Self-esteem Test: Discover How Your Self-love Is

Having low self-esteem can cause us to feel stress, anxiety or sadness.

Self-esteem test

Do you have confidence in yourself? Do you give yourself the credit and value that you truly deserve? Both self-love and the self-esteem They are two of the main ingredients to live a full and happy life. Therefore, knowing if you really have good self-esteem is important both to think better and to work on those aspects that will allow you to have both personal happiness and satisfactory relationships as well as obtain all your achievements.

Self-esteem test

Sometimes, behind cases of shyness, they hide serious self-esteem problems that significantly affect the person who suffers from them, since they have a negative impact on their social or romantic relationships.

To find out if you suffer from it, we have a test:

Self-esteem test results

Here you can check your results:

  • 0-14 points: Low self-esteem You still don’t have the self-esteem well developed. Your opinion of your physical appearance, your personal successes, your professional achievements, or the nature of your relationships may falter. It is important that you continue working on the core points of self-esteem so that you can feel safer and more self-confident. We share some tips on how to do it in this article. In these cases, help from a mental health professional may be necessary.
  • 15-25 points: Your self-esteem is fine You have managed to find a balance between different aspects of your life and you have learned to live respecting your own values. You are a fairly confident person, which keeps your self-esteem at satisfactory levels. Most of the time you accept yourself as you are, you know how to control your emotions and deal with difficulties or conflicts. Remember that self-esteem can decrease when behaviors begin to lose coherence. To prevent that from happening, don’t miss the tips we share in this article.
  • 26-30 points: You’re out of luck! Your level of self-esteem is high. You live life with enthusiasm, daring to new challenges and do not let the opinions of others have a negative impact on your self-confidence. You know your limits but you are not afraid of failure. Your challenge is not to let your self-esteem become too inflated and start to become exaggerated. It is important to maintain coherence, respect the individuality of others or you could find yourself immersed in a scenario just as negative as the one caused by low self-esteem.
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How is your self-esteem?

Why is self-esteem important?

The negative perception we may have of ourselves can cause other more complex problems, such as anxiety, addiction or depression. Of course, we do not mean that any shy person has self-esteem on the floor but it is true that sometimes this can be a symptom, one more, that there is a greater disorder behind it.

In fact, many researchers have studied the problems that low self-esteem It can cause problems in people that affect their personal and professional lives and their social relationships. Thus, experts talk about the following:

  • Unsafety
  • Problems having a partner or relating to others in a healthy way
  • Loneliness
  • Sadness
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Pessimism
  • Negative and catastrophic view of life and relationships
  • Problems trusting others
  • Poor academic performance
  • Demotivation
  • Unhappiness
  • Violent, aggressive or hostile behavior
  • Excessive dependence on some people (emotional dependence)
  • Problems speaking in public or communicating with others

We can find many causes behind low self-esteem. The main ones are excessive criticism or a toxic and negative attitude on the part of those around us, but it can also be due to trauma, having suffered abuse or violent behavior, etc. In the case of low self-esteem in children and adolescents, it is usually caused by parental relationships that lack affection and physical demonstrations of love, where bullying and physical and emotional punishments tend to lead to insecurity and self-esteem problems.

Keys to improve our self-esteem

How can we improve our self-esteem?

If we believe that we may have low self-esteem, it is recommended that we go to a psychologist to evaluate our case professionally and provide us with the tools to increase it. Here are some tips that may help:

  1. They are just thoughts: The negative thoughts we may have about ourselves are just that, thoughts, not facts that correspond to reality. So when we are attacked, we have to reflect on what we think of ourselves at that moment and rationalize it. In this way, we can distance ourselves from those thoughts and see that they really do not correspond to who we are in life.
  2. No criticizing what we do or blaming ourselves for everything: One of the biggest problems of people with self-esteem problems is that they tend to beat themselves up about everything, to be excessively demanding and critical, and they blame themselves for what happens. If we continually dwell on how badly something went wrong, what mistake we made, or what we should have said and done, then we will be creating a vicious circle that will drag us down even further. You have to accept mistakes, face them and learn from them; That’s what they are for, just for that, and not to make us think that we are nothing. We must learn to forgive ourselves.
  3. No comparisons: Another common mistake is comparing ourselves to others. There are times when those around us are to blame for this happening, especially if they are continually comparing what we do and how we do it with other people. Each person is unique and will act differently.
  4. goodbye to toxic people: We know that, in some cases, it is difficult, since these could be our parents, partners, siblings… But we have to know how to distance ourselves and not take into consideration the hurtful or critical comments they make to us.
  5. Exercise regularly: Some researchers point out that exercise is very important to raise self-esteem. It relaxes us, reinforces our feeling of security and confidence, gives us strength, helps us know ourselves, gives us emotional stability and, in the long run, increases our self-esteem.
  6. Learn to love yourself: Yes, we know that is what is always said, but it is the truth. If we don’t love ourselves, if we are not understanding and tolerant of ourselves, who will be? In a society in which image is everything, for better and for worse, loving yourself is essential to not succumb to the whirlwind that a world of continuous competition can bring.
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When doing this self-esteem test You will have realized how you value and perceive yourself. As you know, having good self-esteem is very important if you want to be happy, have meaningful relationships with others and achieve all your goals.