, and then reflects in the comments stage about what has been experienced at a cognitive level.

For what difficulties can it be used?

The conflicts that can be treated are fears, anxieties, self-esteem, social, family, work and relationship ties, internal conflicts and other psychopathologies, among others.

Examples of psychodrama

Examples of its use

M. (25 years old), affirms that he still feels “love” for his ex-partner, located in the body like a tingling in the pit of his stomach every time he sees him with his current partner (warming stage). Using plasticine, she molds what the sensation she feels is like, making a hammer (dramatization stage). She becomes aware that it is not the emotion that she indicated a priori, but anxiety, because every time she sees him she reminds herself that she is alone (comments stage).

Debunking myths about Psychodrama

About him Psychodrama Specifically, there are many myths that disparage the method, such as:

  • Psychodrama is a pseudoscience, it has no scientific validity . Psychodrama is a Psychotherapeutic method, this means that it has been tested through systematic observation, experimentation and formulation and analysis and modification of hypotheses, like any other scientific method.
  • Psychodramatic techniques are used without rhyme or reason The techniques have a process and a specific usefulness, which is why specialized training in psychodrama is needed.
  • “Faith of the method” . This is a big mistake since several theories are supported, such as the Core of the Self and the Rojas-Bermúdez Role Scheme, which explain the maturation process of the SN (Nervous System) from birth to adulthood and how the environment in the development of the individual, issues that have to do with neurobiology, psychology, physiology and psychiatry.
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Can Psychodrama be done online?

Yes, you just have to have a space where you feel comfortable and safe and have a good Internet connection. We can use materials such as plasticine, sheets of paper and pencils.