How To Learn To Love Yourself? 7 Techniques To Achieve It

Do you love yourself? Do we really know what it means to love ourselves? Discover how to learn to love yourself through these psychology techniques.

How to love yourself?

self-esteem or love yourself, refers to the assessment we make of ourselves in relation to our principles or standards that we consider valuable. We can value ourselves in relation to our character, way of acting or even the features of our body. Adequate self-esteem is not one that considers that we are not good as we are, but it is not one that considers that we are superior to others or perfect, it is one that knows how to value virtues and is willing to improve in those aspects that we do not like.

We have not received emotional education. Since we were children we have been constantly conditioned and have instilled in us a series of beliefs and values ​​to fulfill in order to feel that we deserve to be loved s and accepted. Throughout our lives we have internalized a lot of “you should” almost impossible to satisfy and that only lead us to internal conflicts, feelings of guilt, feeling like failures, not allowing ourselves to be who we are. We continually beat ourselves up and suffer wanting to prove that we are that someone we have been told we have to be and we are not, all to deserve the affection and approval of others.

We unconsciously try to hide everything that we do not accept about ourselves in our way of relating to others. One way to realize this is that when we criticize, judge or cannot stand some aspect in others, we are talking about ourselves, about aspects that we do not accept in ourselves. It is what we have learned, but we can change and evolve as we begin to learn to love ourselves

What does it mean to love yourself?

Loving oneself or loving oneself It is an act that requires valuing one’s own happiness and well-being. In this way, learning to love yourself means accepting yourself, which means having support, care and compassion for yourself. So much so that to value ourselves we must take responsibility for being able to satisfy personal needs and allow unprejudiced thinking about our defects and virtues. Therefore, to have love for ourselves we must start from the basis that we are good, valuable and deserving of happiness. We do not need to be perfect to learn to love ourselves.

People who find it difficult to love themselves They tend to have certain barriers that make it difficult for them to experience compassion or love for themselves. So much so that in everyday jargon the word self-esteem is used easily, but getting to feel it is not an easy path. To love and accept yourself you first have to know yourself well. This process involves being aware of all your aspects, of all the internal conflicts that you have been carrying and being attentive to your needs. It is necessary to look inside and honestly recognize all your emotions.

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It is not just a saying but a logical reality that to truly love other people it is essential to love yourself; otherwise, love What you don’t give to yourself you will look for in other people, thus building attached and dependent relationships, which inevitably lead to suffering. Only if you accept yourself will you be able to relate to others in a sharing with respect, freedom and acceptance. To achieve this it is necessary to be able to be with yourself, alone but without feeling alone.

Keys to loving yourself

Why is it important to learn to love yourself?

Learn to love yourself It involves taking care of our own needs, accepting our weaknesses and failures, as well as our strengths, and staying in touch with our emotions. Many times we think that some attitudes that involve loving oneself can be selfish, but the reality is that although taking care of other people is important, it should never be at the expense of our own well-being. Here are some reasons why we should learn to love ourselves:

  • Reduces stress: Learn to love yourself It also means taking steps to recognize and cope with everyday stress. Many people who have not learned to love themselves may end up thinking that they do not deserve a break. In contrast, people with self-love are often more willing to take time to take care of themselves when they are stressed.
  • Develop healthier habits: Learn to love yourself It also means making better decisions about your mental and physical health. In this way, focusing on yourself can also help you incorporate healthier lifestyle habits.
  • Improve your emotional resilience: In difficult times, it is easy to fall into despair. Depending on the environment you find yourself in, you may be dealing with people who blame you for your difficulties and you may even end up blaming yourself for them. Learn to love yourself It involves dealing with and counteracting negative self-talk and learning to put things into perspective.
  • Improve your relationships: There is a common saying that you cannot truly love others until you you love yourself Although it is a very extremist thought, the reality is that learn to love yourself It also helps you improve relationships with others. This is because when people learn to love themselves, they know how to be dependent on the worth or opinions of others, as well as being clear and able to establish limits if they see it necessary.
  • Makes you more productive: The people that they don’t love themselves They often succumb to negative thoughts when they make a mistake. On the other hand, when someone learns to love himself/herself, he/she can see failures as an opportunity to learn.
  • Increase your happiness: Accept you and love yourself It is related to greater satisfaction with life and therefore, to perceiving greater happiness. Self-love encourages you to think of yourself as a very close friend, making you not be so hard on yourself.
  • More confidence: It is very difficult to feel safe if you focus only on a negative view of yourself. Learn to love yourself It means feeling more confident, since you focus on your strengths and abilities.
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Learn to love yourself It is a difficult process, but through work and effort it can be achieved. In many cases, people tend to procrastinate these types of processes since they do not realize that taking care of themselves on the inside is one of the keys to achieving what you really want in your daily life.

How to love yourself?

To love yourself We must take into account what our self-esteem problems are and why they arise. In this way, to learn to love ourselves we must know ourselves and know what is stopping us from being able to experience self-love. According to psychologists we can follow the following instructions.

  1. Analyze your situation: The first step to start loving you is to realize, observe yourself, look inside yourself and love yourself like that, letting go of all the “you should” and free yourself from all the conditions. Then there are no longer any blockages or conflicts that prevent you from being yourself and living in coherence. To know how to strengthen self-esteem to learn to love yourself, you must take into account what your situation is and how you can solve it through your own emotional tools.
  2. Learn to be compassionate: Compassion is the key to reaching take care of yourself and come to love yourself. In this way, we must eliminate critical internal dialogue and those negative thoughts that hold us back from our personal evolution. In order to achieve this, we can sometimes treat ourselves as if we were a family member or friend.
  3. Enjoy your time alone: For value yourself and learn to love yourself You should try to spend more time with yourself. If you are looking to know how to learn to love me, you should know that loneliness and rediscovering yourself is one of the main keys. You can save some time alone during the week and try to take advantage of it to inspect yourself inside.
  4. Create a list of everything you really like about yourself: Very often we end up thinking about those parts of ourselves that we don’t like. He self love It has to do with trying to discover what we really shine at and enhance this side. This does not mean that we have to forget our defects but simply try to reinforce our most positive side. To love yourself the key is to be aware of what we are, accept it and constantly evolve towards our best version.Techniques to love yourself
  5. Celebrate your achievements: For learn to love yourself It is essential to celebrate each of the achievements we achieve in our daily lives. To love yourself/feel the success of any of our small goals will undoubtedly be more than crucial. In this way, we recognize ourselves for our efforts and positive qualities.
  6. Set your limits: Being able to say that ‘No‘to others is also a way of love oneself On many occasions, people who need to increase self-esteem find themselves being too permissive towards others. In order to solve this attitude and begin to love yourself, you can reflect before saying yes.
  7. Be aware of your surroundings: Sometimes the people around you can influence you to learn to love yourself For this reason, to value yourself it is essential to try to surround yourself with positive friends and family who make you shine your best version. You should dedicate as much time as possible to doing those things you enjoy and being close to those people who make you happy.
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Learn to love yourself It requires great effort and dedication. This is why you may need help during this process. In these cases you can always go to a professional psychologist to be able to have the self-love that you so need.

When you learn to love yourself you accept yourself, you dare to be who you are, you lose the fear of losing, you take responsibility for your life and discover all the potential you have inside.

“There is no love enough to fill the void of a person who does not love themselves.”.

Irene Orce, psychologist