The 8 Differences Between Christian And Catholic

Differences between Christian and Catholic

Faith, whether we talk about religious faith or not, is one of the most powerful forces since it makes it easier to have and maintain hope in a better world. One of the best known types of faith is religious being a type of faith that aims to give an explanation to the world and configure a framework, some values ​​and/or some main rules of action for those who subscribe to it.

Throughout history and even today, a great variety of religious confessions have existed and still exist, although currently monotheistic ones tend to predominate.

Among them, the most widespread throughout the world is Christianity, especially with regard to Catholic doctrine. Regarding this last point, some people have sometimes identified Christianity and Catholicism as synonyms.

However, the truth is that although both terms are related, they do not completely overlap, and there are some differences between Catholicism and other types of Christianity. That is why throughout this article Let’s see the differences between Christian and Catholic

Main differences between Christian and Catholic

Being Christian and being Catholic is, as we have said, something that may or may not go hand in hand, not every Christian being necessarily Catholic. Below we are going to show some of the main differences.

1. Specificity

One of the possible differences is the level of specificity that both terms have. And although Catholicism is part of Christianity, in addition to it there are other types of Christianity: Protestants or Anglicans, for example, are other known branches of the same Christian religion.

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So, Although all Catholics are Christians, not all Christians are Catholics The taxonomic level of both concepts is different, given that Catholicism is a branch of Christianity.

2. Interpretation of the Bible

One of the main differences between Catholicism and other branches of Christianity has to do with the type of interpretation made of the sacred book of Christianity, the Bible.

Catholicism offers a canonical and considered official vision of the events narrated in the Bible, indicating a specific position and interpretation of it that the believer must believe. However, Other branches consider that the vision of Catholicism greatly limits the role of the believer inviting a freer and more open interpretation of the sacred text.

3. The Virgin Mary

All of Christianity has immense respect for the figure of the Virgin, but her role in the faith can vary enormously.

Catholicism sees it as a sacred entity, which itself is an object of veneration and prayer and is imbued with a halo of divinity, in addition to being considered an intercessor between humanity and God. This is not without controversy, and according to some researchers it is the result of the polytheistic past of many communities that are Catholic today.

However, other branches of Christianity, despite respecting and venerating her, only contemplate her as the mother of Christ, not praying to her or other intercessors but directly to God.

4. The role of the saints

The idea of ​​holiness is something especially relevant to Catholicism, saints being those people who, due to their ethical faculties, are considered to have reached a very high level of communion with God. Until recently, saints were considered to intercede between humanity and divinity, being protective and guiding entities.

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It is not uncommon for some prayers to be directed to them and for relics to be preserved which are venerated. On the other hand, it is understood that the saints are the greatest degree of proximity to God that can be achieved through good works

However, other branches of Christianity only see them as possible examples, but consider their veneration and worship of them generally unnecessary.

5. The Church and its leader

Another difference between Catholics and other types of Christians can be found in the role that the Church has and the consideration regarding the authority of it and its leader.

In the case of Catholicism The Pope is the highest leader of the Church, which is the institution that is considered heir of the word of Christ, its highest representative being the heir of Saint Peter. Other branches of Christianity such as Protestantism or the Anglican Church do not recognize this authority (in the latter case, the king or queen being the highest ecclesiastical authority).

6. The sacraments

One more difference is found in the valuation given to the sacraments While Catholicism contemplates the need to celebrate seven (baptism, communion or Eucharist, confirmation, priestly orders, marriage and anointing), other branches of Christianity do not consider all of these sacraments necessary, and therefore many of these rituals are not considered sacred or sacred. significant.

7. Ecclesiastical celibacy

A difference that fundamentally applies to those who dedicate themselves to the priesthood is the consideration of the need for celibacy or the inability to marry or have children.

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This custom is typical of the Catholic priesthood, derived from a medieval prohibition that claimed that ecclesiastical property could not be inherited from parents to children. Other branches such as Protestantism, however, do allow their priests to marry and have children.

8. Heaven, hell and purgatory

Another difference between Catholicism and other Christian beliefs is the conception of the existence of purgatory. In general, most branches of Christianity accept the idea of ​​an afterlife in the form of heaven for good people and hell for evil people. However In the case of Catholicism we also find the existence of purgatory an afterlife in which the believer will suffer to purge his sins until he achieves it, at which time he will be able to ascend.

In fact, there are also branches such as Jehovah’s Witnesses that believe that there is no life after death, simply the resurrection.