Anxiety Is Wearing Me Down: What Can I Do?

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Everything that happens in your material world, in your existing world, has first had to go through your mind By choosing thoughts that help you create the reality that you so desire or, on the contrary, to sabotage yourself, but in either path the author has been and will always be you. Why do people in the same country, with the same government, with the same congressmen, with the same poverty problems, not have anxiety? What differentiates us from them? The choice of their thoughts, what they choose to think, which of all the thoughts they have to choose from, they choose.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is thinking in a catastrophic, chaotic way, always thinking the worst, that within all the existing possibilities, exactly what you do not want so much will happen that is, responding in an alarming way to a situation, always thinking that it will not be favorable, among all the possible alternatives, your mind chooses the worst and there it stays stuck, it does not come out, it remains faithful to that idea, which leads you to be hypervigilant and increase your cortisol levels in the brain, which is evident with all the discomfort you experience, and is what causes sweating, headaches, body discomfort, among other symptoms that are harmful to your body and that in the long term are the causes of diseases.

But why has it given me anxiety? There are many causes, the main one is that you have not worked on it yet, and you have let it pass for “later”, you have downplayed it until it has become chronic. Likewise, you are at an age where your worries have increased, they are no longer the same as before and you don’t know how to deal with all that pressure. On the other hand, there must also be a biological component that predisposes you to respond in an alarming manner, that is, your nervous system is activated automatically at the slightest perception of threat.

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On the other hand, You must also have had role models from an early age, that is, you have copied certain coping styles and normalized them that is, for you now it is normal to act like this, because you have seen it, you have lived it and “it is okay” to behave like this for that environment where you functioned, so you continue doing it.

In the same way, probably from an early age you did not receive adequate emotional support and you did not have the support of responsible adults in your socio-emotional development, who instructed you on how to manage a stressful situation, they did not provide you with the necessary tools to put them into practice, so You grew up not knowing what to do in those situations, and you survived as best you could.

How can I know if I have anxiety?

If you have any of the following symptoms:

What is the treatment for anxiety?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is recommended once a week, in which you learn techniques, strategies and exercises aimed at combating anxiety in its cognitive, physiological and behavioral symptoms. So, when is it recommended to go to therapy?

A healthier, more enjoyable life, being able to meet your goals, working or studying in peace, calm, with more wisdom on how to face the problems that will always exist. For more than 12 years I have been accompanying adolescents and adults to recover their lives from anxiety, we learn together techniques and tools to put into practice when anxiety symptoms want to overflow So I invite you to start your own process, start psychological therapy, make your first appointment and don’t let anxiety take over your life.

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