These Are The Couples In Which Jealousy Does Not Exist

Traditionally, both in Spain and in the rest of the Spanish-speaking countries, it has been assumed that being in A relationship means, among other things, experiencing jealousy when possible competitors are close to the loved one. It is as if, by definition, love consisted of reserving the other person for oneself, actively and, when necessary, through aggressive attitudes.

In fact, jealousy is highly regarded by many people. They are perceived as a sign of passion, something that makes it evident that we value the other person very much and that we could not bear to lose them. From this point of view, not experiencing jealousy in a relationship would be something like a sign that we do not deserve to have a boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband.

However, this is changing. They are becoming more frequent couple relationships that claim to be free of jealousy

The characteristics of a relationship without jealousy

There are many elements that allow us to distinguish which couples choose to limit themselves to enjoying each other’s company without distrust. In fact, something as simple as giving up jealousy makes a before and after in any courtship or marriage

It is an attitude that is clearly manifested through different facets of life, given that, although it may not seem like it, romantic love as it is usually understood can reach lead to states of paranoia that prevent you from truly enjoying that emotional bond.

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Below you can see what are the typical traits of couples in which there is no jealousy involved.

1. The control of the other is conspicuous by its absence

This is probably the main characteristic of this type of love relationship. In them, simply, It is not acceptable to try to control the other person organize your schedule or impose obligations related to the way in which you must interact with other people.

Instead of trying to control the other, it is assumed that the relationship is based on symmetry and the absence of the power of imposition. It is true that there are a series of expectations and rules of coexistence, but that does not mean that tyrannical control or almost police surveillance should be exercised for fear of what could happen.

That is why these types of couples do not blame each other for actions that, only if we become very pessimistic, could be an unclear indication of betrayal. Extraordinary accusations require extraordinary evidence

2. They quietly enjoy independence in leisure

These types of couples are clear that there are many hobbies, interests and hobbies that They do not have to be shared In fact, human beings are complex enough that it is quite rare for two people to always be motivated to do the same things at the same time… even if they are a couple.

3. They reserve a few moments of privacy

Everyone needs time alone, even those who are more extroverted. The most jealous people, in this type of situation, They can come to believe ideas that border on delirium such as assuming that every time your partner goes to a park or reads in their bedroom, they are actually going to interact with “competitors.”

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3. They enjoy mutual trust

Being in a relationship knowing that the glue that holds it together is self-imposed rules is not the same as doing so with the emotional bond itself as the reason for being, and nothing more.

Live authentically every moment makes relationships much more rewarding, and that is noticeable right away. This is why relationships free of jealousy are more likely to lead to moments of happiness.

4. They accumulate less stress

It is logical that in relationships in which jealousy is notorious, moments of paranoia abound.

This, of course, causes stress to accumulate, since there are always reasons to worry; Ultimately, the moments in which theoretically the other person could be betraying us They appear all the time. This is especially true since everyone uses the Internet and smartphones to interact with all types of people.

5. They enjoy a greater social life

There is life beyond the couple. However, many relationships based on jealousy and gender stereotypes and roles turn inward. Because? Because the value of exclusivity is so strong in him that he is far above the rest of his friendships. It is understood that the normal, the default situation, is to be together and isolated from the rest.