The 7 Best Master’s Degrees In Educational Psychology: What Job Opportunities Do You Have?

What does an educational psychologist do? What should I study if I want to specialize in educational psychology? Discover the best master’s degrees in educational psychology and where to study them.

Master psychology education

The educational psychology It focuses on the study of how people learn, that is, what are the best teaching methods, instructional processes and the individual differences that may exist in learning. But what job opportunities does this profession have and what to study to specialize in it?

What is educational psychology?

The Psychology of the education aims to understand how people can learn better. This branch of psychology studies how learning occurs during early childhood and adolescence, but also how the social, emotional and cognitive processes that are involved in learning develop throughout life.

What does a specialist in educational psychology do?

The educational psychologists They focus on trying to better understand the learning processes. Some of the main topics of study in educational psychology are the following:

  • Educative technology: The educational psychologists They usually focus on detecting which technologies may allow students to learn more easily.
  • Design of educational materials: Another function of the specialists in educational psychology is to design learning materials that are more effective.
  • Special education: This psychology specialty They also allow us to help students who require specialized attention.
  • Development of a study plan: The educational psychology It also has the objective of analyzing and planning a study plan that maximizes learning.
  • Attention to high capacities: They help identify students with high abilities and allow them to improve their abilities.
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Educational psychology job opportunities

The educational psychology It is one of the most complete specializations and with a more global vision of psychology, since it must take many aspects into account in order to diagnose a learning problem or address conflict situations during the first stages of life. In this way, an educational psychologist will have the following professional opportunities:

  • Treat the special needs that students may present at different educational stages.
  • Guide students towards their professional future
  • Prevent bullying or detect bullying
  • Act as a link between students, the center and families
  • Psychoeducational research

Best master's degrees in educational psychology

What master’s degree in educational psychology to study?

Some of the most recommended educational offers to carry out the master in educational psychology In Spain they are the following:

  1. Master in Educational Psychology (University of Barcelona, ​​UB): This master in educational psychology It is oriented towards both a professional and an academic or research itinerary. In this course you will learn the necessary tools so that psychology professionals can intervene or analyze all the elements that participate in learning during the first years of life. This master’s degree consists of 90 ECTS, with a price of €2,500.
  2. Master in Educational Psychology (Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​UAB): This master’s degree in educational psychology from the UAB It brings together the main research teams specialized in this field. Therefore, students in this course will come into contact with the most current lines of study, both in research and educational intervention. This master’s degree consists of 90 ECTS, with a price of €3000.
  3. Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology (Complutense University of Madrid, UCM): This master in educational psychology Its objective is to specialize its students in all the functions that professionals in this field must learn: such as evaluation, educational guidance and counseling, the design of prevention and socio-educational intervention programs, and the evaluation of developmental disorders. . Therefore, it will be a good alternative if you are looking for specialization in these areas. The duration of this master’s degree is 60 ECTS, and the price is €2,700.
  4. Master in educational psychology. Advances in psychoeducational intervention and special educational needs (University of Seville, US): This course will train its students in three main lines: to improve teaching practice, advise in the psychoeducational field and finally, to serve students with special educational needs. Therefore, it is guiding so that, with the electives, its students can specialize in one of these areas. The duration of this master’s degree is 60 ECTS, and the price is €820.7.
  5. Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology (University of Murcia): This master in educational psychology It will provide the necessary knowledge to opt for a professional profile as an educational psychologist or a researcher and academic profile. In the first case, strategies and tools will be offered to know, plan and carry out psychoeducational actions, and, on the other hand, in the second option, preparation will be made to generate quality scientific knowledge around educational development. The duration of this plus is 90 ECTS, and the price is €3,400.
  6. Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology (Autonomous University of Madrid, UAM): This master in educational psychology It focuses on teaching the main strategies to address educational guidance during childhood and adolescence. In addition, it offers internships in different centers. The duration is 90 ECTS, price not specified.
  7. Master in Prevention and Psychological Intervention in Behavior Problems at School (International University of Valencia, VIU ): this master’s degree tries to find an answer to the problems that health professionals and teachers currently face. Some of the most common are lack of discipline, defiance of authority, or school mistreatment or abuse. Therefore, this program is focused on working on the competencies, knowledge and skills necessary to be able to face these problems in current education. This master’s degree has a duration of 60 ECTS, and a price of €8,000.
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These are some of the main master in educational psychology that are offered in Spain. Also, if you want to consult other master’s degrees in psychology, you can consult them in this article.