Maslow’s Pyramid: The 5 Basic Needs For Our Self-Actualization

What is Maslow’s pyramid theory? Why are these needs important? Discover the key to achieving personal self-realization according to this theory of psychology.

Maslow's pyramid of needs

The Maslow’s pyramid It is a theory about the psychological needs that people have and how these influence our motivation. According to the research of psychologist Abraham Maslow, people have five basic needs that end up dictating our human behavior. But what does Maslow’s theory consist of?

Maslow’s theory

Abraham Maslow stated in his article entitled “A theory of human motivation” his research into the psychological needs of humans. In this theory, he points out that people’s decision-making is motivated by the satisfaction of both basic needs and more advanced needs.

The Maslow’s theory of needs They were more focused on learning about what made humans happy than on focusing on the problems of psychology.

According to Abraham Maslow, people have an innate desire to self-actualize, or what means the same, to be everything they can be. But in order to achieve these objectives, Maslow stated that people ascend through what he called the Maslow’s pyramid of needs

Maslow’s pyramid

The needs are represented in the Maslow’s pyramid In it, the five stages are exposed through which a human being can reach self-realization.

Maslow’s basic needs

Are the physiological needs and social needs that we all require in order to progress in our self-realization. These basic needs must be satisfied before being able to progress in the following ones, the deprivation of them is a barrier to being able to grow in the others.

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Maslow’s Pyramid: Needs

The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs It is usually shown as a pyramid. According to Maslow’s theory, the lowest levels of the pyramid are made up of the most basic needs, while the most complex needs are at the top.

The needs in the base of Maslow’s pyramid They are the basic physical requirements that all humans require, that is, physiological needs such as food, water, sleep and heat.

Once people have been able to satisfy these basic needs, they can work to achieve the other secondary needs that are fundamental to self-actualization. As people move up the pyramid, the needs are more psychological and social. Mainly, Maslow’s needs are categorized into the following.

1. Physiological needs

The physiological needs They are the most basic needs within Maslow’s pyramid. This is because these are vital for our survival. Within these basic needs Maslow included food, water, as well as shelter and clothing.

2. Safety and security needs

As we move into the second level of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the requirements start to get a little more complex. In this case, Maslow’s scale establishes safety and security needs, that is, financial security, health and well-being, and security against accidents and injuries.

Together, safety levels and physiological needs constitute what is known as basic needs

What are the needs of Maslow's pyramid?

3. Social needs

When the Maslow theory refers to social needs, it points to love, acceptance and belonging within a group.

Therefore, within this Maslow’s pyramid level Examples would be: friendships, romantic attachments, family, among others. That is, these types of needs would establish the basis for combating diseases such as loneliness, depression or anxiety.

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4. Esteem Needs

In the room Maslow’s pyramid level We find the needs of appreciation and respect. When those needs that are below those of esteem are satisfied, this level begins to take a more prominent role in the motivation of our behavior.

At this level the Maslow’s pyramid It points to the fact of feeling valued by others or having the feeling that we are contributing to the world with our actions. When many of Maslow’s needs are not met, people can suffer from low self-esteem and feel inferior to others.

Social needs and esteem needs make up what is known as the Maslow’s pyramid psychological needs

5. Self-actualization needs

At the top of the Maslow’s hierarchy, the needs for self-actualization are found. Within Maslow’s theory, this need refers to the fact that people need to try to reach their maximum as human beings. According to Abraham Maslow’s own words, this level suggests the following:

“It can be loosely described as the full use and exploitation of talents, capabilities, potentialities, etc. These people seem to be fulfilling themselves and doing the best they are capable of doing. “They are people who have developed or are developing to the level of what they are capable of.”

When a person feels self-actualized, they feel self-aware since they are focused on their personal growth. This means that they care less about the opinions of others, so they focus more on developing their own potential.

Maslow's pyramid and self-actualization

Expansion of Maslow’s pyramid

Over the years there was an expansion to Maslow’s original pyramid, which included an eight-stage model. The stages included were:

  • Cognitive needs: Understood as the knowledge and understanding of what surrounds us. The person has the need to explore since he is curious about the meaning of the world.
  • Aesthetic needs: In this case the person seeks beauty, that is, they try to appreciate what is beautiful in life, as well as the balance of what surrounds us.
  • Transcendence needs: The person is motivated by values ​​that transcend the personal self, that is, mystical experiences or certain experiences related to nature.
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Criticism of Maslow’s theory of needs

The Maslow theory It is not fully accepted in the scientific community. Research on Maslow’s pyramid is based on the study of the biographies or writings of 18 people who Maslow identified as ‘self-actualized’. From his writings he developed a list of qualities that the author believed had led these individuals toward self-realization.

As we can see, there are doubts about the approach of Maslow’s theory Even so, Maslow’s pyramid can be a guide to achieving self-realization. In addition to his teachings, you can also consult with a professional psychologist to achieve your goals.